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#1 Parent Mahoma Iza - 2010-04-24
Dell English School part 2

Hello again, dear and smart teachers who visit us today. Today I present you with the second chapter of this Chinese soup opera school. Sorry to keep you waiting, there were some technical issues. If this is the first time you are reading about Songyuan Dell English School, I invite you to read the previous chapter, and its consequences.

Last August, after meeting the boss (who from now on, I will call the computer guy), hanging out a few times and hearing the ideas about a new kind of school in China, I was offered to do some part time at his school. After meeting with the investor they decided they didnt want me part time but full time with them as soon as I finished my relation with my previous school, with which, at that time, had no problems yet.
Well, good ideas and everything, No Action leads nowhere, and the ideas stayed on paper. It takes time they will say. It takes guts, will I answer.
The school is managed by what the parents want; of course parents will be happy. I mean they can change the time of a class because one child cannot attend due to some change in his schools schedule. The whole class? Fine, understandable. Just one kid? No thanks.
We will see classes opening for 4 or 5 students, when there is already the very same class, 2 weeks old, with 4 or 5 kids too. Oh but how could parents allow their kids to join that class? Their kids are already happy and USED to the other 3 kids at the demo class, any change could disturb their little minds ~wuwu. And the great part of this, if a new class opens, it wont be on your schedule (hope you guys have fixed at least this problem), but say No, and you are a bad bad teacher. Haha.
I have to say I was too stupid to trust this place just based on a friendship, I had to learn the bad way that business is business. I never saw a copy of my contract, neither the other teachers until before I left. In fact, the contracts were written after we were working there for a while and on the mean time we just had an agreement with the computer guy, in which I was to work 6 MONTHS and if I wanted to quit before I just had to tell the school 3 weeks in advance.
I dont know how they made the other teachers' visas. As everybody who has been in China knows, to process a working visa and permit you need a legal contract, signed by both parts and stamped by the school and with a government folio. Somebody (to save time hahaha) should have signed that or perhaps someone got paid? I dont know. Thats not my case. MY VISA AND WORKING PERMIT WERE NEVER PROCESSED!!!
I worked for 6 months under my previous employers documents. What did Dell English school say when I got in trouble because of that?? It is my fault for not following up. And the guy behind everything is my previous employer, who has good reasons to hate the computer guy and some others in this crappy place. Come on, Grow up!! That is a breach to Chinas laws when hiring a foreigner.

Well, fellows, this is it for today. If you want to know more, or have a good laugh, keep checking for new posts every week (possibly every other day), here in your favorite ESL Board.
Have a good day gentlemen

P.S. You just had to apologize, Dell

#2 Parent ShitPuppet - 2010-04-20
Re: Dell English School

YEEHAW! (Banjo in the background) , you show a lot of class by your way of writing and grammar errors. If your son bent over backwards, then why did he not get another chance? get his money? or is he being subverted by someone else? Because it seems to me as if your son is not the owner of the school, does not care about his teachers, tries to be friends with them, but when a "friend" screws up, it sounds like he throws them under the bus. I'm sorry but I don't like it when people insult me when I speak the truth, and to further what Turnoi says, it would be great to see your son in Court, in China of course, because it sounds like your from a backwards country. Because he would get his school taken away from him for treatment of Foreigners and what has happend. Because it sounds like the real boss of your sons school is someone Chinese, not him, thats why your son has done nothing for Mahoma or anybody in the future. You may look like an idiot and talk like an idiot but don't let that fool you. You really are an idiot. so please, next time "spew" and "mouth off" some truth.

#3 Parent LOLER - 2010-04-20
Re: Dell English School

I love his beer too!! LOL

#4 Parent Queef - 2010-04-20


#5 Parent TruthSayer - 2010-04-20
Re: Dell English Expertise

Wow......this is the opinion of some one that goes by "Shit Puppet". Obviously there is a need for intelligent conversation.
After viewing some of the comments posted, and doing a little research, I have found there to be several "Dell English Schools" operating throughout China, ,any of which are under different individual ownerships. I have come to the conclusion that "Dell" is some what of a common name or anachronism in the Peoples Republic of China. It should be noted that when reffering to a school, special attention be paid to the exacting location. I can easily understand, from my life's experiences, that there are probably good and bad places to work everywhere. Individual circumstances and psychi can be a major factor in all situatiuons.
The informed mind knows only the truth.

