Return to Index › Re: Jiaying University biggest problem & young Americans
#1 Parent Andrew Dewitte - 2010-04-27
Re: Jiaying University biggest problem & young Americans

...Hum... I thought that Jaiying University was the kind of place one went...If they didn't want to do any work...! I would , in general this place as a "Mickey Mouse" institution.... Head teachers that encourage one not to make written tests...
FAOs teaching 3rd year Chinglish classes... etc. Well.... Who wouldn't put up with just 12 hours of "Chit chat" classes a week for a monthly salary...?

#2 Parent P L - 2010-04-21
Re: Jiaying University biggest problem & young Americans

I would consider myself a relatively mature and responsible person, and I do not need curfews or any other thing like that imposed on me. I have left the home of mother's care a long time ago. Maybe, you think otherwise or even need curfews and staff like that but you should not expect other people to take that crap!

I do not mind curfews, as I'm an early bedder. I don't expect others to take that 'crap', like you mistakenly say. But I know many do - they are just like me! Don't expect all of us to have a problem with 11 pm curfews, like you obviously do. And, as for your ealier point re Americans, the reason there is a problem identified by others re drink and drugs here with the young ones, is that there are many of them, America having many citizens as compared to other countries.
As for mother's care, I stopped listening to her advice as a young teenager, and I'm certainly not going to start listening to yours, instead. Now that you've tried, unsuccessfully, I might add, to 'educate' me, why don't you try to do likewise with the original poster who has started this storm in a teacup that you highly disapprove of? You should make sure you are fair in your criticism by criticising him too! I doubt you'll get anywhere with him either!

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