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#1 Parent Chengdu FT - 2009-12-22
Re: Hampson English-Hangzhou

DONT sign a contract.

They might be okay to work for part time if you are really stuck for cash. But if you sign a contract wtih them you will regret it!

I would rather go work in primary school for 20 hours a week with screaming kids. At least I would be off evenings and weekends.

#2 Parent FurShake - 2009-12-17
Re: Hampson English-Hangzhou


I can't directly say what THAT location of Hampson is like, but I will say that the new location of Hampson in Chongqing seems pretty nice with good decorations and friendly staff. Heck, they had CARPET and CENTRAL AIR.

BUT, here's the problem. The contract was simply one of the most insane, lopsided, adversarial contracts I've ever seen. It preemptively withholds money from your salary as a "deposit" and further details all sorts of murky reasons you may owe A LOT MORE money. More than you're likely to learn in a given month, as it happens.

So just be careful before you put pen to paper, as usual.

Kurt - 2009-12-15
Hampson English-Hangzhou

I probably know the answer, but is it possible this is decent training center? I like the fact it is does one-on-one training center. Let 'er rip...

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