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#1 Parent Backpacker - 2010-05-28
Re: International Language Village of TFLSA: Woman Scorned NOT!

You know, a lot of people ask me that, and it's certainly a COMPLETELY logical assumption to make.

Yes, indeed very logical.

I suggest they make Kentucky the capital of Kenya - or should be Kenya the capital of Kentucky?

Times are achanging, but Kentucky Bourbon will always remain the same!


#2 Parent Admiral Fallows - 2010-05-28
Re: International Language Village of TFLSA: Woman Scorned NOT!

Is Kentucky a province in Kenya?

The Ken- in both names makes me suppose that.

You know, a lot of people ask me that, and it's certainly a COMPLETELY logical assumption to make. When Kentucky annexes Kenya, it'll be called "Kenyatucky".

And the answer will be "No."

#3 Parent Major Colonel Fallows - 2010-05-27
Re: International Language Village of TFLSA: Woman Scorned NOT!

No, Kentucky is NOT in Kenya, though I have given thought to annexing it. I'd be thoroughly chuffed if Kenya agreed to be a province of Kentucky. Invasions are so costly these days.

#4 Parent Backpacker - 2010-05-27
Re: International Language Village of TFLSA: Woman Scorned NOT!

Is Kentucky a province in Kenya?

The Ken- in both names makes me suppose that.

#5 Parent Major Fallows - 2010-05-26
International Language Village of TFLSA: Woman Scorned NOT!

First, I want to make something clear: Dr. T and I are two separate entities.

Second, it was a typo when I wrote that I was in Kenya. Nairobi is in Kenya, but I am in Kentucky. I thought Kentucky but typed Kenya. Kenya--- Kentucky. Kenya--- Kentucky. It's easy to make that mistake. I have done it often (which may explain why my Liz Claiborn Collections were shipped to Africa on occasion. Somewhere, a size 8 is walking around in a very smart-looking low-cut outfit).

Third, Dr. T does NOT wear women's clothes. We have discussed this time and again, and though I urged him to get in touch with his feminine side back in '82, he has said over and over again that his feminine side isn't taking calls. My feminine side reversed the charges, so now I've got three kids.

And oh, the recruiter guy lives in the States or he's staying up until the wee hours of the morning writing really bad advice on you-know-who's esl frappe.

#6 Parent M. Fallows - 2010-05-25
Re: A Woman Scorned!

Wow. I can't believe that I've been mistaken for a woman AGAIN! I quit wearing women's clothes back in the early 'eighties! And that was in Kenya, not Nairobi.

#7 Parent Foxy - 2010-05-25
Re: A Woman Scorned!

As for this other supposed separate person of "Turnoi" ... wow, stunning. Your behavior follows the exact same pattern as this M.Fallows person - WOW, what a coincidence!!! Someone challenges your credibility (regarding your comments about fake degrees) and you decide to turn it around and then attack this same school simply because you can't comprehend that you too are crying wolf, that you too have some pathetic power issue. Someone stands up to you and you then decide to tell everyone to stay away from the school - talk about hilarious!!

Turnoi is a supposed separate person? Actually, he's in Nairobi. And he has no wish to work for a private Chinese school, nor me, btw, they're the pits!
I'll tell you one thing about Turnoi, he does have INTEGRITY! Do your research first before posting misleading stuff on here about him. try a google search.
I don't always see eye to eye with him, fair enough, but I know for sure he's incorruptible, and many others know that too!

#8 Parent Will Rossett - 2010-05-25
A Woman Scorned!

Be aware that this individual obviously feels scorned for not knowing how to submit an appropriate job application and then decided to go crying anonymously online. This is nothing more than a disgruntled individual who realized he was being refused a job.

I don't work for these people, but have personal knowledge about this school in Shandong. I live in Zibo, not far from there and know people here who have worked part-time as sub's for them. It is a regular Chinese K-12 semi-private/public school. In fact, it is one of the most expensive schools in Shandong. They have the highest rated science and physics scores in the entire province. They have been licensed to hire foreigners for 16 years and currently have seven foreigners.

The attacks against the "village" are quite obvious to me and everyone else of a sad individual with a broken heart. I mean, it's obvious. He applies for a job, doesn't know how to follow instructions, doesn't know how to be the least bit adult and professional in how to submit a job application, and then cries afoul in a place where he can keep his little anonymous ego hidden. Anyone with this much time on his hands clearly has some other issue going on in his life. Refusal to accept reality, "it's not my fault, it's his," and so forth...

He is refused a job, clearly told a way in which to ensure a proper application is submitted, and then decided to be a poor little baby about it.

What a man. You're clearly superior to everyone. Congratulations!

Everyone should feel quite sad for you.

As for this other supposed separate person of "Turnoi" ... wow, stunning. Your behavior follows the exact same pattern as this M.Fallows person - WOW, what a coincidence!!! Someone challenges your credibility (regarding your comments about fake degrees) and you decide to turn it around and then attack this same school simply because you can't comprehend that you too are crying wolf, that you too have some pathetic power issue. Someone stands up to you and you then decide to tell everyone to stay away from the school - talk about hilarious!!

I feel sad for you both - but believe me, I'm one person that isn't going to spend more than a few nanoseconds worrying about you. The reputable teachers out there don't need to, nor will they, concern themselves with such sad attempts by folks like you to alleviate their own loneliness and self esteem issues online.

Cry, stomp, throw a fit elsewhere. None of you can substantiate anything about these people. Rumor, falsehoods, conjecture, anonymity - BRAVO !!

Why not post your real name and genuine locations so all the other good schools out there and scoop you up? You clearly know more than everyone else. We all know you don't have the baseball's to do so. There isn't a school out there that would hire you knowing what kind of immaturity you demonstrate (then again, this school did exactly that - is that a coincidence too?)

On to real issues.



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