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#1 Parent Cloakridge - 2014-01-09
Re: Green Oasis School in Shenzhen, China

First of all, how the hell would you know the amount of money my parents have?
Your parents have no money but a least, that's what you state yourself.

Can you bark?

If not, go back to that Oasis place and ask the principal to do his bloody job - to teach you barking like a dog. It's a mandatory subject in that wonderful Cambridge curriculum that this excellent "school" is supposed to teach!

#2 Parent John O'Shei - 2014-01-09
Re: Green Oasis School in Shenzhen, China

First of all, how the hell would you know the amount of money my parents have? Not everyone is as rich as you think. Secondly, I wouldn't even dream about complaining that the teachers have an Australian or British accent. I would care if they're

too fat, too black or whatever.
Oh yeah, and who the hell do you think you are? The King of all Teachers? No offense.

Sit down and shut up before I tell your Mummy and Daddy about what a naughty boy you've been.

Well, if this was actually a student, they would a prime example of the sheer indiscipline amongst that school's students, lol.

#3 Parent The Chicken of the Dog - 2014-01-08
Re: Green Oasis School in Shenzhen, China

To apply at this rubbish pretend "school"? ---No way!! Never!!!!!!!
Destroy that golden toilette in the reception hall before meeting the king! The king is the dog of a hen laying eggs and who is sitting in the principal's office!
It is because the principal's office is actually a chicken stable!

#4 Parent The Dog - 2014-01-08
Re: Green Oasis School in Shenzhen, China

First of all, how the hell would you know the amount of money my parents have? Not everyone is as rich as you think. Secondly, I wouldn't even dream about complaining that the teachers have an Australian or British accent. I would care if they're

too fat, too black or whatever.
Oh yeah, and who the hell do you think you are? The King of all Teachers? No offense.
#5 Parent John O'Shei - 2014-01-07
Re: Green Oasis School in Shenzhen, China

Hello, I have been to Green Oasis and I think it is a fabulous school. The teachers are kind and patient, so the people who are thinking about writing bad comments about the school shouldn't.

Oh, why would they be thinking about writing bad comments? Because the sports facilities weren't up to scratch?

Is this a review from a student? This is a board for teachers, stick to your own Chinese language forums about private schools where you and your nouveau riche parents can make pathetic complaints about teachers having Australian/British accents, being too fat, too black or whatever.

You've got to love how this school unintentionally admitted their guilt in advance with this post.

The rest of the staff are also very good so haters, back off.

And what are you going to do about it, young man? Tell me that your father is Li Gang?

#6 Parent The Dog - 2014-01-07
(Message Deleted by Poster)
#7 Parent foxy - 2013-01-30
Re: A Message to the PRINCIPAL of Green Oasis School

Ah yes!
Green Oasis is an old chestnut on this board. Anyway, best to be avoided as a potential employer in my view.

#8 Parent Sad - 2013-01-30
Re: A Message to the PRINCIPAL of Green Oasis School

Principal Christley insults Green Oasis teachers to parents that they are crap and he will try to return as many as possible with his own decisions and talented friends. Insults the teachers who try to find teaching jobs at other schools and tells the recruiting that Green Oasis Teachers are lazy and bad teachers and that the good things are only from him. Hates SCIE hates Principal Greenwood and insults him in meetings and to students parents at large conference meetings. Christley says that Greenwood does not care about students and teachers at SCIE and SCIE is a factory not a school. Tells it to parents who he has meetings with and said children will be very unhappy at SCIE. Christley gets money from recruiting agencies and takes money from friends who want jobs and takes money from parents who want good grades. He takes money from companies who want to use Green Oasis for sports business and student trips. Principal says ‘chinese staff are not capable of teaching and helping students’. Persisting now.

#9 Parent Worried - 2012-12-12
Re: A Message to the PRINCIPAL of Green Oasis School

Certain now that existing principal hates all his staff and loves sending very harmful references for staff and informing of personal ideas together with family plans to guarantee that all teachers who wish to leave do not successful. Growing more conscious of this and can’t appreciate it. Please guard. Near and associated schools and companies advised.

