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#1 Parent Kanadian - 2012-07-05
Re: Clifford School in Guangzhou, China

It's good to see decent schools are found in China... It is common knowledge that even the best names or schools someone at the top closes his / her eyes.. That rule applies at my college - close your eyes and pass everyone... The pain is almost over and the jet is warming up it's engine !

#2 Parent englishgibson - 2012-07-04
Re: Clifford School in Guangzhou, China

Manitoban, kids with poor communication skills get their Manitoban Diploma, don't they? Your facts on the board will probably be appreciated by readers as much as facts of your students.
Cheers and beers to "domestic" as well as "international" DIPLOMA from Manitoba :)

#3 Parent Manitoban - 2012-07-04
Re: Clifford School in Guangzhou, China

Pretty elaborate lie, then.

I think making fun of children who post on here is kind of poor form, but, if they're willing to post, I guess it's fair game. Students who graduate from the International Program, do so with a Manitoban diploma. They need to have a foreign passport to enrol and continue on to universities overseas. There's another department that enrols local Chinese students. Most of these students continue studies in local universities, though some study overseas.

Clifford School hires certified teachers to teach in both the Bilingual and International Programs and pays Western salaries to do that. Personally, I'm making over 40,000USD a year plus a 12.5% bonus. There are mostly Manitoban certified teachers in the International Program, but other departments hire from the US, Australia, the UK and other countries. They have a little over 100 Western teachers, 200 Chinese teachers, and 3,500 students (K-12). The Western teachers tend to stay between 3-4 years, but there is a number of teachers who have been working here much longer than that.

While what I just wrote is fact, this part is opinion - I like teaching at Clifford School. The administration is supportive. I get paid well. The gated community we live in (Clifford Estates - hence the name "Clifford School") is a good place to live - as is Guangzhou. My work is relatively stress free and the students are nice - unless, of course, you ridicule their school on an anonymous message board! :)

#4 Parent Kanadian - 2012-07-04
Re: Clifford School in Guangzhou, China

Manitoba is a province in Canada -- or do they just use the word for some in house program ? I have seen schools boast how they are in co operation with schools such as Brock University, and when I emailed the Ministry of Education ( yes, I am Canadian ) their reply was --- you guessed it ha ha it was a lie, only in China ha ha

#5 Parent englishgibson - 2012-07-03
Re: Clifford School in Guangzhou, China

You’ve written a lot but little to go on with for a teacher. Wondering how some teachers have got their jobs there suggests that you are a pro evaluator; however, your poor approach to communicating your message demonstrates you should have listened to those teachers more. Your indication that the school’s international program has been linked to Manitoba program, or higher educational institutions in the province, may only prove that “someone” sponsors this Guangzhou operation. Your signal that the participation is low conveys the idea that this outlet, just like many such places on mainland China, is infamous. Agreeably, we all should be very careful about choosing job or studying opportunities in the country.
Cheers and beers to the skillful graduated poster :)

#6 Parent Graduate - 2012-07-03
Re: Clifford School in Guangzhou, China

Well, as a graduate of the Clifford School, I will try to provide a latest, neutral, fair feedback for this school.
Recently, international program has combined with Manitoba program, so its' scale became larger. And all the students
who attends international program is using new building, which I never seen any rats running around the hallways.
Faculties are new and clean. Therefore you don't have to worry about shitty circumstances that other mentioned.

Plus, curriculum is evolving. Now they have AP courses.
I also took AP test this year and got fairly good marks. 4 in micro(personally hardest for me), and waiting for other two.
The sad thing is participation rate isn't that high, So some of the subjects will be gone by next year.

Uhh for the teachers, I don't know what to say.
Some of them are really great. They have full of knowledge, experience, and responsibility.
However, some of them are not. Sometime I wonder how they got the occupation.
So it depends on luck I guess. The courses that I choose were taught by comparably better teachers.

And finally, it costs a LOT of money to attend this school.
Every extra event seems to cost some money.
Even worse, we had to make up some events to gather money to open our own graduation ceremony
after paying so much money for the enrollment.
I don't know where hell the all the money goes.

