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#1 Parent Jenny - 2010-05-21
Re: AVOID - Shandong Provisional Modern School Culture Institute in Jinan

I know this company. Its Chinese name is 山东现代学校文化研究所. Our school once cooperated with their program so called Harmonious English Teaching Experimental Program 国家外籍教师和谐英语实验项目. The foreign teacher had to leave the school because his visa was about to expire and they did not renew it as they promised. Then the company refused to hire another for us and they refused to give us the mony back. I know their phone number: 0531-86961601

#2 Parent Paul Dulac - 2010-03-15
Re: AVOID - Shandong Provisional Modern School Culture Institute in Jinan

I got an email from offering me a job. I talked to Thomas from the other email listed. He spoke to me on MSN messenger and told me they are actively looking for many many teachers ASAP. I mentioned to him the remarks being said about his company online and he never replied back to me. I decided to have some fun with them and pretended to be interested anyways. He made arrangements to pick me up from the Jinan train station this morning. Of course I didn't show up and after his office spent the day looking for me I told him they are a bunch of scumbags who give Chinese schools a bad name. Thomas told me a different name of the company though, I know its the same company because I got two word documents from him. The first said Shandong Provisional Modern School Culture Institute, the second said Foreign Language Teaching Reaching Center, Shandong Province, China.. They are also looking to hire nonnative speakers also. Hope this helps. He wanted me to work in either Henan, Hebei, Jiangsu, Hunan, Liaolning or Shandong.

Thomas' Phone number is 861380053150. He gave me the address of his office too, but I don't read Chinese... He did say 86971206 was the room number though.

#3 Parent Justin P - 2010-03-10
Re: AVOID - Shandong Provisional Modern School Culture Institute in Jinan

I'm saddened to hear they ripped off another foreigner. I wrote this to warn potential teachers of their scams, and I keep hearing about more and more victims of their scams. I hope all this will prevent some foreigners from working with them.

#4 Parent JUSTIN S. - 2010-03-09
AVOID - Shandong Provisional Modern School Culture Institute in Jinan



Be especially careful of CINDY ZHANG.
She will constantly remind you that she is your "friend" and ask to borrow money from you that will not be returned.

They are crooks and purposely withheld my last month's salary because they knew my visa would be expiring and that I had to return to America. They also forced me to do a demonstration for other teachers in Jinan on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day without choice and did not pay for it. Cindy Zhang never reimbursed me for my completely bogus visa "tourist extension" either. They lie about everything, I cannot make that more clear.

-They do NOT offer anything other than Tourist L/M visas
-They are NOT contactable while you are in China
-They do NOT reimburse you for medical exams/visas/etc.
-They do NOT help you at your school -- even if you are the only English-speaking teacher at a poor rural high school. You are left on your own to negotiate, which is pretty hard if you don't know how to scream in Chinese.
-They do NOT have a real office. When I went to the demonstration to give a model class, the "Cultural Institute" was just a sign nailed to a steel wall on the Jinan traffic police.
-They WILL ask for money and not return it.

That's the gist of it all.

-Justin S.

#5 Parent Anonymous Advocate - 2010-03-05
Re: AVOID - Shandong Provisional Modern School Culture Institute in Jinan

Hello, I have just been informed that another email address that this shady company is using is

I hear they are now trying to use different email addresses to contact their "victims" and then add them to their MSN under

So now, the only way to research this shady company is to Google their email.
They are constantly changing their email addresses so BEWARE. Also, Harmonious/Shandong Provisional/International Volunteers does not always give out their company name. They can use FALSE (different) names. Please BEWARE if you are offered a job any where in Shandong Province with offices in Jinan ESPECIALLY if they try to persuade you to come on an L or F Visa (and they do this very last minute already into the school semester). This company DOES NOT have the license to hire foreignors so do NOT believe ANY company that tries to get you to come to China on anything else BUT a Z Visa.

#6 Parent An angry hardworking teacher! - 2010-03-03
Re: AVOID - Shandong Provisional Modern School Culture Institute in Jinan

I also have had issues with this company. They continually give excuses and lies for why I was not paid correctly, also the other foreign teacher had the same problems. There were two of us at the same school. The company provided terrible books for the students and did not pay us for the visas they told us they would. Originally Tom Pei was the person who recruited us, I knew something was fishy with this company when he asked me to pay him 1000rmb for "giving me the position." Obviously I didn't and shortly after that he stopped working for the company, I assumed he was fired. Cindy Zhang had taken offer his position but she never answers questions and does not try to help you. I had issues with my VISA and she told me just do what it takes to fix it and the company would reimburse me. However I never received the money. They continued to say next term we will pay you.

I believe their company does not have the money to take the teachers and is waiting until they receive income from the schools to pay past debts. It is only a matter of time before this company comes crashing down. I think many other teachers have experienced this with this company. I urge you not to work with them and not to believe a word they say. They will employ you on a F Visa that does not allow you to work legally in the country. For this you could jeopardize your right to stay in China and make it more difficult to return.

This company is a group of thieves and liars under the same roof. DO NOT TRUST THEM, and DO NOT WORK WITH THEM.

#7 Parent Trevor - 2010-02-26
Re: AVOID - Shandong Provisional Modern School Culture Institute in Jinan

Hello Guys and Girls,

Reading about what you have mentioned about the visas and being conned by these people, all i can say is that be aware more next time as there are many people like that out there. Personally they never did me over with the visa. I obtained a Residents visa from the school they sent me to with no problem and it only cost 600 out of my own pocket that i wasn't to fussed about paying even though the school should have paid it but as the school i worked for was a very poor school here in China i didn't really matter to me who paid it as long as i wasn't ripped off. For anyone who pays 3000rmb for a L visa then you should have ran straight away, as we all know that you can renew a L visa up to 3 times as my wife did at a cost of 160 rmb a pop.

All i can say is Tom Pei and his crew are a bunch of scammers and they did try it on with me but i was aware of them and they new this, so they didn't get away with to much with me. These guys are a bunch of crooks and should be investigated also by the the Education board here in China but that will never happen.

Just move on i would suggest and just be more aware next time as there are other places in China that will treat you more fairly. I am getting up to 5 offers a day at the moment but i am happy what i am doing now. Just be more choosey who you work for from now on as the ball is in your court.

God Bless

Justin - 2010-02-25
AVOID - Shandong Provisional Modern School Culture Institute in Jinan

Or International Volunteers Foreign Teachers of Harmony English Teaching Experimental Research Center

They are actively searching for many new teachers on this site and others to replace all the teachers they didn't pay last semester. They look for native English speakers, promise them to change their visas into Z visas when they enter China. Then they come up with excuses to put it off until your original visa is about to expire. Then they tell you its your responsibility to get your visa renewed, and they charge you a ridiculous amount of money for it. They were charging teachers 3,000rmb for a one month L visa extension, (which they told every one of us it would be a 6 month F visa). They tell you they will pay you back but they don't. This is going on with every single teacher I know that has worked with this company (7 that I know of at this time). They are actively recruiting from this site from the email of and Since posting about them online I have heard nothing good about them and have met many people who have had worse experiences than me with this company.

They are a book company based in Jinan. The contracts are signed by a Henry Zong. Cindy Zheng, Tom Pei, Thomas Long, and Dale Sheng are known recruiters for this company.

Their website is They never told me the website, so I doubt they will show anyone else. They like to keep things secret from the teachers. When I discovered who owned the company their was panic whenever I mentioned his name, Xu FuYuan (许福源). They even accused other people who work for them for telling me who owned the company. They had over 30 foreign teachers working for them last semester and are looking for replacements now.

Other emails too look out for are:

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