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#1 Parent Tom - 2011-04-08
Re: Avoid Yangzhou College of Environment and Resources

I signed on with this school. It seems legit. They are paying me 12,000 yuan per month (M.Ed), full kitchen, bath, TV computer, free shuttle service into the city every 20 minutes. No weekend work. Sixteen Hours per week with optional English Corner. All utilities paid. I got the number of a teacher there (or maybe a former teacher), but the line is out of service. Will try again tomorrow

Don't you pay any attention to that "Bavarian" He had a bad experience with an FT's brother in Central China. He consequently took to drinking chilled chemicals (bavarian beer or somat) in an effort to forget-He never could and sold his soul to the bosh.

No, 12000 for the hours is pretty good ; however, beware, Yangzhou is evil and can tip you over the edge. The next thing you know, you'll be sitting in some beer kellar in weird hat and shorts, supping chemicals.....alongside?? Well, no names, no pack drill.

#2 Parent Bavaria Bier - 2011-04-08
Re: Avoid Yangzhou College of Environment and Resources

They are paying me 12,000 yuan per month (M.Ed)

They are cheating you blind, the pay should be more like 20,000 a month for your qualifications, and apartment allowance...

#3 Parent Me No Forget or Forget - 2011-04-07
Re: Avoid Yangzhou College of Environment and Resources

Sorry, Jennie, baby, but I was there. No rebuilt housing. The FAO and his lackey waiban are not to be trusted. You cheated me so many times it wasn't funny. Your school has a very bad attitude toward serious, EDUCATED teachers because they outshine our best CETs. That's why you asked the FTs to moderate the senior theses.

This school is such a wasteland that most of the third year students bugged out.

Analyze this, babe. Let's have lunch sometime and I'll remind you.

#4 Parent Tom - 2011-02-27
Re: Avoid Yangzhou College of Environment and Resources

Hello Jenny
I've already sent you a post today but it doesn't seem to take long for half the world and his mother to all steam in with size ten clodhoppers, screaming and shouting.

You are maintaining i believe that this school has changed for the better; whereas, that maybe not the case, I feel you should be listened to for at least a little while, before we shout at you.

My first concerns when ascertaining the quality of an employer is accommodation accommodation and accommodation with the freedom to do as you please, come and go without let or hindrance. Now, is that the case now at your school?

Can you please let me have a copy of your new contract?

(if all we do is bulldoze on this thread it gets a bit boring, maybe we should go for a bit more style)

#5 Parent cunnnig linguist - 2011-02-27
Re: Avoid Yangzhou College of Environment and Resources

Mmmmm...... Are you really a Chinese teacher who is teaching English? This is more like an SMS style text with elements of 'forced' Chinglish. Why not post some photographs of the "4 star hotel" - it may help in your recruitment.

#6 Parent Tom - 2011-02-27
Re: Avoid Yangzhou College of Environment and Resources

"The foreign teacher living quarter has rebuild. You will very like the same as 4 star hotel! A little small but comfy and lovely. I stay there now and very happy teach English to all Chinese students. Good school really! FAO a good friend, so do no beleive storrys about him or cafeteria manerger.

Talk to FAO about sallary and maybe you get a raise!

No TV yet, but working on get satallite dish for fall term."

From what you say so far it sounds attractive; however, I do have a couple of questions to ask you-

This cafeteria manager, what sort of antics was he supposed to have gotten up to? This is the first thing I've heard about it?

Will I be able to entertain students in the comfy accommodation (as long as they are over 18 and only one at a time,mind)

Can you send a sample contract, please?

What about my girlfriend, will she be allowed to come and go as she pleases?

#7 Parent Jennie - 2011-02-27
Re: Avoid Yangzhou College of Environment and Resources

The foreign teacher living quarter has rebuild. You will very like the same as 4 star hotel! A little small but comfy and lovely. I stay there now and very happy teach English to all Chinese students. Good school really! FAO a good friend, so do no beleive storrys about him or cafeteria manerger.