#6 Parent The Clown - 2010-04-20
Dell English Expertise

Hanging out and drink is one of the Dell Sr.'s fields of expertise, and I back it up by providing the link below to his own text:

I don't whether there are any other fields of expertise besides that, but I would really doubt it!

Places like DELL are useless and should be closed down immediately, they are run by clowns!
#7 Parent Teacher - 2010-04-20
At Dell English, they need to learn English first themselves

Dell English, according to the input by Dell Sr., is a place where those running it need not only to work on their wording and language use (by refraining from using language from the bottom of the barrel), but also their English leaves much to be desired - I have marked some of the most obvious (but not all)m mistakes/errors by a so-called native speaker:

Hey Shit Puppet, nice name. Shows a lot of class. I was there visiting when all that crap went down. Mao is a nice enough kid but he blew off his job. No matter what culture, you don't show up for work, you pay the consequences. My son bent over backwards to help him out and all he did was skrew//screw him over. And because he didn't get away with it he is throwing a tantrum like a whiney spoiled brat!! Tellya what, Shit puppet, blow off your current job obligations and then see what happens, or maybe you're a little more responsible!! And no matter what kind of crap you spew on this site, all current teachers, students, parents and staff are happy campers! So before you blow off your big mouth why don't you do a little research. You might not come off as a Shit Head!!! Currently you are committing Liable //libel and slander. Sounds like you need to be taken to court!!!

There are other things about style, slang and even grammar that I have not marked but that do indicate a low educational profile and that they should not be English teachers.

Seems they need to follow an English Language course before they could teach it as so-called native speakers.

#8 Parent The Deserter - 2010-04-20
Cheat and Deceit by Dell English

Below is quote from a post about DELL ENGLISH:

DELL ENGLISH SCHOOL here in Shijiazhuang is another school to avoid. They to, will not pay you for your actually hours either. They will also try to change the pay scale if they are running short funds. They will envite you come and interview with the school but they won't tell that you are going to a school with some other potential hires and talk in a auditorium for two hours and not get paid for it. They will LIE and tell you it will only take 20 minutes. Then they will take your picture along with the other foreigners and use that in there advertisements. This is now illegal for schools in China to do this without your permission and you must be compensated for the use of your photograph in a advertisement.

Then after using your picture without permission they will hire Africans that can bearly mumble a word of English because they are cheaper.

Very enlightening, is this not enough information to know why you should NOT work for them?

#9 Parent Dell Johnston Sr. - 2010-04-20
Re: Dell English School

This is just crazy hogwash, I love my beer what does beer have to do with this?

#10 Parent ShitPuppet - 2010-04-19
Re: Dell English School

Well Mr Dell Sr., why don't you provide some proof, truths or half truths as this Anne person or Huh? person has put on here to refute anything that Mahoma or Turnoi has said. To be exact, what are your expertise in the field of teaching? Or Chinese working methods or ethics? Please delight us with your apparent enlightenment It would be great to know how you came to these obsurd conclusions without anything to back it up with. Sir.

#11 Parent Dell Johnston Sr. - 2010-04-19
Re: Dell English School

Hey Shit Puppet, nice name. Shows a lot of class. I was there visiting when all that crap went down. Mao is a nice enough kid but he blew off his job. No matter what culture, you don't show up for work, you pay the consequences. My son bent over backwards to help him out and all he did was skrew him over. And because he didn't get away with it he is throwing a tantrum like a whiney spoiled brat!! Tell ya what, Shit puppet, blow off your current job obligations and then see what happens, or maybe you're a little more responsible!! And no matter what kind of crap you spew on this site, all current teachers, students, parents and staff are happy campers! So before you blow off your big mouth why don't you do a little research. You might not come off as a Shit Head!!! Currently you are committing Liable and slander. Sounds like you need to be taken to court!!!

