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#1 Parent Chengdu CT - 2010-02-19
Re: Hall of Shame

Are you sure this was WEB, sounds identical to Meten/Metro in Chengdu.

#2 Parent Wei Jing - 2010-02-04
Re: Hall of Shame

silverboy thanks for your great post on the different schools to avoid.I would like to share my experience working in Web International Wuhan branch.I have now left thankfully and i am much happier teaching in another place.One thing that got me about web was the act that they try to force you to do what they want you to do.You have no freedom or creativity to to teach your students something worth learning.Instead they give this lesson plan which they think is made of gold because they guard it like Fort Knox lol.There is no electronic copy of the lesson when we needed some lesson plans because someone has misplaced it we had to actually phone the other branches to fax us a copy.Talk about inconvenience!!!

Secondly they have these wannabe supervisors that try to evaluate your class and give you advice on how to teach. Don't get me wrong, i value input on my teaching methods providing it comes from a person who actually has the qualification to do so.My supervisor could hardly speak english herself but thought that the sun was shining out of her !@#$%^.She was probably the most childish person i have ever laid eyes on. Not only did she always crack under the pressure of sitting in front of her computer flirting but she always screamed at us and the other staff like a three year old child wanting an ice cream...She should never have been in that position in the first place.

Thirdly they promise students that they do not sign any students under the age of 15 years but they almost always sign students younger than that. The lesson plans are all Business oriented and these KIDS are in primary school.So yes i agree with your statement of "WE HAVE YOUR MONEY ".The course consultants might as well be graduates from "STUPID SCHOOL" because they never follow protocol of giving the prospective clients a computer test and then an oral test by someone who can actually speak english.Some of the course consultants can not speak a word of english but THEY have to decide which level the student should go to.In the event of us mentioning it to the school they either say that you are troublesome or try to sweep it under the rug and hope it goes away. They are too much of a coward to admit they made a mistake and rectify it.They are afraid of losing face.

When some of my fellow colleagues had to resign their contracts they got some bullshit story about the economic crisis and therefore had to sign for a much lower salary even though we had so many classes everyday.They almost always have some excuse when it comes to paying your flight reimbursement and have these silly fine systems.One minute late 20 yuan gone...5 minutes late 50 yuan gone...only to name a few.Needless to say i decided to seek employment elsewhere.This school might be very big in China but it's treatment of foreign teachers leave a lot to be desired.So that was my experience in Web international in Wuhan.I would advise anyone who wants to work in this company to think long and hard before doing so. I am now in some university and i love it.I am so free to do what i want.Ok the money is less but i only have 16 hours a week plus i can find the odd private job here and there to make things even better.Less hours and stress and more satisfaction.Read online about things happening in web.just google ...web international treatment of foreign teachers.

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