Talk to FAO about sallary and maybe you get a raise!

No TV yet, but working on get satallite dish for fall term.

#8 Parent He he - 2010-04-20
Re: Avoid Yangzhou College of Environment and Resources

See link below

#9 Parent Madison McK - 2010-04-20
Re: Avoid Yangzhou College of Environment and Resources

I signed on with this school. It seems legit. They are paying me 12,000 yuan per month (M.Ed), full kitchen, bath, TV computer, free shuttle service into the city every 20 minutes. No weekend work. Sixteen Hours per week with optional English Corner. All utilities paid. I got the number of a teacher there (or maybe a former teacher), but the line is out of service. Will try again tomorrow.

#10 Parent Maureen - 2010-04-17
Re: Avoid Yangzhou College of Environment and Resources

I spoke to Alex yesterday too and he gave me a contact number for someone at the school that does the hiring. He gave me the name of someone who teaches at the school or perhaps taught at the school at one time. Maybe I called at a bad time. I couldn't understand the teacher. (It was a Friday night Chinese time. I forgot about the GMT time difference, so I suppose it might have been post-happy hour for her!). I will have to wait until Monday or Tuesday to call the school.

#11 Parent Lauren Beckell - 2010-04-15
Re: Avoid Yangzhou College of Environment and Resources

I called a number that appears on another board, completely bypassing the agent. I spoke to someone who verified the salary and that the phone has been ringing nonstop.

#12 Parent Cageygirl - 2010-04-10
Re: Avoid Yangzhou College of Environment and Resources

It would also be a good idea to ask for the email addresses of other FTs who work there or who have done, just recently.

I think jobseekers shouldn't put much weight on what they can find out by sending e-mails to e-mail addresses supplied to them by potential employers.
There are unscrupulous foreigners teaching in China who will take monetary bribes or good dinners from employers in return for lying to newbies so that employers can fill their vacancies!

#13 Parent Yingwen Laoshi - 2010-04-10
Re: Avoid Yangzhou College of Environment and Resources

Karen, you need to tell Alex that you want to talk directly with the university. It's totally unreasonable for him to expect you to accept a job without being able to do this. Whenever I've dealt with recruiters I've always requested this, once it's been confirmed that the school is interested in me, and the recruiter has always been obliging. You need to get the answers to your questions straight from the horses mouth and request that they send you a link to their school website. It would also be a good idea to ask for the email addresses of other FTs who work there or who have done, just recently.

If you feel that the recruiter is deliberately holding back details from you, and he won't give you the school contact information, then you could do one of two things. Either find the contact info of the school, yourself, on the Internet, or just forget it and look elsewhere. As you have only found bad reviews about this school I would recommend the latter. There are still plenty of other opportunities in China.

I haven't read all the other posts on this thread, but you really need to do so carefully, and really consider if it's worth the risk to take a chance with this school.

#14 Parent Karen - 2010-04-09
Re: Avoid Yangzhou College of Environment and Resources

I received an offer from this school. Well, it was from an agent named Alex. The school is offering 12,000yuan for a masters degree level teacher. I cannot find anything about this school except bad reviews. How terrible can this place be? Wouls someone please tell me? Is this a public or a private school? The pay seems to be much too high for a private university to pay an English teacher. If you don't want to say it here, email me. What is being said here seems to be more of a personal argument bwtween two teachers, not any real commentary about the school. Please respond soon because I must give my decision before this recruiter (or whatever he is) drives me crazy. Also, I have not yet been awarded my Ph.D yet (in genetics), but I have completed my dissertation and orals. Will a Chinese university take a letter from a professor attesting that I am a Ph.D candidate? Alex won't say how much the university will pay a Ph.D.

Also, does anyone know how modern this city is? Is there a night life?

Thanks, Karen

#15 Parent englishgibson - 2010-03-24
Re: Avoid Yangzhou College of Environment and Resources

i don't know the place, but i'd echo turnoi and i'd add that money may not buy everything or everybody.
cheers and beers to all

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