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#1 Parent DaXiong - 2011-02-20
Re Shandong Oral English Center

Chinese dude calls himself "Jerry Smith"? No worries. It's bound to be on the level. Rotsa Ruck roundeye.

#2 Parent Clair - 2010-01-22
Re: Shandong Oral English Center

I know a littile about the company. It seems that their contract is not worth the paper it is written on.

Cmking - 2010-01-06
Shandong Oral English Center

hi has anyone heard of a school called Shandong Oral English Center. Ive been in contact with a guy who goes by the name of "Jerry Smith" the e-mail is, i wanted to knw if any1s got info on school or recruiter cause i cant find anything on him. cheers

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