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#1 Parent John O’Shei - 2013-12-13
Re: New Dynamic Institute NDI Shanghai

Haha, I am American. I am from Oklaohma, so I am a redneck, I guess. And no, I have no class for the majority of foreigners who come to China and want to drink alcohol, screw everything with two legs, and behave differently than they would in their home countries. And they know in their home countries, they are the lowest social losers who cannot get a girl in their home country so they come to China to try to find a girl. I am a family guy. I am a moral guy. I don't drink, and I don't smoke. I don't have time for these foreigners who think they are "teachers"... and all they do is live immoral life styles...
You diss those Chinese bosses, but they might have houses. Own a house. Compared to the average foreign teacher who doesn't have anything. And, yes, it is apparent I am a foreigner because I don't know many Chinese people who know the word, "diss." When you stay in China long enough, you can spot a true foreigner online or if the person is Chinese...

I am not lost in the mystique like most foreigners are...

You have dug your hole deeper. I am going to order another cup of this beautiful stocking-filtered milk tea (which is of zero importance, I just thought you’d find it immoral, because it tastes like fanny batter from an angel’s hairy pie) and have an absolute field day tearing you apart for your ever desperate efforts to convince a forum mainly made up of English teachers that you are a native speaker of good character.

I could very easily start by stating that people that like to prove themselves to be moral characters, usually have something to hide. So does that mean that you are a fiddy kiddler? I certainly believe that you are.

In my experience, not many Americans that travel abroad would ever self proclaim themselves to be a redneck. Even the proudest, most conservative of tea-party supporting Republicans.

‘I have no class for’... Oh, please! Don’t you mean to say: ‘I have no time for?’ - I’m not sure if you are a bush dodging cousin loving redneck or just a silly Chinese boss trying too hard.

And please tell me: What is immoral about drinking or smoking exactly? I’ve cut down on smoking, bar the odd rather hard to find good shisha in recent times as it isn’t exactly the healthiest of habits, but drinking? Your declaration of morality relating to your teetotalism makes about as much sense as if I was to declare that I am a man of morals simply because I like to drink strong beer made solely by Belgian Trappist monks (actually, I really do, but it is expensive!). Really, both can be bad for you, but bar the Islamic concept of Harem (sp?), I’d struggle to find a good moral argument against them that relates to the moral values of any religion. It matters not to me, I’m an atheist anyway.

You judge owning a house as a measure of one’s character or success? Well, aren’t you the short bus rider? Yes, I’ve borrowed that one from the Americans, because I thought that you ‘rednecks’ might be familiar with it. Even the apparatuses of the state propaganda machines, the Chinese newspapers will often refer to the fact that corrupt Chinese bosses own houses in a plural sense, even though it is well beyond their financial means as evidence of corruption, that they would appear to hope to be cracking down upon. In Germany, possibly the most developed country in Europe, almost everybody rents!

Using the slang word ‘diss’ to prove that you are a foreigner? That reminds me of when I was 14 and tried using my mate’s older brother’s expired bank card to convince a barman that I was over 18, lol. It is the equivalent of saying ‘I’m not racist, I have a black and white T.V.’ A Chinese guy most likely only needs to have very briefly studied abroad, have a passing interest in hip-hop or foreign TV shows to know the word ‘diss.’

Maybe, I should now leave you for the others to judge!

#2 Parent Jackie - 2013-12-13
Re: New Dynamic Institute NDI Shanghai

Haha, I am American. I am from Oklaohma, so I am a redneck, I guess. And no, I have no class for the majority of foreigners who come to China and want to drink alcohol, screw everything with two legs, and behave differently than they would in their home countries. And they know in their home countries, they are the lowest social losers who cannot get a girl in their home country so they come to China to try to find a girl. I am a family guy. I am a moral guy. I don't drink, and I don't smoke. I don't have time for these foreigners who think they are "teachers"... and all they do is live immoral life styles...

