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#1 Parent Training School Hater - 2010-01-29
Re: Shane English Yangzhou

Shane English is crap, and you are right, modern China is full of liars, cheats and crooks.

There are some people who think that foreign owned and managed schools are better then Chinese owned ones, that is rubbish, many foreigners in China will stab you in the back faster than any Chinese person will.

So many scumbags in China nowadays, Shane English is just the tip of the iceberg!

Andrew Dewitte - 2010-01-29
Shane English Yangzhou

...I had heard many bad things about the Shane English chain before I worked there, yet I approached them with an open mind. Unfortunately, this appears to be a chain and a franchise that allows many illegal pratices...

Unfortunately, I have been left with the impression that this is really true of modern Chinese cultue as a whole...

I was lied to and I felt exploited for the time that I worked ther... And the head office in Shanghai did nothing to remedy any ills... That includes foreign as well as local administrators...

As China gains more and more economic power, I would hate to live in a world that promote "sinonization" over globalization...

In fact I would do everthing possible tp prevent it...!

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