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#1 Parent Ken - 2010-01-20
Re: Snivelling weasels in attack mode!

What? Chinese overseas work together and cooperate?. are you joking tell me you are joking...

Chinese are THE most divided people on earth and we consider each other to be enemies.

Huo Yujiana (Fong Yeun Kap) a Chinese hero first said this in Tianjin in 1909, he was murdered by his own people for stating such a fact. Highly ironic no?.

Infact you take a train to Hong Kong stand and watch in somewhere like Tai Po, the Cantonese people are top of the food chain, then its Hakka people then people from the PRC... if in a small 'modern' city state like HK they cannot achieve unity then what hope for the rest of China?.

My family went to the UK in the 1960s, my dad takes the naive view in that they are all family and won't treat him badly, 50 years of battering and exploitation by his family have as yet still not proven this to him though it is clear to see. Chinese people overseas whether born there or migrants are only ever your friends for as long as you are useful, the moment you cease to be useful you are discarded. I used to be incredibly naive and taught my chinese friends to drive how tro do something, even got them jobs. Once they got what they wanted I was discarded.

However outside of my personal experiences they are divided as they come.

In that whenever something anti chinese appears on TV, in the media or a racist attack occurs there is no ONE voice in which to express anger and or disgust about this.

The UK government blamed the foot and mouth disease on imported chinese meat but when challenged for the evidence did not provide any.

Compare this to say the Muslims or black people who have organisations in which to promote unity, even the Sikhs and hindus have various organisations to protect and promote their interests. Chinese overseas are virtually invisible for this lack of unity and quite frankly these days when people ask if I am Chinese I say no, I instead pretend to be Korean or Japanese as Chinese society is so incredibly twisted.

#2 Parent TakenAback - 2010-01-11
Re: Snivelling weasels in attack mode!

Many foreign teachers in China are distrustful of each other. They find it difficult to get along with one another, and do not make an effort to do so. Whenever they have differing views, they will criticise one another bitterly.
Contrast the behavior of Chinese working abroad. They will help each other whenever possible, and become friends.
Maybe this culture difference is due to the fact that Chinese culture is far more group-based than Western culture.
The venom in some of the posts on this board is here for all to see. I've been told that there's much worse that thankfully has not been accepted by the board moderators, who are kept busy rejecting much ruder posts than those that we are permitted to view.

#3 Parent Seriously PEOPLE! - 2010-01-11
Re: Snivelling weasels in action!

Hi everyone,
I have been reading this "fight" ,you may call it, for quite a few days. I have read almost all the reviews by now, and believe me, this totally sounds like a fight!I mean really, people are actually abusing people and calling them names which is pretty rude, if you ask me. I think everyone's just taking this to seriously, which is very funny. When I read all this it sounds to me that everyone's biting each other's heads off!Which is good entertainment, LOL!One person said that this school was good and then everyone started to "fight"! Even mature people sound so childish and "unmature". I think there is no way anybody's gonna win the fight, so I think you guys should just leave it till here, finish the matter, so you will have one less thing to worry about. I am not taking anybody's sides, infact I am just 18 and I was looking for something to entertain me, and there it was, mature people fighting like little kids!This is seriously gonna take all of you no where! It is also gonna take your time fighting and writing replies which is not doing anything and is complete nonsense!I wouldn't have bothered to write this,but looking at how much time everyone's wasting, which they should be using to do good to the world, is just totally stupid and weird. So I thought why dont I give you guys a suggestion and finally finish this fight or atleast try to make you guys realize what childish things you guys are doing. Its just one school!C'mon people!

Thanks for reading this, hope this would take your mind to the bright side and stop this "fight"

P.S.:In a way all of those messages sounded like World War 3!!!LOL!

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