#10 Parent David - 2012-04-26
Re: A Message from a student's parent

When my daughter entered GOS for grade 7 in September 2007, she was the unique domestic Chinese student in the unique class of it secondary school. She has been studying in GOS for almost 3 years. I wrote an article about GOS. I would like to share my views with international teachers here. You can read my article at


#11 Parent mike - 2012-02-20
Re: Green Oasis School in Shenzhen, China


I have been teaching at Green Oasis as a specialist teacher for 2 years - next school year I am moving to a school in Shanghai, because I wish to live in a city with more cultural activities.

It is a unfair that there are so many negative comments about Green Oasis - it may have had problems a few years ago but since I have been at the school I have had no complaints, other than the medical insurance could be a little better.

The pay is good, the living allowance is great, the class sizes are relatively small and the hours I have to teach are far smaller than at International schools. The facilities are excellent with the annual budget more than generous.

Every school has problems, especially in China, and I have heard about problems Green Oasis had in the past but the current administrative staff is very fair and supportive and it is a good school for the above mentioned reasons.


#12 Parent Principal of Green Oasis - 2012-02-19
Re: A Message to the PRINCIPAL of Green Oasis School

In answer to questions from "Anonymous".

1) The process of gaining a Work Permit in China requires the employee to enter the country on a Z-visa. Once in China the immigration department issues a Foreign Expert's Certificate. In recent years the Shenzhen authorities have tightened up the regulations considerably. These regulations are very clearly stated in both our advertisements and on our website. If we have ay doubt about an applicant's elegibility for a Foreign Expert's Cerificate we contact the immigration office and seek their advice before offering a job.

2) I have no knowledge of the school hiring staff and then firing them when a "cheaper alternative" comes along. Personally I would never contemplate such an action and I would expect my staff to be up in arms if I did - and rightly so!!

3) There are 35 foreign staff due to renew contracts at the end of this academic year. One is retiring, one has been offered a job in Shanghai, one does not care for the lifestyle in China and a teaching couple have decided to move on after a long period at the school. This leaves 30 staff who have expressed a wish to renew their contracts. A turnover rate of 5 out of 35 is very small by the standards of any good international school. We are recruiting for more than seven staff because of expansion in primary.

4) The school premises are owned by the School Board and are not rented. It is a purpose built school which started out as a Chinese school. It is now named Green Oasis School and has an international intake. We do not use the term International in the school name because this would mean that Chinese National students would not be allowed at the school. Roughly 50% of our students hold non-Chinese passports.

5) Your statement that the majority fo staff do not come from the "big five" English speaking countries is totally untrue. I do not know where you got your figures from. The majority of foreign staff are from the UK but we also have staff from Canada, USA and Europe. We have a few Indian staff who have been with the school for a long time and have an excellent reputation amongst the parents.

6) In an attempt to be entirely open and honest with applicants there are clear statements in adverts and the web site concerning pay and conditions. The housing allowance has very recently (after Chinese New Year) been increased because the cost of housing has increased in Shenzhen over recent years. The insurance is described as basic because it is ! The most common complaint from teachers in any international school is about medical insurance. We are no different but I am doing everything in my power to improve the insurance cover. In the meantime I prefer to be totally open and honest with applicants. You mention that the salary is lower than other international schools. There is one International College in the area which pays a higher salary than we offer but, as far as I am aware, the salary at Green Oasis is highly competitive for schools like ours in China.

I have sought to answer all these questions openly and honestly and I do not hide behind an anonymous title and at least I manage to get the name of the school right!! The author of the recent letter claims to have no knowledge of the school but then quotes information (misleadingly incorrect information) which they could not have without having some close connection to the school, either in the present or in the past.

I have no wish to "heap opprobium" on those who made comments about the school in the distant past but I feel that it is totally unfair that there are comments on this website which do not reflect Green Oasis School as it is now! Sadly it is far to easy for people with an axe to grind to hide behind anonymous name and make scurrilous comments. If you want to know about the school talk to the staff, the students and the parents. I will happily ask staff to contact anyone with doubts and to describe their experience at the school with total honesty.

#13 Parent Here's-Your-Answer - 2012-02-18
A Message to the PRINCIPAL of Green Oasis School

I have no direct knowledge of your school, one way or the other.

