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#1 Parent Justin Desrochers Canada - 2010-03-25
Bill Zhang, (Emperor of China) and owner of Songyuan Foreign Studies College AKA Eastern Star

Hi Bill, how are you good friend?

You know, I thought I would just leave this behind a long time ago, when we had our phone call. And just let it be and quiet, and let it be (my favorite song by the way). But it seems as if the shit storm is back and the shitnami is back and it has your name on it. Even though it has been well over a month since this particular even came up, while I was in China. For the comments I posted before, the ones I actually wrote with my name on it, which I always have had, I am and still sorry for those. But the ones I am writing to you now, have brought them down upon you by your own half witted self. But you know I wish I had a lower I.Q., so that I could enjoy your company, really I wish I did so I could understand you and your way of thinking. If you stop telling lies about me, I'll stop telling the truth about you, it's very simple. But the single and one reason why I am writing this post is your personal death threat you sent to me and my very good friend Tony, slander, name calling, calling us terrorists when it does not even seem as if you know what it means, to what TeePee said, saying that I need education and you would help me? Please, I speak English, you speak Chinglish, I can spell Oxford too you know and saying that Tony hates Songyuan and telling him to get out and leave this land and speaking of his bosses that way? You don't know jack shit about him, what he likes or does not like. I was not going to write anything at the time you sent it, but since you spoke ill of us, don't go crying to your foreign teachers to come and call me and say, what you did is bad and poor baby Bill does not like it. Well, this one is staying here for good until you take your comment off and stop slandering foreign teachers and other schools, once I hear it stopped then I will. Someday you'll find yourself, and will you be disappointed Bill. And telling foreigners "Tony and Justin I will kill you" when you know it is not even me or him that started these comments. I'm not going to get into a battle of wits with you; I never attack anyone who's unarmed. I'll try being nicer if you'll try being smarter. Because Bill, you had a good teacher on your hands that you let go because you we're angry that I was better friends with someone that left your school to be happier, angry that someone left your school because she was so unhappy, angry because someone did not believe your threats and left your school. And you took out your anger one me. Not because, as you claim, bad teacher, bad English and bad work manners. Then why the hell did the Premier of my province give me a commendation on volonteering? Why the hell do I have a successful career in Politics and Government? Why the hell did I get a grant to attend University fully paid? Are you always this stupid, or are you making a special effort today? Id explain it to you how this all came about, but I dont have any crayons with me. And to anyone that is thinking of working for this retard in chief. Think again, because this is what you get when you leave the school, unfounded threats to your life, slander and name tarnishing. And the links that I have included, are Songyuan Foreign Studies College trying to pose as its former school Eastern Star, and well who is Sabrina ? Who the hell knows. All that matters is that this school is that school and vice versa. When it says you will work in Tianjin? Good luck, you have to be Bill Zhang's Hand puppet for a long time to get that (F.Y.I. you do not want his hand up there for you to be his hand puppet) if you believe in the Easter Bunny, a favorite quote of mine that a good Mexican friend of mine told me, then you would believe what these ads for Songyuan Foreign Studies College or Eastern Star says.

#2 Parent TeePee - 2010-02-22
Re: Songyuan Foreign Studies College a.k.a Eastern Star

It is only right the someone should respond to these unbased attacks, as they are purly that of opinion and facts lived by these teachers, as Mahoma states in his brilliantly poignant statement about attacks on his friends. It is incredible to me that this Bill Zhang would go so far as to say that these two teachers are terrorists, this man must have been taught English by some of his teachers, because not only does he spell wrong Fortune 500 companies (Fountain 500) but would say a "Number of Cogress", how a man writes is how his true character is in real life, and last time I checked in the "Oxford" dictionary to be a Terrorist was "noun - a person, usually a member of a group, who uses or advocates terrorism." I check the news regular and I diden't see a bomb attack by any radical foreigners in China? This mans ego is bigger then that of Mount Everest if he is to take an opinion and or commentary on his school as a Terrorist attack and try and silence all commentary on his school, whether it be good or bad, by what Mahoma states, these two are not even remotely attached to any of this, let alone a terrorist attack. This is not an attack, terrorist attack, its an O-P-I-N-I-O-N, in case he would like to spell it. In spite of what ever is said here, it remains that he changed the school's name because of its bad teaching practices.

#3 Parent Mahoma Iza - 2010-02-18
Re: Songyuan Foreign Studies College a.k.a Eastern Star

OMG!! This is so great. The boss himself. Despite the fact Im not being targeted anymore for a while now, I feel I ought to give a word or two about this, cause Bill, neither Tony nor Justin posted anything against you. They, like myself, have the guts to write down our names when we are going to say something. So I would really appreciate if you stopped saying that it's them who are doing "this evil crime" against you.

Teachers who want to come and work in Songyuan (if anybody out there knows where Songyuan is, cause I didn't till I came) please do as Bill says, and contact the current teachers at the school, but contact the former ones as well. They all will have a story or 2 to share.

Now, I guess if the business is going so well as "it is", then there is not even need to get mad for such a simple post. If that's not the case, may God help you get more business, I mean it.

Now, just a brief comment about Justin. Yeah, he is 19, but still you brought him to China knowing so, and he had to go back after working for this school without the needed visa, which I don't know if cannot be gotten or just wasn't requested, or bought, but that's not the case. About Tony, I don't think it's anybody's problem why he still lives here, he has the right to live wherever he pleases, and stop the shit about him saying things about the other schools headmasters, again, if he has something to tell them he will do it face to face, not hiding with another name, and certainly he wouldn't need help to do it.

