Return to Index › WARNING: Abby, recruiter in Hebei, Shijiazhuang -
#1 Parent anon - 2010-02-19
Re: WARNING: Abby, recruiter in Hebei, Shijiazhuang -

I am in Shijiazhuang now and have been put in a 4star hotel because this Abby (real name Xiao Fei) and her associates 'Lily and Victor' failed in every sense to be good agents. I flew from Vietnam to start a job in University that did not happen. Do not trust these people. They will simply tell you many lies. I spent all day in the police station with this Abby and I will be pressing charges her . Lucky for me I have Chinese friends in Sjz to help me.

Randy - 2009-10-14
WARNING: Abby, recruiter in Hebei, Shijiazhuang -

This is just a warning message to anyone dealing with a recruiter named Abby in Shijiazhuang city.

The problem I have had with her and her associates are as follows:

- They hide the fact they they are recruiters. In my case, I even went to the school to meet with her and the director of the school. She introduced herself as a teacher at the school, and introduced me to other teachers as if they were her fellow teachers.

- Since I believed she was a teacher at the school, I negotiated with her to come to a mutually acceptable contract. I signed this contract, went through all the procedures and traveled to Hong Kong to get my VISA. Upon showing up for my first day of work, I discovered that the contract I had signed was not the same one that the school had signed... someone had lifted my signature off of the contract I had signed and put it on this new, different contract. This new contract had significantly less benefits, did not cover any expenses, and required me to travel to different cities to teach. After reading this contract I showed the school the original contract that I had signed. They denied ever seeing this original contract, and indicated that they would never give the benefits indicated in the contract. It was at this point that they told me that Abby was a recruiter and that she was the one that must have lifted my signature off of the old contract and put it on the one the school signed.

In the end I don't know for certain who changed the contract, the school or Abby, but be warned that if you are dealing with an Abby in Shijiazhuang city, that she is a recruiter. I have also seen her associates posting job adds under different names, but their emails are typically as follows: or

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