That being said, I have just waded -- and waded is indeed the word -- through the approximately thirty (30) posts of complaints about your school, some of which are quite dated, and some of which are quite recent. I attempted to read them in an as neutral light as possible, given what you have written here as I have no ax to grind with this school.

That being said, however, there are some issues which you might care to address here to clarify some of these issues.

(1) Does Green Acres continue to have on-going visa problems with the hiring of foreign teachers?

(2) Has Green Acres discontinued what appears to be a well-documented practice on this Board of employing foreign teachers, bringing them to Shenzhen, then firing these foreign teachers ipso facto when it is available to find a replacement who will work for less money? Please be aware that this is a particularly egregious practice.

(3) Based upon what has been written here, again of some if old and some of it more recent, has Green Acres staunched the "revolving door-come-and-go-midnight-runner" teacher employment problem that has been so commented upon here? Again, that is a serious issue.

(4) Does or does not Green Acres have its own educational facilities or does or does not Green Acres merely rent space in a local Chinese school?

(5) I have reviewed the foreign teachers currently employed by Green Acres and am truly stunned to see that most of the foreign teachers do NOT come from the approved list of Big 5 countries but rather many of them are from countries where English is truly not the national language. Is this an attempt to save money by the school?

(6) Upon reading the school's website, it is quite clear that the benefits offered by Green Acres are quite below par, particularly for Shenzhen, i.e., a very basic medical insurance scheme, an accommodation allowance which needs to be supplemented by the teacher in order to have a proper apartment, a curious array of statutory holidays some paid, and others not paid, airfare reimbursement that is far less than that offered by any other school in Shenzhen, etc., etc.

It was nice that you took the time to share your thoughts with those on this Board. It would have been better, however, instead of attempting to cover the previous teachers with opprobrium to address factually the issues, such as where and how the school has failed in the past, which is obvious by the plethora of comments on this board, and where and how the school has sought remedy and ameliorate those failings at present.

#14 Parent Principal of Green Oasis - 2012-02-18
Re: Green Oasis School in Shenzhen, China

It is long past time that these negative comments written by long gone dissatisfied individuals were removed from this site. Green Oasis is now an exceptionally happy bilingual school with a truly international intake. The staff are content with the way things are going and parents are fulsome in their praise of the school. It is so sad that this board leaves biased, unsubstantiated comments from people in the past with an axe to grind. We still suffer from this unfair and untrue publicity which pops up whenever prospective staff Google the name of the school. If you want to hear the true story about the school then contact me at and I will happily give you the true story.

#15 Parent The Shark - 2010-05-12
Re: Sharks in my neigborhood

What is this guy smoking then..I guess it's not ordinary cigarettes?

#16 Parent Anon - 2010-05-12
Re: Sharks in my neigborhood

I'll have some of whatever this guy is smoking...

#17 Parent Billy Boy - 2010-05-05
Re: Green Oasis School in Shenzhen, China

Yes, you are correct.

#18 Parent leisuresuit - 2010-05-04
Re: Green Oasis School in Shenzhen, China

The "kipper" wouldn't happen to be a J[edited] G[edited], would it? The former principal of SCIE (Shenzhen College of International Education) which is not an international school either. I believe he made a mockery of that school as well.

#19 Parent Riverina - 2010-04-25
Re: Green Oasis School in Shenzhen, China

Sadly Shenzhen supposedly has the repuatation of having the highest proportion of educated people out of all of the cities in China. In other words you will find more people with master's degrees and PHD's than anywhere else in China. It's supposed to be a more "open" city.

Educated people can be the biggest snobs. Many of those with master's degrees and PhD's have spent most of their lives immersed in books, to the detriment of having obtained an education in life. They have shut themselves up in their own ivory towers, and know little about what's going on in the world. Avoid teaching there, you'll meet too many snobs, and people who think money is everything! You are better to teach in the backward places. There, you can experience the real China.

#20 Parent Billy Boy - 2010-04-25
Re: Green Oasis School in Shenzhen, China

Now everything is in the open!! Well done Bull Frog, I have only been able to drop hints, but you've put it out there. For all the ex students who have stood up for the school, sorry but this is true.

There were far more things going on than people on this website knew about...apart from me, now it's in the open.

By the way, bribary and embezzelment are punishable by execution in The People's Republic of warned, what is going on in that school is now in Cyber Space. People will read!!!

