Return to Index › PureWorld in Shanghai (People's Square)
#1 Parent sylvain belanger - 2011-07-06
Re PureWorld in Shanghai (People's Square)

avoid this school at all cost... i worked for them... spent more tham 1000 rmb... got nothing in return..
been working in shanghai for many years now.. there are ALOT of more trustworhty schools out here..

#2 Parent Chengdu CT - 2010-04-22
Re: PureWorld in Shanghai (People's Square)

I have to agree with what SMITTY said. That place sounds identical to Hampson.
Avoid this place!
Maybe it is just a rebrand or possibly one of the upper level managers saw how much money the boss was making and decided to copy the business model.

I heard that is how Meten and NDI both started. Upper level management defecting and starting out in a new city. No idea if it is true or not.

#3 Parent TC Hater - 2010-04-09
Re: PureWorld in Shanghai (People's Square)

That must be a crappy training center with a crazy name.
Absolutely useless, I also hope they will go bankrupt soon!

#4 Parent SMITTY - 2010-04-09
Re: PureWorld in Shanghai (People's Square)

THIS SMELLS LIKE HAMPSON ENGLISH OPERATING UNDER A NEW NAME. I heard tale that the Chinese female owner of HAMPSON had partnered with someone and they were trying to re-brand HAMPSON under a new name. It sounds strikingly familiar to the same crap they emailed me with a few months ago. AVOID THIS.

#5 Parent LNC - 2010-04-09
Re: PureWorld in Shanghai (People's Square)

I agree, crap school, the name says it all. I hope they go bankrupt soon!

#6 Parent Monitor - 2010-04-08
Re: PureWorld in Shanghai (People's Square)

A stupid name, especially in the context of China. The world we live in is far from pure, and the People's Square as part of a school name is contrary to such a capitalistic TC's principles! Maybe here today, and gone tomorrow. If they go to the wall, they'll vanish after short-changing their teachers. Just another crappy training centre in China. I'd avoid it purely on that basis!

Arnold - 2010-04-08
PureWorld in Shanghai (People's Square)

Hello folks:

I want to run some information by you about Pure World based in Shanghai. They have been running many online ads seeking part-time ESL teachers. After meeting with them, I am concerned about the following three points of their working proposal with me:

1. They are willing to pay little more than 200 RMB for 100 minutes, effectively two teaching hours at 100 RMB each.
2. They demand the teacher to pay deposit money for each student assigned to them "to protect the school". I presume successful teachers with several students would get to have the privilege to pay a hefty deposit sum.
3. They demand the teacher give a 15-20 minute "demo class" for each prospective student to determine if said student likes the FT enough to sign up with him or her. This, of course, is pro bono for the FT as well.

Does anyone else think this place should be avoided at all costs?

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