Return to Index › Re: Foreign teachers are no slaves of crappy Chinese TC bosses and their lackeys!
#1 Parent Turino - 2010-01-08
Re: Foreign teachers are no slaves of crappy Chinese TC bosses and their lackeys!

I know the first people who would write a negative comment on this, Turino and Silverboy. But I dont care, so, yea...

Actually,what teachers think of schools is a very important matter for themselves.That's because they are the potential employees of employers at schools,and don't want to be used and abused by ropey employers who are low on principles.Fair enough,I think.
What parents think of schools is an entirely different matter,albeit equally important.You've stated the obvious about that.As you've said,parents needn't care about how employers,school management,treat their employees,teachers.They only care about what they envisage to be the quality of education provided,in line with what they are prepared to,or indeed are able to,spend on their children's education.Fair enough too,I think.
I can't speak for Silverboy,and I don't think this reply has any negative comments.To me,it's just common sense,and probably the same to many readers of this post,so not worthy of debating.
Over to you,Silverboy!

#2 Parent Anonymous - 2010-01-08
Re: Foreign teachers are no slaves of crappy Chinese TC bosses and their lackeys!

Hmm...I think it doesn't really matter what you think of the school, because well, people care about their kids having good education, and that's what that school provides. All this nonsense is not gonna stop a parent from putting their kid in that school. Parents(usually)look for the education there which I think is pretty good. Parents dont care about what is going on with the staff and the "inside" of the school, they care about their kid getting good education and the "outside"environment of the school.That's what I think. Nobody HAS to agree with this and I am pretty sure some people are already planning to write a negative reply to this, but I dont really care, I only care about showing my opinion.I know the first people who would write a negative comment on this, Turino and Silverboy. But I dont care, so, yea...

#3 Parent Marble Arch - 2010-01-06
Re: Foreign teachers are no slaves of crappy Chinese TC bosses and their lackeys!

The HELLO poster is a nice fake story teller, and it is obvious that he has a hidden agenda in posting in favor of that crap school by pretending to be someone else.

It's something we have seen very often here, and therefore the discerning reader should not believe in what he is saying.

#4 Parent Training School Hater! - 2010-01-06
Re: Foreign teachers are no slaves of crappy Chinese TC bosses and their lackeys!

You must really think that some of the long term posters here are naive and stupid! I can spot people like you,a mile off, corporate lackeys and grovelling snivelling weasels! I was almost rolling around laughing when I read that bit about you going down to Shenzhen just to check out that crappy Green Oasis place. You live in Hangzhou and you flew down to Shenzhen or caught the train, whatever, just to check out the stagnant "Green Oasis School"!

Yeah, and I just saw a pig fly past my window! Shenzhen is choc a block full of rubbish training centres, Green Oasis is just one out of dozens of them. Let me remind you that Green Oasis School was omitted by mistake in the 2009 Crap School and Recruiter List compiled by a well known person in the EFL industry, Silverboy, who used to be a frequent poster here. It should have been included on the list, Silverboy just forgot.

Silverboy is well connected and does his research, he is also honest and of high integrity. He has made a good contribution to EFL in China and is a highly experienced teacher. If he says that Green Oasis School is crap then I have no reason to doubt him.

#5 Parent Danikol - 2010-01-06
Re: Foreign teachers are no slaves of crappy Chinese TC bosses and their lackeys!

I might be applying to the school, cuz now I think that school is pretty good and all the negative reviews are lies.

A school is as good as its teachers and leadership are. If you really apply for a job at this school, you should perhaps refrain from using cuz instead of because. Otherwise, the latter might cast some doubt on the quality of the "school" hiring a "teacher" like you.

#6 Parent Hello! - 2010-01-06
Re: Foreign teachers are no slaves of crappy Chinese TC bosses and their lackeys!

Hello!Why do you even care to spend so much time writing absolutely nonsense about the school and actually reading all the crap about the school?I mean I bet you have other BETTER stuff to do then write about a school you haven't even been to! Do you even know anybody from that school, and if you think I am teacher there, than you are wrong. I have been to that school specially to check all the rumours about the school since I live in China, and from what I've seen, that school might be not the best, it is still pretty good!So yea, that's what I suggest, visit the school. I live in Hangzhou, where I teach in a chinese school. I have read all the good and bad reviews about the school and visited it. I might be applying to the school, cuz now I think that school is pretty good and all the negative reviews are lies. I know that there was a bad incident which happened with a woman who was applying there, but that doesn't mean that the school is crap!It just happened with ONE person.
By the way, could you count all the good and bad reviews and tell me?Send me the links too!Thanks!Its ok if u dont do it, but I think if u do count all maybe you will change your mind

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