Nobody is saying that this is the worst school, which I don't think it is. Somebody, which I would like to hear who it was too, just informed the newcomers that the Songyuan Foreign Studies College changed its name back to Eastern Star, so that they can make their research before hand, and don't get here with no clue, as I, and many others did on our first coming to China.

Just to add, this is the former discussion in this forum about the school. Guys, feel free to check it out.

By the way Bill, Im not posting here because I hate you or want to ruin your business, I couldn't be happier now that I left, so thanks for firing me; I do it as a response to the blame you put on someone who is not to be blamed, and remember that Justin as you said is too young to go through this crap, so let him enjoy his vacation. The same goes for Tony, who didn't know about the post until you called him to blame him.

Happy spring festival you all!! (and God bless)

#4 Parent Bill Zhang - 2010-02-18
Re: Songyuan Foreign Studies College a.k.a Eastern Star

Once and for all, I want to clarify some rumors surrounding in this site. By the way, I am Bill Zhang the founder and owner of Songyuan Foreign Studies College. Well, my business is still doing well and getting better and bigger, in fact I am opening new branches in Changchun and tianjin, another two new in songyuan, more and more clients are getting our services. Such as fountain 500 companies in tian TADA developing district. The government is supporting the advocacy of my school. That is why they appointed me as a number of jilin congress, and they nominated three foreigners from my school, the only school received this nomination in the town, Jilin Outstanding Foreign Experts, As of this moment I have 7 Foreign Teachers who are working for me, Lileth and Mary are from Philippines, Cathy, Cody, Gil and Jessica are from Canada, Lee is from Harvard, U.S.A. some of them have 2 years contract with my school, and I have 4 more Foreign Teachers to come, for my business expansion.

I don't want to say any bad words nor do a back fight to those who wrote things against me. Well, I am pretty much aware in any areas of life once that you are succeeding there is some who are not happy; instead they will try to ruin you. Theres a saying if the tree if full of fruits, a lot who wants to throw on it. Like in a business world, its not a surprise that there somebody who is not happy for the success of others. To those that are happy in doing so, I cant do anything for you, but just to wish you good luck. Though you are doing a character assassination to me, that's life we cant please everybody. We are all entitled to our actions. I am not saying that I am perfect or my school is perfect. Everyday is a due process and a chance for each one of us to live our life to the fullest and do our best. I can just proudly say that everyday I am trying and doing my best to let my employees be satisfied and happy in working for me.

However, for the potential employees and applicants out there, I am challenging you to have a try to work for me. If you have a second thought and want to make sure, you may directly connect with my employees, lileths e-mail is, her telephone number is 0086 13894986595, lees telephone number is 0086 15843853041, cathys e-mail is, and you may personally ask them, about their working conditions in my school.

Tony and Justin, Please stop playing a terrorist in Songyuan, What you are doing is very low and childish, I know the reason you want to do this is just because you want to scare off all the foreigners so I can rehire you, Justin, If you want a job in Songyuan, I welcome you to come to my office and we can have a good talk, but you are too young (only 19 years old), you need a lot of training and at least a B.A degree. Perhaps I can give you some tutoring classes. Tony, you hate songyuan, you hate earth village school, you hate Simon, You hate two joys school, Kevin and David are the bosses, you called them assholes, you hated me, but why do you stay in songyuan, why donot you just leave this land, why do you do back biking? Why when you need your visa done, you come to me to ask help?

Well anyway, May GOD forgive your all and May we be happy every day and Peace to you all!

#5 Parent englishgibson - 2010-02-17
Re: Songyuan Foreign Studies College a.k.a Eastern Star

This is so evil and this is a crime!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
yes, you are right that sharing experiences/info is sometimes "a crime" in china. lol
cheers and beers to the control freaks walking on their nutshells :)
#6 Parent TSH - 2010-02-16
Re: Songyuan Foreign Studies College a.k.a Eastern Star

Your school is crap, all schools in Jilin are rubbish, you are a disgrace!

#7 Parent Mahoma Iza - 2010-02-16
Re: Songyuan Foreign Studies College a.k.a Eastern Star

Well Sam, I guess everybody has their own reasons for hating the school, and a few, I guess, for "loving"it. In both cases, it's not of yours or my business. In this place we post opinions and state facts the way we lived them. And the same way you previously posted shit on me, and my friend Justin, without even knowing us, never even seen us, and just under the rumors you heard when you went back to the school, I don't see why someone cannot or should not prevent teachers from falling into a trick so low such as changing your company's name, which, no matter what reason is behind, looks pretty dodgy.
Personally, I haven't been in the city so far as to know about the previous name, but since you confirmed it, I guess it's true.

Teachers coming to Jilin, judge by yourselves, and if you are still in your countries, no matter what, don't come on a tourist visa and don't come without a signed and stamped contract, which in many places around here seems to be the common thing.

#8 Parent sam cong - 2010-02-16
Re: Songyuan Foreign Studies College a.k.a Eastern Star

This is so terrible that someone used my name post an untruth message, My name is Sam Cong, My Chinese name is Cong Shaoying, I have been working for Songyuan Foreign Studies College for 3 years, My e-mail is, My mobile phone is 0086 13904381501, This is so evil and this is a crime!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Why somebody hate Songyuan Foreign Studies College so much and start to use other people's name to spread the rumor??????? If you are telling the truth, Why donot you use your own name? I donot know why you are doing this, but for sure you have a very dark and dirty mind!!!!!Shame on you!!!!!

Sam Cung - 2010-02-14
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