#21 Parent Dragonized - 2010-04-24
Re: Green Oasis School in Shenzhen, China

Seriously, tyrants like these only will find a home in the crappy world of ESL teaching in China. Foreigners and local weasels who decide that they need to take their inferiority complex issues or whatever problems they have out on strangers by masqerading behind the noble mask of education. Education is supposed to be something which is noble, even holy if the teachers can truly reach an enlightened level. But NO here in China it's less respected than even sleazy businesses (I'm not talking about the "education" business here) which run rampant and a couple of totems below even the lowest federal worker. The status of being a teacher here can truly make people cry. Lack of public, non-profit educational enterprises, lack of cultural education thinktanks within the general masses, lack of a moral code of knowing when to stop JUST THINKING ABOUT MONEY.

Sadly Shenzhen supposedly has the repuatation of having the highest proportion of educated people out of all of the cities in China. In other words you will find more people with master's degrees and PHD's than anywhere else in China. It's supposed to be a more "open" city. Unfortunately human capacity once again fails to catch up to hardware capacity as we see the exposure of another crap school hiding behind pretty furniture, shiny lights, and wonderfully desiged websites advertising how great this "school" is.

#22 Parent The Shark - 2010-04-24
Sharks in my neigborhood

In and around Shenzhen, there are waters, rivers, and seas. Some of them are populated by nasty sharks.
And I am one of these nasty sharks, please click on the link below to view me:

At Green Oasis something in Shenzhen, there are no sharks, only good and wonderful people....yadday, yola, yadda.

And we sharks do not like them, they are too similar to us...LOL

#23 Parent Bull Frog - 2010-04-24
Re: Green Oasis School in Shenzhen, China

The Kipper strikes again, rocking the bull frog society. In true form the Kipper, whose name refers to the GUTLESS, 2 EYED, 2 FACED, Smoked herring , usually from Scotland.
The latest victim is Cyclone Tracey Frog, terminated for telling the truth.
This means the total that have been terminated or left the school because of The Kipper stand at a staggering:
8 Aussies, 3 Welsh, 3 Filipinos, 4 Chinese, 2 Brits, 1 Swede, 2 Yanks

and amazingly this is only at 1 school. News has it that any one who challenges the Kipper and his knee jerk management style has been terminated over the years. There must be 100's who have been dealt The Kippers, Hitler like termination of those, who were game to challenge his credibility and antiquated educational philosophy.

It seemes that only sardines or little kippers stand a chance of staying in his school. Sardines, by the way, are small little fish, that follow each other, brainlessly. Little Kippers are those who have been trained by The Kipper, and are usually natives from north of the English boarder and the US. They often swear that they do not agree with The Kipper but actually everyone knows that they have secret meetings to plan their next LIE.
The Kippers gets his strength from his henchmen..usually Matriarchal Sharks who are always ready to line there pockets with backhanders. There are fearless, in their terminations as well, especiually when caught red handed , in the till.....actually these poor souls have made a solid career in taking their huge cut of the schools finance. They have been doing it for years..
By the way.. the word also has it that the 3 girls sacked in 2008 did have their visa and the police asked the school why they were not of the sharks paid a backhander for it to be covered up.

#24 Parent Billy Boy - 2010-04-14
Re: Green Oasis School in Shenzhen, China

No, she and her friends were very good teachers. The Chinese women and the American woman who were realy running the school didn't want Fillipinos there erning more money than them. So they told all three of them there were visa problems when they couldn't be bothered to process the visa.

#25 Parent Jennis - 2008-10-12
Re: Green Oasis School in Shenzhen, China

i think you really don't think you know where i came from because i live in london!I am not a teacher in green oasis school.My friend who is a teacher there said that it is a great school,GREEN OASIS's just one person who faled to get a job there ,why make such a big fuss out of it?why can't anyone else try to get a job there .maybe they will succeed!who knows?But it is a great school from what i have heard.

#26 Parent Aace - 2008-10-05
Re: Green Oasis School in Shenzhen, China

I think I know where you came from. That's why you are saying all of these things.

#27 Parent Amelia - 2008-10-02
Re: Green Oasis School in Shenzhen, China

Well,by the way you applied to the chinese school or international school?