You diss those Chinese bosses, but they might have houses. Own a house. Compared to the average foreign teacher who doesn't have anything. And, yes, it is apparent I am a foreigner because I don't know many Chinese people who know the word, "diss." When you stay in China long enough, you can spot a true foreigner online or if the person is Chinese...

I am not lost in the mystique like most foreigners are...

#3 Parent John O’Shei - 2013-09-20
Re: New Dynamic Institute NDI Shanghai

Not only do I have a few doubts about your background, it would seem unusual for an employee to so vigorously and lovingly defend his company like that. Therefore, we can guess that you are either a wumao or the boss of one of those shitty TCs. I believe it's the latter.

It appears that you are just a typical Chinese boss who follows the same old pattern of putting down their victims with various insults in order to attempt to make them lose face in the eyes of others and therefore establish your falsely perceived superiority and save your own face. Sure, there is a cultural difference there. I might respect cultural differences, but it doesn't mean that I will unduly respect you.

Guess what? ESL is not an industry that solely belongs to the Chinese and on an international board, you will have to answer to Western dominated values. China is apparently not a big fan of such values, but on this website, you are not on your own turf. Regardless of the fact that the teachers may work in China, this website is global and Chinese businesses can't escape that. Speaking Chinglish instantly destroys your credibility and leaves you at the mercy of this board, by the way.

Although you had some very valid points about the employee expecting to earn his salary for November in the same month, rather than December (depending upon your company's cut off dates), the way that you dealt with it established that you are completely lacking in class and manners. Like the average old school Chinese boss, who probably originally came from the shittiest area of the countryside, lacked a real education, profited very well from a bit of of the good old corruption, then all of a sudden believed that money could buy him class. Keep on mixing that Bordeaux with the Sprite sir, because we all know that you can take the farmer out of the farm, but you can't take the farm out of the farmer.

#4 Parent Jackie - 2013-09-20
Re: New Dynamic Institute NDI Shanghai

26 days, but you want 1 month salary? It is common sense that you would get paid on the 26th of the next month. I guess you are used to getting hourly wage... weekly paychecks? Yeah, you should probably go back to that.

I taught at a high school in USA. I was manager of 3 cinemas in USA. And I taught in China since 2007. At all those places, it is good to try to ration and save things. Do not waste papers. Some inexperience foreign teachers print too much paper. They print the lesson plans and follow the lesson plans verbatim. And they show the lesson plans to the students which, I guess the teachers do not understand they are the ones who are supposed to use it and change it some. I think many people have culture shock. What I mean by this, is that many foreigners think things are different in China and their home countries, but it is not. I don't know any place that thinks it is ok to waste paper. Every place should want to save paper, resources, money, etc. They have business training like Six Sigma or 3S which is developed in other countries, even used in companies like GM and GE, to save money. But you only want to say in NDI or China wants to do this. I have been to other private schools in China like WEB, etc. They try to save there too. I mean, I know teachers plan hours and hours, and they have to take the lesson plans or copy the lesson plans to class so they can remember basic words and topics like "weather" or "house." If you need to to copy and prepare to remember to teach basic words like things in the house and rooms, you are missing something. You use case studies.

I think Education is on their mind. It depends what school you go to. I have worked for NDI for two years, and I love it. They have very high standard for teacher, and they only want the best. Other schools will keep horrible teachers who do tons of immoral things. Don't act like you know care about education too. You probably could not be a teacher in your home country. I was a teacher in USA. I got my certification. I bought a house in China. The last part is important because to travel legally for Chinese people to other countries, and even sort of for foreigners to China, but no one checks, is that you are suppposed to take money. I know once before, they did a background check to see if a foreigner who wanted to come to China to make sure he had 20,000 rmb. This is government requirements. Many people when they travel here, they travel like hobos and they need the salary so bad. That is your fault. 26th of next month. You did not even complete 1 month. You started Novemeber, and wanted to get paid a month's salary for 26th days of work? Um? Logic, it might help. This is the same in USA. You know, I know maybe you are used to minimum wage or hourly wage, but monthly salary means you have to work at least one month. Not 26 days. ..