I have to admit that this school is shittier than AISG, but it doesn't mean this school is shitty itself.

Anyway as always, it's individuals who make their own decisions.
So make wise decision. But don't let other to judge what you to do.

#7 Parent Crap School Spotter - 2011-03-05
Re Clifford School in Guangzhou, China

Clifford and the great Clifford Pang...First of all, let me answer your question since I personally lived at Clifford Estates in Area A which is the newer section of the ex-pat area where Clifford is based at. The area itself is wonderful and the school looks great. I did not work there and usually they only hire Canadians. However I do know many students from Clifford personally because I was employed in GZ in business and the business I worked at had many foreign families and several of their kids went to Clifford only because Clifford is cheaper than AIG which is the American International School at GZ. The international side of the house only has about...50 students or so. The rest of the school is on the Chinese program which as you know, anywhere in China is a failed exercise. I believe that their total student population is about 2000 I have been told that the Canadian principal is an idiot by most of the students. I have been told about some assaults on students by their security guards that require them to show ID when exiting campus but not when entering. I have been told that many of their teachers do very little for the students. I have also been told that a few teachers there are "OK". I can tell you that many students there attend after school cram courses because they believe they are not getting an education there. I can tell you that many of the students there are Korean and their parents usually work in textiles or jewelery businesses. As far as I know there is very little difference pound for pound between the bilingual and the international side. You should also know that there is more than one school there owned by Clifford. They also have a school for smaller kids on the other side of the property. I call tell you that everything is expensive as hell at Clifford. I can tell you that the free buses there are useful but that if you want to do any running around at Clifford you need a bike or a scooter because it is a very large area. Oliver's, a foreign store there is excellent! They have anything you could imagine. But you will pay through the nose for it too. I can tell you that hospital at Clifford looks great inside and that it is nearly the same as a western hospital but that it is super expensive and once you are inside, except for Dr. Christian, an American, no one there has a clue. Go work for AIG instead.

#8 Parent Roundtrip - 2011-03-05
Re Clifford School in Guangzhou, China

Could you tell me if there is a difference in the way the bilingual side of the education at Clifford and the international side are run. I read a lot of negative posts about this school, but no one makes the distinction between the two sides of the curriculum. Which side is the biggest pain, and why? I'm thinking about teaching there.

#9 Parent POOP - 2011-01-09
Re: Clifford School in Guangzhou, China

all you say is BULLSHIT,MOTHER[edited]

#10 Parent AnyonesGuess - 2009-12-28
Re: My experience at Clifford School in Panyu

Who on earth is John Smith?

#11 Parent Little Known - 2009-12-26
Re: My experience at Clifford School in Panyu

Don't let the looks of a school like Clifford School fool you. Watch out for the administration, parents and students there. They are, with a few exceptions, not worth working with or for. Opt for a better place or go there at your own risk.

#12 Parent to be or not to be... - 2009-12-16
Re: My experience at Clifford School in Panyu

All these posts are simply people stating opinions or making comments without facts to support them. Every school has its pros and cons. Some might have had a bad experience, yes, while others might have a had a good one. Who is to say which to believe? You'd have to work at this school to know for yourself.

Truth is, I have heard some negative comments about this particular school by former teachers (certified). The main complaint was about the administration. Other posts all have similar complaints - thus I think it would be safe to say that there must be problems if more than one person is making these comments. "Qifuren" admitted the school is not perfect. The thing is, how not perfect is it? Or, what's not perfect about it - specifically? I guess it comes down to what your experiences are, as we are all different and thus have different expectations.

Clifford School, from what I have seen on the website, looks impressive. Having over 80+ Western Staff means they must be doing something right - or the economy back home is forcing people to teach abroad. 3,000 students is large and that also must indicate the school is prospering. Turnover rates for foreign teachers should not necessarily be an indicator that the school is "crap." It is the very nature of ESL - teachers come and go - all have different reasons for wanting to live abroad (some travel, others cultural, etc...).