#12 Parent Deborah Thistlethwaite - 2010-04-19
Re: Dell English School

Well said, and it's clear language!

#13 Parent Mahoma Iza - 2010-04-19
Re: Dell English School

If it wasn't who I thought, I apologize. Dear readers, I correct and address the previous post to Mr X.

#14 Parent Anne - 2010-04-19
Re: Dell English School


It wasn't me who wrote the last post. But if you would like me to write something, I can? :) Hope your job doesn't catch you using their time to write on the esl board.... you might not get money from them, either. :)


#15 Parent ShitPuppet - 2010-04-19
Re: Dell English School

Who ever you may be, as this Mahoma claims you to be Anne or someone, what ever your name is. Sounds like your defending a school that just treated unfairly someone, does not matter how you cut it but let it be known, sure he might have done something out of the ordinary but this is China, not the west. Everything is done differently so you can not hold someone to the word standards of the west or the west's work ethics. Just the fact that someone is coming online and saying all of this about your "Dell English" is that he was brought to the point that he wants to bring his problems public, that most people would never do. Besides, Let it be known that a "School" as Turnoi says quite well, its a training center, and as Turnoi says and has said, A school that needs to bribe or give money, what so ever to obtain a work permit or what ever it is for schools, it means your a shit school runned by, as my name is a shit puppet.

#16 Parent Mahoma Iza - 2010-04-19
Re: Dell English School

Hi Anne
True, I have posted stuff about other schools before. The first one, the headmaster is still in jail for what he was doing, not thanks to my posts anyway, that happened before I left. Second, why don't you just write your name? Not the point, forget this one. Second (real second) I did have an interview in Beijing, 14 days after telling the "headmaster" I had quit, and agreeing that I would stay while they got another teacher only as far as I could attend my interviews, of which he was aware, but not the Chinese headmistress, to who he told me he would let her know. I had an interview on Friday (I double checked the dates) and I had an exam on Monday. Besides I said I would come back Monday night and the "headmaster" said it was OK, that he would talk to everyone because he understood. Remember Dell? So, whether I explained what I was doing or not, he knew how long I would be out. I came back Tuesday at 730am to find out I was not scheduled for the whole week anymore. Now, why would I travel 13 hours back to Songyuan just to take another train to Beijing the following day? Hell no. I went to a closer place and enjoyed. Besides, knowing how all this shit happened, I don't regret my decision. I will get into details on my weekly post, sadly I don't have enough time because I have a real job and need to get to it.
Third, I started posting against the previous school just after Dell's school "headmaster" made the first post himself. Did I post when I got bad treated? No. I posted when YOU got bad treated, because you can mess with me, but not with those I care(d).

Well, as I said, I have better things to do now, so come back on the weekend for the next one.

#17 Parent huh? - 2010-04-18
Re: Dell English School

I just wanted to put in a quick word cause I got an email regarding this hogwash. I personally know the staff and the people that work at Dell English School. I happen to know all of them quite well. First off before anyone jumps to conclusions and leaves a comment with out even varifying if any of this is true. You need to read what I have to say.
First off the teacher that left the first post has deceived you all in his quest to use the post as a scare tactic to get money he does not deserve. I read the email that was sent to him by the owner of the school and not anywhere does it mention anything about bribing. Also this teacher has made threats upon threats about posting a comment and leaving personal details that has nothing to do with the job or the school. The truth is this. He had an interview in Beijing. He didn't tell them he had an interview until a day before he had to leave. This left a problem because all the teachers had to last minute cover his classes. This last minute trip had pissed off the Chinese headmaster and they had a heated argument. The owner of the school fixed the problem, allowed Mahoma to go and then he would come back and finish the remaining contract. But a few days later the truth came out that he had a one day interview and spent 4 days traveling with his girlfriend. So he took advantage of leave time and he just got finished having a 2 week vacation. Also this is not the only school he has posted things about and he has had "unfair treatment" to him from every school here. So maybe it isn't the schools and just him.

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