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#1 Parent Laurie - 2010-06-25
Re: Esl Resource Group/ ERG

I was wondering has anyone apply to this yet
this seem like a too good of a deal, no requirements needed and everything is applied...please let me know because it is a trip to korea and a year commitment

#2 Parent Greyson - 2010-01-14
Re: Esl Resource Group/ ERG

Hey there, did you ever receive further information about esl resource group because they contacted me as well. I'd rather not get involved with something that has the appearance of a scam, particularly if i were to make a commitment to travel to Korea. Let me know.



shana - 2009-09-01
Esl Resource Group/ ERG

Has anybody used or heard of the Esl Resource Group/ ERG agency? If so, can anyone tell me how their experience was?
Also, has anybody hear about the Stanford Review in Yongin?

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