Return to Index › Re: Many Opportunities for Black Teachers - ESL school review
#1 Parent BillyBloggs - 2010-01-12
Re:Ltd Opportunities for Black Teachers - ESL school review

Well, well, well, BB! Aren't you bitching and moaning about laowai bitching and moaning about what they find disagreeable in China? Seems that you're at least as big a bitcher and moaner as those of your fellow laowai that you're eager to criticise for doing the very same thing, the only difference being you're unwilling to bitch and moan about things that actually matter in China, such as no laws against racial discrimination because your view is that either it won't make a difference, or your fellow board readers, some of whom may be black people contemplating applying for teaching posts in China, needn't know about it.

I hardly think my pointing out the obvious, constitutes bitching and moaning. Black people are no different to you or me, and should research their prospective job possibilities as much as possible. I pointed out that my current school hires black teachers, so there is no discrimination there. There are discriminatory schools, so avoid them. Simple!

#2 Parent Goldengirl - 2010-01-12
Re:Ltd Opportunities for Black Teachers - ESL school review

It means they are providing their take on what they find disagreeable in the course of their lives here in China.

I find many things "disagreeable" here in China, but I don't bitch and moan about them. I'm sensible enough to realise that they are things I have to live with, if I'm staying here. Thing is, a lot of you expect things to be laid out on a platter for you, and if it isn't, something is wrong!....or "unfair", as silverbaby is so fond of declaring! Life's unfair! Get over it!

Well, well, well, BB! Aren't you bitching and moaning about laowai bitching and moaning about what they find disagreeable in China? Seems that you're at least as big a bitcher and moaner as those of your fellow laowai that you're eager to criticise for doing the very same thing, the only difference being you're unwilling to bitch and moan about things that actually matter in China, such as no laws against racial discrimination because your view is that either it won't make a difference, or your fellow board readers, some of whom may be black people contemplating applying for teaching posts in China, needn't know about it.

#3 Parent BillyBloggs - 2010-01-11
Re: Opportunities for Black Teachers - ESL school review

It means they are providing their take on what they find disagreeable in the course of their lives here in China.

I find many things "disagreeable" here in China, but I don't bitch and moan about them. I'm sensible enough to realise that they are things I have to live with, if I'm staying here. Thing is, a lot of you expect things to be laid out on a platter for you, and if it isn't, something is wrong!....or "unfair", as silverbaby is so fond of declaring! Life's unfair! Get over it!
#4 Parent Goldengirl - 2010-01-11
Re: Opportunities for Black Teachers - ESL school review

Racist it may be, but what you gonna do about it? Sue them??
You blokes all reckon that China should be just like home. It's not!...and never will be. Get over it!

Just like home? Are you implying that 'home' is better? Individual posters highlighting the aspects of Chinese customs and culture that they find unfair does not mean they cannot get over it. It means they are providing their take on what they find disagreeable in the course of their lives here in China. That's valuable information for newbies. Nothing is perfect in the west either, and people highlight and debate unfairness there. At the end of the day, China can't be that bad to live and work in, else posters like Silverboy wouldn't be in the country year after year. Being here doesn't mean he should keep his views to himself nor stop complaining about what he perceives as unfair He's got nothing to get over, except the odd hangover following a night on the town!

#5 Parent BillyBloggs - 2010-01-11
Re: Many Opportunities for Black Teachers - ESL school review

So now you are an apologist for Chinese racism? Typical, that is what I would expect from a grovelling weasel , corporate lackey and China school apologist like yourself!

I see! No room for moderate views on this board!
If my views don't agree with yours, so be it! No need to get your knickers in a knot, about it. What happened to "supercat" BTW?? You blokes are laughable when you suggest China should introduce anti-racism laws. True, they should, but can anyone see it happening? USAnia has these laws, Pommyland has these laws, Australia has these laws. Do they work? To some respect, yes, but not fully!
Yingwen, you have been in China for 3 1/2 years?...and worked at 6 different schools in that time? Don't stick around long, do you? Just to highlight that, I have been here 8 1/2 years, and have worked at 4 schools.
If a "school" has the freedom to hire or not to hire a non-"white" person and if it does not hire a person because of colour of skin in disregard of qualifications, then this is "racist". The answer to this cannot be "take it or lump it"

Racist it may be, but what you gonna do about it? Sue them??
You blokes all reckon that China should be just like home. It's not!...and never will be. Get over it!
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