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#1 Parent Rawhide - 2009-12-12
Re: eslcitychina/ESL8/ESL9/FAITH TANG/LINDA 9 etc

Howdy, Mr Ed. Your post is rather humorous. Haven't we met somewhere before? I've the feeling that you co-starred in one of the episodes of Rawhide. Maybe you were the skewbald I rode in the episode where I had a gunfight with a dishonest agent, whom I shot dead!
So long, Mr Ed.

#2 Parent Mr Ed - 2009-12-11
Re: eslcitychina/ESL8/ESL9/FAITH TANG/LINDA 9 etc

Howdy, Rawhide. I take it you are so named because your hide has been flogged to interested Chinese employers time and again by Chinese recruiters!
Were you not one of the stars of an American cowboy serial on television ages and ages ago? Presumably, his hide was raw because of the amount of horseback riding he did, hence his nickname.
Your post is an interesting one, especially useful to newbies before they take up new teaching positions here in China. Be seein' ya soon! So long.

#3 Parent Rawhide - 2009-12-11
Re: eslcitychina/ESL8/ESL9/FAITH TANG/LINDA 9 etc

In China there are many agencies that are hell-bent on selling foreigners' hides to any employer who needs foreign teachers. Agency staff will tell you things that will please you in order to sell you. But after you have arrived at your new workplace, you'll likely face the stark reality of your new situation as opposed to the falsehoods you'd previously been told about your new school. Just then, you'll realize you've been duped. But after all that travelling it's too late and also very inconvenient to do anything about it. When using agents, it's imperative to take heed of the next sentence. "Have stamped contracts in both Chinese and English, will travel. That should safeguard you from the ole 'bait and switch' routine. Bear in mind that some schools that rely on agents for their foreign teachers are not averse to pulling a fast one on you. If it ain't in Chinese and also in English with the school's stamp, it ain't worth the paper it's written on. As for oral promises, they're worthless too! Good luck with your jobseeking, and dispense with any agents whom you catch telling you lies without a moment's delay.

eslcitychina/ESL8/ESL9/FAITH TANG/LINDA 9 etc

To all ESL Teachers working in or seeking positions in China

During my recent search for another teaching position in China, I had the disturbing, frustrating, infuriating and time wasting experience of dealing with a, what can quite simply be described as a shady, unprofessional and frankly a scam small group trying recruit teachers to unlicensed positions in China, asking teachers to enter on L Visas etc etc

Whilst this is not an unusual circumstance when dealing with teaching in China, these two girls, have absolutely no problem DECEIVING and outright lying to land the commission for your carcass

After the alarm bells began to ring loudly during the initial application phase, I decided to delve a little deeper and discovered that they were recruiting for the now world renowned FRANK ZHANG aka god knows how many other aliases.

To save you all the wasted time and frustration stay well clear of all adverts with the following usernames and emails address as they are ALL from the same scam mob

Faith Tang
welcomeeslchina@gmail com





I will keep you posted when they change names again as it seems to happen every 3-4 weeks

Beware and BE AWARE of these scam recruiters and good luck with your job searches

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