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#1 Parent slant - 2010-11-18
Re: Green Oasis School possibly the worst school in Guangdong

Once again another member of staff has been fired at this school. The head of primary, Ben J[edited], was let go just the other day. Others on this post were correct. It appears that this school has a few profiting while others who speak up are silenced and let go. It must also be noted that money would have to payed out to these employees who are terminated. Where does this money come from?

#2 Parent kipperx - 2010-09-16
Re: Green Oasis School in Shenzhen, China

J[edited] G[edited] still continues at the school, unfortunately. He is getting paid to do nothing and sitting in a top directors position while still stuffing around the heirarchy of the school. He should have retired in the early 1970's. It baffles many that so many good teachers left and have had their jobs terminated by him, while he hires sycophantic 'yes' men so he can run the school into the ground. It is amazing there are still people like this in education. A corrupt liar who acts like a 5 year old child who didn't receive a lollipop.

#3 Parent leapinglizard - 2010-05-26
Re: Green Oasis School in Shenzhen, China

J. G has [edited] also made claims that a former staff member is a paedophile. A disgusting act, all because the former employee left the school on a bad note. J. G[edited] sent this to the education bureau in Shenzhen, as well as the GTC in the U.K. This man is sick and should not be allowed near a school again. As a parent, I knew this teacher very well and he was not a paedophile. I am glad that my child is out of that horrible school.

#4 Parent Billy Boy - 2010-05-05
Re: Green Oasis School in Shenzhen, China

Kipper is a gutless bully. He enjoys throwing his weight around and showing who is the "Real" boss. As a conserned parent it is interesting to note that your money is being spent on sacking teachers and paying them off and then having to recruit new teachers. Before Easter the school spent $30 000 on advertisements on the TES website. Then there is the cost of getting the teachers out to China, visas etc. At the same time certain people in the school are getting extra cash from back handers on contracts and charging "Entrance Fees" of 5000 Yuan which don't exist.

#5 Parent leapinglizard - 2010-05-04
Re: Green Oasis School in Shenzhen, China

Unfortunately, Green Oasis is not a great school. They have recently terminated four teachers contracts for questioning the current principal's micro management style.

One of them was terminated early the other day, for speaking to the parents about the termination. None of the teachers were given any reason why they had been terminated.

They are all well spoken individuals who did an excellent job with the students. It is very dissapointing that this has happened. "The kipper" aka J[edited] G[edited], the currrent principal has also done this before at his previous school in Shenzhen. It is quite unusual why the board of a school would want such a man working for them when he had a vote of no confidence at his last school. Perhaps these terminations are just for profit.

concerned parent

#6 Parent Training Schol Hater - 2010-04-14
Re: Green Oasis School in Shenzhen, China

Green Oasis School is a rubbish place, just another useless training centre in China. From time to time some lackey from the school will appear on this board and try to defend the indefensible.


#7 Parent Billy Boy - 2010-04-13
Re: Green Oasis School in Shenzhen, China

The teacher from Manila was very badly treated and the Principal could do nothing about it. Other teachers since then have had the same tratment, including the Principal, and it is about to happen to other teachers in the school.

#8 Parent Turino - 2010-01-07
Re: Green Oasis School in Shenzhen, China

This is a board for ESL and EFL teachers.As such,it is of great interest and use to those seeking teaching posts.
As a foreign teacher of English in China,my main interest,call me selfish if you like,is not how good nor bad a school is in terms of its students,but how my salary equates to my time spent working for said school,taking into accouunt the local standard of living, and the environment,and if my prospective employer has integrity.
The problem I have with Green Oasis is that the management has little integrity,as has already been proved by the manner they dealt with a foreign member of the teaching staff.
There are plenty of other schools in China where something like that wouldn't be allowed to happen!I needn't take the risk of going there to teach,and therafter that kind of thing to happen to me,good school or not,in terms of the education it provides.
This board can forewarn foreigners of potential problems before they choose to sign up somewhere where there has already been deceit practised by the hierarchy against teachers.
Unlike other boards that have a vested interest in suppressing complaints from teachers against schools that place advertisements on them,this board allows free speech.GREAT,and long may it continue.As for Greenn Oasis,is it really worth taking a chance going there to teach,later to be fobbed off with a pack of lies?For me,it ain't!

#9 Parent Turino - 2010-01-05
Re: Green Oasis School in Shenzhen, China

Originally,at least one foreign teacher posted a critical account as to how she had been mistreated and lied to while teaching at your school. Then someone who was Chinese,judging by the somewhat iffy English posted that it was okay to tell said foreign teacher lies in order to protect her feelings instead of just saying her teaching was not up to scratch.That post was later deleted!It seemed highly likely said deleting poster was a Chinese teacher at your school at the time.Ultimately the foreign teacher had to leave China,as she couldn't get her Residence Permit,thanks to your school's management.In fact,she returned to Manila,if my memory serves me right,and was considerably out of pocket as a result of her bad treatment by your school management,having been chosen to teach there initially by them,her employer.Hence the criticism of your school in this thread,which you can check,in line with ehat I've mentioned below:

1)(Message Deleted by Poster) -- Mandreia -- 27 September 2008
2)Click on it,please:

Foxy's post quoted what Mandreia had later deleted - that's all!

