Return to Index › Dell English Songyuan Qianguo
#1 Parent Bavarian Beers - 2011-04-22
Re Dell English Songyuan Qianguo

I know the last name, if it is indeed Songyuan, even know someone who has worked for/with said person. Email if you would like...


#2 Parent Rin - 2010-05-03
Re: Dell English Songyuan Qianguo

Ah right okay. I have seen another post on here about Dell English which seems a little worrying to be honest?

Here is an excerpt from an email offer I received.

Hi Denise ****** & **** Davies,

We found you are seeking ESL positions on the internet. Here we want to ask you if you would like to come to Jinan and teach.

We are Ludian Dell English School, which is a Language School invested by Shandong Electric Power Engineering and Consulting Company. Our school is located in Jinan City, the capital of Shandong Province, China. We train both kids and adults.

If you are willing to relocate yourself, please send me your CV, scanned copies of passport and degree certificate, and recent photos. We will send you our documents about our city and school.

I am look forwards to hear from you soon!

Ludian Dell English School





Ludian Dellenglish School

It seems funny that they are called similar names, but it seems that is all they are. :)
Good luck in your job search! Let us know how it goes!

#3 Parent Alan Carr - 2010-05-03
Re: Dell English Songyuan Qianguo

I don't believe so the offer i received was this one and there is a post on about it this school already here but i dont believe it, here is the job post and the link I think might be the school

#4 Parent Rin - 2010-05-02
Re: Dell English Songyuan Qianguo

Hmm, I had an offer from a school called Ludian Dell English. I'm not sure if they are one and the same??

Alan Carr - 2010-05-02
Dell English Songyuan Qianguo

Hi i am looking at a qianguo, i hope im spelling that right a qianguo dell english, i have see their advertisment on daves esl cafe but does anyone have information on that school? I have sent a Anne Tempel my passport and resume but no information back from them, also to a Lisa Zhao and a Dell Johnston, anybody know who these people are?

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