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#1 Parent Cowardly Custard - 2010-01-04
Re: Leshan Normal University

My grandmother and aunts live in Leshan. They are okay thank god/Buddha/Allah but are expectedly frazzled by the quakes. Their apartment building was shaking and spent the day and night elsewhere and just now went back home. Thank you for your reports Melissa and everyone for their compassion and concern.
Sent by Yashu | 9:29 PM ET | 05-12-2008

The internet post above made me lose interest in living in or visiting Leshan. I'm sorry for happening to be a cowardly custard!

Kurt - 2010-01-04
Leshan Normal University

Happy New Year to all and thanks for the responses I've gotten from my inquiries. Does anyone have any experience with or know anything about this university?

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