You say you care about education, but you probably know nothing about education in your home country or in China. You know BEC, IELTS, TOELF, TOEIC, you taught kindergarten? You taugh high school in China? You saw the homework? I wasn an IELTS tester before. You read books about tests in China? I knew one teacher in a school before, taught for 16 years, and a Chinese student went to her and said, "I wanted to study BEC." That foreign teacher said, "Oh, we don't have BEC level here. We have BE and BA level." She thought BEC was a level at the school. This foreign teacher did not know BEC was a test in China.

NDI in Changzhou is a great school. I have been here 2 years. It might change in the future as all places can do. Some other schools you mentioned, like EF or WEB or Wallstreet, some of them are bad. They have bad teachers, bad managers. You can't say one school is bad so they are all bad. Generalizing. Of course every school has different bosses or management.

I would probably fire you. You can't be lost in the mystique in China. Some people follow these lesson plans word by word, and you cannot do that. Those lesson plans are outlines for you to use. You have to think about how to use that material in your class where it is interesting and useful for the students. Most foreign teachers come to China and they teach baby English to adults. 80% or 90% of foreign teachers in China are horrible. They would be fired in their home countries and they should be fired here.

#5 Parent Laowai - 2010-06-17
Re: New Dynamic Institute NDI Shanghai

NDI Shanghai is a useless training center that should be closed down asap.

The rightful "bashing" is going on!

#6 Parent My Name is - 2010-06-16
Re: New Dynamic Institute NDI Shanghai

it's late, i'm tired, i'm going to bed soon so i'll make it quick and dirty (and i won't check my spelling:)

I've been at the hongkou NDI for over three years, get paid 16500 a month plus 5000 bonus upon contract renewal. The school isn't great but - it's not bad and infact OK! Sure lessons are painfully dated, and my location is very hot in late spring, early fall because it is an old building, and A/C is expensive - horrible excuse but believable. had to teach kids for 6 weeks, twice a day for 2 years in the summer, hated it but whaddaya gonna do - that's about the worst of it. I mean, i complain but really it's nit picking.

I worked in the daytime my first two years, but a decline in enrollment had me switch to some nights, and the school has made some pretty good compromises on my behalf to get me closer to hours i want. I've had never had a visa problem(or paid any fees), although some visas were quite short (6 months). Pay has been late twice in three years and everyone was called and emailed before hand.

The management of the company i can not speak for (although i know a few personally), but mgt at my school does try to give the students the best edu with the resources available. Every year before my contract has been renewed, with a 500 a year raise, not great but consistent.

The sales team does seem to omit info to potential customers, but hey its sales, i understand. ie the aforementioned lack of A/C for two months of the year (would you buy a Ford if the car sales started quoting repair statistics?)

i teach 25 classes a week, i've been doing it for three years so preparing (for more than a few minutes) is not necessary. My foreign coworkers, complain less than i do:) The Chinese staff, although woefully unpaid IMO, have a pretty good time at school, its a happy place to work. the students are pretty cool, mostly young uni aged females, good attitude. Have had a few VERY minor problem students - and nothing to fret about for more than an hour.

Office hours are 8/9 and yes even 10 hours depending on the shift (10 weekend shifts and we all must work (only) one!! completely stupid but my choice to work there, right?! So for a 5 hour teach day, there's 3 or 4 hours of downtime. no biggie, there's internet, chatting, reading, watching movies... ya it can be boring, but WTF do u want?? you're a FT!!!

lastly - i come to work late every day!!!! Yes, i am charged about 500 a month. i sign a detailed paper every month noting my future deductions. There have been no other deductions of any kind for any reason, ever. Demo classes that we teach, that are successful (meaning student signs a contract) are rewarded with a minimum of 60rmb, not much but something.

