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#1 Parent Jon Jonese - 2014-04-27
Re: My experience at Clifford School in Panyu

I worked with [edited] back in 2006. He was a very odd guy to be sure. He was very much anti-social and basically spent his days working on personal studies rather than actually doing any work for the school. I hated working under him. I left after the first year, as there was no way I would stay in that kind of institution.

Everything written about this school is accurate and those with the qualifications should definitely go elsewhere for work, as this is not an international school.

There are loads of people who have quit either mid-contract or after the first year. Not too many people stay on for the longer term, and those that do are extremely lazy teachers who only want an easy job.


#2 Parent Mike Watson - 2014-04-25
Re: My experience at Clifford School in Panyu

[edited] is the current elementary principal at Clifford School. I can tell by his arrogant style of writing. He is a complete and utter disgrace to the teaching profession, as is his sidekick [edited]. Both of these two clowns are total di@kheads! Socially, they are inept (and that's being kind).

[edited] is a huge control freak and wants everything to be done his way. He allows no flexibility nor does he support teacher autonomy in the classroom. Beware of [edited], the current principal. If you don't kiss his ass, that's the end of you...he will hold a grudge for the rest of his life. He is totally out of his element and I still have no clue as to how he was able to get into this position.

Clifford School sucks!!!

#3 Parent qifuren - 2009-12-27
Re: My experience at Clifford School in Panyu

Now you're just making stuff up.

It's funny that each post you make, your claims get worse and worse. You go from lousy teachers, to a school being run by the Communist Party (which isn't true and so what if it is?), and then abuse of children. If abuse and pests are issues at the school, why not start with those points first as those are clearly more serious claims? Rather, you begin your criticisms of Clifford School with teachers being "backpackers." I'm guessing in your next post, teachers will be performing ritual sacrifice of the kids.

Your claims are completely false, which is the problem with the internet. You can say anything and it's out there regardless of the merit. I make more than the salary you quoted in an earlier post; six teachers at the school drive cars to work; and, while I type this, many of the staff are enjoying their Christmas Break on a beach in Thailand. However, we certainly cannot afford dinner in any one of the restaurants here at Clifford.

Whatsmore, you claim to live in D section with three children (and I presume a wife) where the apartments are the oldest and smallest in the Estates. Three bedroom apartments are barely large enough for a family. So, you can afford AISG for your kids, but not a decent place to live.

Finally, your arrogance is nauseating. I guess we all need to make sure to have three or more children, degrees in education, be fluent in Chinese, and whatnot to be able to stand toe to toe with you?

#4 Parent CSUWS - 2009-12-27
Re: My experience at Clifford School in Panyu

First of all, what you consider to be a "qualified" teacher in China is open to interpretation. As for private schools and international schools in China, whether it be Clifford or some other place, most of them are rubbish, I know from experience and I am no newbie to China.

I am very critical of most colleges and schools in China, even many public universities. It is OK to criticize them , I have vociferously criticized many school owners and managers , even publicly humiliated a few of them. It is the right thing to do to in regard to dishonest Chinese "businessmen" who are involved in education.

However, I think the Turino poster is on solid ground when it comes to direct criticism of the CPC, that could lead to unpleasant consequences for an FT, a possible outcome likely to be deportation.

Anyway, if you think that that education is China is crap I am not going to argue with you, because education in China IS CRAP!

#5 Parent Trent - 2009-12-27
Re: My experience at Clifford School in Panyu

Actually my kids attend AISG because after close exam of Clifford International School and my wife touring the school, in addition to long discussions with many parents that are in fact pulling their kids out of Clifford International School, in addition to the well-known poorly run administration, or lack thereof, as well as the numerous rats that were running all over the property which Clifford International School has done nothing about, in addition to the many well known incidents of abuse, neglect, and or assaults on students living in the Clifford International School boarding schools while also being treated like prisoners, the decision to attend AISG was short and sweet. Not surprising, many parents where I currently do business have also decided to send their kids to AISG as well after they all made well informed decisions. Clifford International School is not one of the valid considerations that most parents would make for their kid's education while living in China while also being informed enough to know that there are many other options available to them with similar pricing and better services. I have yet to notice rats running around AISG. I am more than certain that there must be some qualified teachers at Clifford International School, but all in all, AISG is the better choice for a kid's future in my opinion. As for your fear of the Communist Party of China, you can keep on watching what you say and living in fear of the boogie man. Communism and education don't mix and it is a well known fact.

#6 Parent Mainland Tefler - 2009-12-25
Re: My experience at Clifford School in Panyu

An enlightening article I believe to be of interest to all foreigners residing in China is accessible to all.