#10 Parent Green Oasis School is still the best! - 2010-01-05
Re: Green Oasis School in Shenzhen, China

I didnt mean to threaten you, I just said that this school's pretty good and you will have to take back your words after u actually visit this school(which I know you haven't yet, cuz if u would have then you would've known that this school's way better than you thought!)People like you only know how to criticize and you know that you are wrong but still you want to criticize the good stuff(no offense to you).

#11 Parent Turino - 2009-04-10
Re: Green Oasis School in Shenzhen, China

To people who still think the school's bad are thinking really wrongly and they will regret saying all the bad stuff about the school.

Now,now!You dare to threaten such people,me included?I'll never have any regrets!
How dare you?

#12 Parent Green Oasis School becoming the best international school in Shenzhen - 2009-04-10
Re: Green Oasis School in Shenzhen, China

Hello to those who understand me,
GOS ROCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Green Oasis School is making its way to become the top international school in Shenzhen!The school is developing greatly with many new teachers and students!It is i think the most developed school in Shenzhen.The students are happy the teachers are happy,the parents are happy what else would a school want? It is licensed to provide the university of Cambridge International programmes. It is the best right now with Chinese nationals and foreign students. Its a great experience!
To people who still think the school's bad are thinking really wrongly and they will regret saying all the bad stuff about the school.
GOS ROCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GOS ROCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GOS ROCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GOS ROCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GOS ROCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GOS ROCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This school's the best and the best of all(no offense)

#13 Parent just a comment - 2009-02-18
Re: Green Oasis School in Shenzhen, China

I am not claiming to be an English teacher, I just claimed to be a teacher who speaks English as a native language, my spelling is not always perfect, possibly down to dislexia not ability, or maybe down to using a computer that auto corrects and I don't always check when when I deem it unimportant. However had the sentence been spoken you would be unaware of the grammatical mistake unlike the rest of the posting which made very rudimentary mistakes. My mistake was of the "Eats, Shoots and Leaves" variety rather than basic English. Regarding the quality of my own parenting and the teaching of English, both my children were tested at age 12 and had English language usage (grammar and vocabulary) of 18 plus. I recently turned down a position as an English teacher in a school because I believe speaking English is not enough of a qualification to teach it, in the same way as being able to add up doesn't make you a maths teacher, know how to turn on a computer does not make you a technology teacher and jogging once a week doesn't qualify you to teach Physical Education! Teachers make mistakes because they are human - it is the level and frequency of those mistakes which defines ones suitability to the task.

#14 Parent Turino - 2009-02-17
Re: Green Oasis School in Shenzhen, China

'''If your 'written grammar' is representative of your spoken language then I would not want you to have taught my kids, both of my children did go to International schools in non English speaking countries. Why should schools in Shenzhen have to accept less than schools, in say Europe, regarding the quality of English spoken (and written)......That said I also followed a heavily accented English guy 'who's students' "also couldn't" understand him who left the same problems.'''

Now,'who's students' or 'whose students',which one is correct?And "also couldn't" is better expressed as couldn't either,isn't it?

According to your logic,as you've outlined above,you haven't the right to teach English to your children,let alone to anyone else.That's because of your iffy 'written grammar'.People in glasshouses shouldn't throw stones.Judge not and ye shall not be judged.

I'm full up,so no spam please.Ta very much!

#15 Parent just a comment - 2009-02-17
Re: Green Oasis School in Shenzhen, China

Having read all the threads so far the one interesting thing is the level of English written. The one post stating that it is not done by a native English speaker has a higher level of correct usage than many of the other postings. Would it have been kinder to say sorry your English is not good enough (and that comment can also apply to the person claiming to live in London).
If your written grammar is representative of your spoken language then I would not want you to have taught my kids, both of my children did go to International schools in non English speaking countries. Why should schools in Shenzhen have to accept less than schools, in say Europe, regarding the quality of English spoken (and written). Commenting on one side of the story, with no knowledge of the other, cannot been seen as wise, making judgements less so. This, of course, is only my opinion. However in my experience the truth rarely is revealed by one side alone.
Bitterness and honesty rarely go together.
As a teacher myself I have often taken over classes previously taught by non native English speakers (often they have been wonderful people with a large amount of knowledge but poor English skills) and the problems they have left, for no other reason that heavy accents or poor grammar or limited vocabulary, have taken a lot of clearing up. That said I also followed a heavily accented English guy who's students also couldn't understand him who left the same problems.
It would appear the school was not honest in its reasons for discontinuing your employment, why they did this we can only speculate.
Think on this, dismissal for visa reasons can be disclosed openly to new employers, if say it was a competency matter which could effect future employment would you have preferred them to be honest? Cruel to be kind or politics? That is a judgement I do not have the information to make

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