#28 Parent Jennis - 2008-09-30
Re: Green Oasis School in Shenzhen, China

The green Oasis School is a very good school in Shenzhen ,China.It is indeed an international school which is sharing with a Chinese school.The Chinese school is very friendly too.I think it is a very good school.There are less teachers there and than all these rumors about it?someone should feel very pity on that school.It is very good for education and there are only 20 students allowed in each grade.Each grade has been divided in sectors maximum 3 sectors.(7a,7b,7c)It is a welcoming school and has a friendly environment.Even thought there are less teachers the school doesn't feel like that.It follows the Cambridge curriculum so it is very good.I think it is the only school in shenzhen which takes less money and gives more education.
So if you are a teacher applying there than please think that it is a very good school and apply there happily.Although sometimes it is very busy,so there is some trouble sometimes.But all the teachers there are hard-working and the students are very polite and respectful.

p.s.-please please apply there it is an excellent school.

Thank you for reading,

#29 Parent Foxy - 2008-09-28
Re: Green Oasis School in Shenzhen, China

Green Oasis,Shenzhen is apparently no oasis.

Quote from MANDREIA'S post of 27.9.2008:

"mAYBE SHE couldn't be a good teacher so instead of hurting her feelings they must have said visa problems!"

If the above is accepted as a right and proper way for a school that has the right to hire foreign teachers to behave,then I'm a Chinaman!

If that is what indeed has happened at Green Oasis in Shenzhen,the school should be heavily fined and stripped of its right to hire foreign teachers forever.

#30 Parent Mandreia - 2008-09-28
(Message Deleted by Poster)
Yen - 2008-09-09
Green Oasis School in Shenzhen, China

I would like to share my recent experience:

I was just waiting for the release of my Residence Permit (for foreigners) but something happened A few days before it should be release, I was informed by my immediate superiors that they couldnt process it because my country was banned to work/enter in China! I asked for an official letter of explanation but when I received it; they just wrote: We are unable to process the correct documents for residency in the Peoples Republic of China. The contract has not been terminated because of any professional or academic reason. They did not write the main reson that they told me that my country is banned in China.

If the people of my country are not permitted to enter/work in China, I should not be given a Z Work Visa. I entered China using the Z Work Visa and I did not have any problem in the immigration section of the airport. I also have many friends teaching in different parts of China so how could I accept this ridiculous reason? How come that I was just waiting for the release of my Residence Permit then they would tell me that it was not approved. By the way, they did not even show me the paper saying that my application for residency was disapproved.

My friends relatives in my country of origin reported my case in the Chinese Embassy regarding this matter. The Chinese Embassy told my relatives that it is NOT TRUE because they are giving/releasing work visas and there is no new regulation about this matter Aside from this, they gave copies of Rules and Regulations and other supporting documents about my concerns.

I also went to the Consulates Office of my country in China. After explaining what happened to me, the attach told me that it is NOT TRUE because there are lots of teachers (from my country) who are working in China. At this point, it is very clear that the problem is in the school.

The Board did not explain to me/us (its not only me!) personally about this problem. My principal just informed us that we need to leave China as soon as possible. I dont have enough time anymore to stay because they just told me a few days before my 30th day in China. I have no choice than to come back in my own country bringing all the emotions inside me. First, the reason for the termination of my contract was not clearly explained (verbally and in written). Now, I saw from a job website that they are looking for new teachers and the salaries are lower than what they offered to me/us

In addition to this, the liaison officer of the school was directed/ instructed to stop all work for processing the necessary documents for us (my colleagues too). That's why when I asked the liaison officer about my residence permit, she couldn't answer me. We suspect that the school has bribed an official/s for this situation to have occurred. They just want to replace us with the other foreign teachers.

The school used to be a Chinese School then it was bought in 2008, to become an International School that caters to Elementary/Primary School to Middle School. There was a Chinese woman that managed to have the authority as to who to employ in our school like the driver, canteen workers etc. All of them are related to this famous Chinese woman. There was an obvious struggle of power between Chinese office personnel and the foreign principal.

I am posting my experience here to warn everybody; to be careful in accepting job offers in China especially from this school in Shenzhen. I hope that you could find a good job in this country and what happened to me would not happen to anyone else. In this way, there would be no more another victim/s of this school

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