In terms of education, for me personally, if I had children, I'd most likely opt for the proper international school. All around better education. Bilingual schools mainly help local children develop language abilities. That's a good thing and no one should knock it.

Anyway, judging by the posts, I would have to conclude there are some serious problems at this particular school. If there were more posts like "john" supporting the school, I might be persuaded in thinking otherwise. Thing is, there are not.

Good luck to all and enjoy the upcoming holidays!!! 2010!!! Happy New Year!!!!

#13 Parent Son of My Father - 2009-11-19
Re: Clifford School in Guangzhou, China

I know many students from Clifford, most of which are Korean. They attend the bi-lingual program. I have heard absolutely nothing from them other than how bad the school is, how lame the Canadian teachers are, and how badly the school is run.

Korean students in China, what do they know? A bunch of spoiled brats seeking scapegoats for their poor academic performances, if you ask me!

I have spoken to a few of the foreign teachers from Clifford at the local Clifford shopping areas and thus far, from what I have seen are dressed up back packers without a clue. The hiring standard and practices at Clifford must be really low from what I have seen thus far after speaking with a few of their so-called "teachers". I have heard the wages are very low.

Backpackers with at least proper Western university degrees, by the way! Otherwise they couldn't obtain work visas for the purpose of teaching in China. What's more, I doubt the wages at Clifford School are very low for foreign teachers, as you say. A friend of mine teaching in Guangdong, but not at an international school, has loads of spare time to enjoy himself spending his salary, and thinks he's well-paid for what he does, unlike the overworked, strapped-for-cash teachers in the West!

I own my own home here at Clifford Estates and so my housing is quite nice as is the local area. However, with the high costs associated with living and shopping at Clifford, and the low wages that Clifford Pang (owner and developer of Clifford Estates) pays, I cannot imagine anyone seriously considering working there myself.

It seems you're out of touch with what teachers by and large think of their salaries here in China.

#14 Parent Trent - 2009-11-17
Re: Clifford School in Guangzhou, China

I live at Clifford Estates and although I am not teaching at Clifford, I happen to live in section D of Clifford Estates and I know many students from Clifford, most of which are Korean. They attend the bi-lingual program. I have heard absolutely nothing from them other than how bad the school is, how lame the Canadian teachers are, and how badly the school is run. I have spoken to a few of the foreign teachers from Clifford at the local Clifford shopping areas and thus far, from what I have seen are dressed up back packers without a clue. The hiring standard and practices at Clifford must be really low from what I have seen thus far after speaking with a few of their so-called "teachers". I have heard the wages are very low. I own my own home here at Clifford Estates and so my housing is quite nice as is the local area. However, with the high costs associated with living and shopping at Clifford, and the low wages that Clifford Pang (owner and developer of Clifford Estates) pays, I cannot imagine anyone seriously considering working there myself. The buildings and the grounds are indeed nice, but much like Clifford Hospital, no one knows what they are doing there. My kids attend AISG and although costly, I know they are actually being taught by accredited teachers with licenses, whereas at Clifford it is a crap shoot. Most of the Korean parents and a few of the American parents that I have spoken to only have their kids at Clifford due to convenience and pricing. Annual costs at Clifford are about 100,000 RMB per year and Clifford is known to be the 3rd best "international school" in GZ. I would say avoid Clifford and go somewhere that pays well and knows how to treat people. That's my 2 cents. I hope it helps you.

#15 Parent john - 2009-11-17
Re: My experience at Clifford School in Panyu

These posts are full of so much BS!!!!!!!!!!! I would believe they are by one person who has had some bad experience, and probably a person who was inexperienced and couldn't cope!
I am a very experienced teacher and Clifford is a good school to work at now - after changes to curriculum and expectations of teachers it has become a lot more professional, thanks to the Western Administration.
I enjoy the school, the parents, the kids, the whole lot!!!!!!!!!!!!
Don't listen to all this nonsense, some people just hold grudges and try to satisfy themselves by hurting others.
The estate is a great place to live, everything here - good hospital, shopping, food, etc.... Not best paying school, compared to international schools, but it's not an international school. Much better conditions and package than most Chinese schools, universities, etc, however expect a little more responsibility than just your 25 hours a week - but nowhere near as much as a full international school!!
Great place to work, see China and save! A good 3 to 5 year job (or longer if you like it)!
Check it out for youself!!!!!!!!