we teach about 3-5 English corners a week. the other teachers plan, i don't, my ECs are traditional ECs and students have a good time with different styles of the 3 FTs.

misc... Cockroaches, smelly, dark bathroom, beautiful young girls, nice funny coworkers, good restaurants/delivery in the area/, unobtrusive mgt (at least for the FTs), fast internet, fast working computer, comfortable off-chairs. mgt doesn't like meathead teachers, so shitty part timers are weeded out ASAP, Every teacher, save for one, has been there for more than a year. (PT-approx 13months, the FTs at 2, 3, 3&1/2 years). Even shitty Chinese employees are let go soon after they arrive, sucks for them but leaves a solid crew behind!

I have thought about leaving MANY times, especially during the hot months, but then i look at the state of other schools/pay and realize, those schools REALLY SUCK!!!!!!!! and although i may complain a bit, it's not bad at all at my specific location of NDI.

And lastly - my location was the first Shanghai location for the company(back when it was Only English) the owner of the company was always in the our office. She knew i used to work professionally in TV production (HUGE SIGH) back home and has given me many opportunities to use my talents by writing, producing, directing and editing the schools television commercials. I don't get paid extra but i get time off work to do what i love. - so if you see an NDI commercial (not the shitty ones, mine look indistinguishable from top dollar TV commercials ) that's the work of mostly happy NDI FT

now, back to your regularly scheduled bashing of every other Eng school in China!

cheers (Forza Italia 2010!!)

#7 Parent Reconciled - 2010-05-13
Re: New Dynamic Institute NDI Shanghai

This place is a dump. They once tried to sell me on a job that was 15 actual hours a week for 4,000 a month, no apartment, nothing, just 4,000. The woman offering it acted like she was doing me a favor and a service. Avoid these idiots, they know nothing about how to run a business, and I hope they go out of business real soon.

Bells and whistles folks, don't be fooled by them. Fancy pant training centers with pretty offices, cool looking conference rooms, nifty looking glass walls and new age looking furnishings, al just a bunch of nifty looking bells and whistles. They need them to attract students. The more fancy looking a place is inside, the less I am impressed. Show me staff that knows what they are doing, and know how to run a business, that impresses me. When will the Chinese ever learn to stop being so snide, self satisfied, and full of themselves I wonder? When will the realize that they can't succeed long term in such a manner. Probably never.

#8 Parent Ivory Tower - 2010-05-12
Re: New Dynamic Institute NDI Shanghai

What you have said is great news, we can only hope that they go bankrupt soon! Good riddance to rubbish "schools" like that, and also the scumbags that own and operate them!

#9 Parent Foreign Teacher - 2010-05-12
Re: New Dynamic Institute NDI Shanghai

I have it on good authority that NDI has not signed many new students for the last four months. This is for the Xuhui branch in Shanghai. However, I also am led to believe that the Peoples Square centre is also very quiet. The Xuhui centre has been relocated (at some great cost) to a new location and there is no passing street traffic to attract new students. Things seem very quiet and the Chinese staff look concerned.
If any foreign teachers have been offered a full time contract at this place I would think twice before accepting.

#10 Parent Bsquared96 - 2010-02-11
New Dynamic Institute NDI Shanghai

This is an update for any teachers wanting to work for NDI New Dynamic Institute!
I signed a contract and read every word of it before doing so. The contract said I would be paid on the 26th of every month. I started on the first week of November, and when the 26th came nothing was put in my account. When I ask about it they told me I had to wait 2 months before my first check. This was not mentioned at the signing of the contract. That was a breach of the contract. On a personal note they were late with the money on paydays many times. They treat you Chinese Teachers not Foreigners, and Education is not on their minds! Saving money is at the top for them! Thay ration everything from paper to markers, and you have to bring in your own DVD's if you teach the Movie Class. The Chinese own and run this school system so beware it is not like EF or Wallstreet or Web! How do I know this? I have worked for EF and others before and unless your rich and can hold out for a long time steer clear of NDI!

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