#7 Parent Turino - 2009-12-25
Re: My experience at Clifford School in Panyu

My own kids attend AISG because they have actual teachers with experience that know what they are doing and AISG is not controlled by members of the Communist Party.

In fact, the truth is that your own children attend AISG because you have chosen to send them there while being able to pay the tuiton fees for their education at said school
And I'll give you a piece of advice: I'd be careful about making derogatory statements about the Communist Party of China if I were you. That could backfire on you. Most everything in China is controlled by said Party, and you won't be able to change that, no matter how rich you are or who you are. After all, you're no better nor worse than another foreigner in China, an alien in the lingo of the Foreign Affairs Office here.

#8 Parent Trent - 2009-12-24
Re: My experience at Clifford School in Panyu

It is always interesting when I read someone trying to cover up the posts about Clifford International School. My own kids attend AISG because they have actual teachers with experience that know what they are doing and AISG is not controlled by members of the Communist Party. When I say that AISG has actual teachers, I mean state certified teachers with valid teacher credentials issued by a state board of education. I have never been impressed with Clifford. The school it over priced for one, the administration is a local embarrassment, and the teaching staff, most of them, in the opinions of many parents and students alike, are not at all professional in most cases. As for the 30-restaurants at Clifford, in the first place most anything at Clifford costs an arm and a leg and teachers working at Clifford cannot even begin to afford most of what Clifford Estates offers in the way of shopping, restaurants, etc. Most parents in Guangzhou at Panyu if they can afford it, will send their kids to AISG or even a local Chinese school over Clifford when possible. I always find it highly suspect when someone from Clifford gets on here and tries to dismiss a post from someone like myself that actually lives at Clifford and has kids of their own while owning their own home at Clifford Estates. When you have 3 kids, live in China, read, write and speak Chinese, and own a home at Clifford while also having a degree in education, then perhaps I can value your opinion a bit more. Interestingly enough, last night we had some company over and we discussed the overall displeasure of Clifford International School among 4 families. It may not be one of the worse "international schools" in China, but it is far, far, from the best. AISG is clearly not the best either, but it is a far cry from Clifford International School and all of the problems that they have there.

Considering the fact that most international schools pay qualified teachers at least 22,000 RMB per month or more in China, Clifford International School's package is not only far below standard, it would be downright unacceptable for most any teacher with valid credentials to even consider working there.

My name is Trent. I live here at Clifford Estates in area D.

#9 Parent Qifuren - 2009-12-23
Re: My experience at Clifford School in Panyu

Perhaps the majority of negative posts were made by one disgruntled person? Therefore, it's not actually reflecting any sort of reality of the situation in Clifford. Many of the posts above and in a different section of this site show up on other review boards at the same times they show up here. Either it's coincidence that all these posts are posted and responded to by these random "teachers," "parents," and "neighborhood observers" or an individual is trying add credence to his own personal issues by posting his complaints over and over in different venues.

Case in point, when "john" posts a positive comment - after seven months of inactivity in this thread - a person who lives in Clifford happens to post a negative comment that same day.

I work at Clifford School. While there may be some complaints to be made - i.e. the package is lower than most other international schools (though the workload is far less), it's not an international curriculum in the bilingual school (IB/PYP), and, as with most schools in China, flexibility and patience is needed (i.e. things change at the last minute and communication can be improved) - but certainly not about any one person or group of people (i.e. the administration). There are good things too - the contract is always honored (which is odd to be considered a "good thing" but when in China...), housing is wonderful, it's a relatively stress free job if you know how to teach, and the location is great (Clifford Estates is nice - swimming pools, recreation center, food court with 30+ restaurants, a market...).

Whatever complaints can be made, they aren't what "teacher from...," "trent," and "jack taylor" write (by the way, there has never been a "jack taylor" working at the school - I understand "pen names," but why make one that sounds like a real name unless you are trying to add false credence to your argument). Like "John," I smell the BS. I'm on this site, and others, often. I rarely post, but think it's unfair to jump to conclusions when, at least to me, it seems somebody has a grudge. So, I don't think the argument is over. You can have your opinion - I'm not trying to convince you to change it - but, I want to make certain that these posts are taking with a grain of salt when forming that opinion.

As per the argument that there aren't any more positive comments found here, there are likely two reasons: Very few people post when something is favorable. However, if a person is unhappy (perhaps for being fired for pouring water over a student's head), that person wants to make everybody know how unhappy he is. The other explanation is the venue itself. The majority of teachers working at Clifford School probably do not go on ESL sites/forums as they are looking for jobs in International Schools (not ESL training centers, univsersities, or Chinese public/private schools).

Happy holidays ESL Teacher's Board!

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