#16 Parent Jack Taylor - 2009-06-27
Re: My experience at Clifford School in Panyu

I have worked at Clifford School and I fully agree with the above posts. The school accepts any student, no matter their academic ability. Moreover, the administration is full of people who have very little experience - and it shows!!!! They come up with these ridiculous tests, curriculum, etc...and when these things fail, there are no consequences - i.e. getting sacked. The western administration, if you can even call it that, is the worst I have ever seen. The "principal" is a guy who has less than five years of teaching experience, yet this guy thinks he knows all. I have never seen him admit a mistake. Pathetic.

If you are hurting for work, try out Clifford, but make sure you have money in the bank so when you realize the mistake you have made you can get the hell of there.

Oh, and the funniest thing was when we were all given the contract. There was a letter telling everyone that if they leave before the end of the contract they would be put on the "black list." Yes!!! That is the best motivation!!!! Well done!

They have appraisals of teachers, but where is the appraisal for the admininstration???!!!!! That just tells me they think they are above scrutiny - again - pathetic.

#17 Parent Thankful I'm leaving this school after this year! - 2009-06-24
My experience at Clifford School in Panyu

I am glad that I do not seem to be the only one who had a less than desirable experience at Clifford School in China. Let me start out with the things I liked about it. Most of my colleagues have been pretty cool enough, and the school facilities are not too bad. The housing is quite nice, too. Though I have heard many stories directly from other staff about how other students at Clifford School can be nothing short of little hellions, my own students were mostly okay. Now, let me talk about the bad.


Clifford School in Panyu also has several major problems. The biggest one is the administration and parents. The administration has serious problems. I dont even want to go into that. The parents are the same way; they often do more harm than good. This combination pushes a lot of really excellent teachers and students alike out of the school. These two factors alone are so significant that they negate pretty much everything else Clifford School offers.


If I had kids I certainly would not send them to Clifford School. I cannot in good conscience advise others to work there, either. There are much better schools both in Guangzhou and China as a whole. If you are able, please seek them out and avoid teaching or sending your kids here.


#18 Parent Veteran teacher of six years at Clifford School - 2009-04-27
Re: Clifford School in Guangzhou, China

I heard the same bad things about Clifford School in Guangzhou. Many teachers leave every single year because the parents suck and the kids fight a lot. The administration doesn't even follow Chinese Law and let the foreign teachers who are pregnant have their six months of paid sick leave. They neglect that part of the law. I taught here for six years and some of it was fun, but I am glad to be leaving Clifford School.

Teacher from 2007-2008 - 2009-04-17
Clifford School in Guangzhou, China

I am writing a review of Clifford School in Guangzhou, China and one of its assistant principals there, [edited]. The school itself has a nice building and many nice staff members. The parents can be out of control "helicopter parents," and the administration lets them get away with far too much. On certain days they allow the parents to videotaope everything. Many of them come equipped with phones, video camera, the works. Some of them are nice, but when you try to do nice things for them, they just want more and more. There is seldom, if ever, an "enough." Many of them are simply never satisfied.
Many of the students there at Clifford School are sweet enough. A lot of the students fight, hit and punch others all the time. It's not worth the headache to ever work at that school.

Since Clifford School has a very high turnover rate, new teachers are often in as soon as they are out. It's not a good school to have your children educated at. One of their administrators, [edited], is not a bad guy. He's just not an effective communicator and holds grudges against people like you would not believe. I have seen him do that with many others, and I don't doubt that he still does it. It is unfortunate that he never really sees his own faults very often. You don't want to work under him or with him. I worked with him two years ago when he first started but hear from others that he still has not changed.


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