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#1 Parent Admiral Major Whitherbottom - 2010-06-29
Re WARNING - TEFL International in Thailand

And your apparent lies about your success as an admiral are a really poor attempt to belittle my information.

How do you know they are "lies"? You will certainly have a clue when I tell you that the captains of these vessels under my command were highly trained sharks, crocodiles, tigers, and grizzly bears.....

You see, anyone can write anything - as I do ...or ....AS YOU DO!!!!!

It is for that reason that I have pointed out my successes and achievements as an admiral. Yes, I am soooo great......LOL

#2 Parent Bruce - 2010-06-27
Re WARNING - TEFL International in Thailand

I am not inflating or exaggerating anything. I gave facts. 13,000+ grads. Its not difficult to do the math or to verify. Complaints--for an exact number and results of each one just contact the BBB. Feedback is easy too. Just follow the link.

Just giving verifiable facts that contradict someone who came on this board offering their opinion. Hey maybe they hated the course. It HAPPENS! You can see a few in the feedback. As I mentioned, they ARE unedited. But you will also see the average ratings of all students and for all courses and see that the vast majority of our students rate the course very highly.

These are just facts and it seems that if this board is interested in proving fair and accurate information they would be excited to have this additional information here.

Your evidence is I implied my course is better. Sorry, Admiral, thats a real stretch. And your apparent lies about your success as an admiral are a really poor attempt to belittle my information. OK, if MY numbers were just created out of thin air maybe it would be fair. But we run monthly courses in 30 locations worldwide and have been operational since 1998. Do you really think we have not had 13,000 grads?

Well I am assuming you have not actually been an admiral for 33,000 ships. If you have, my humble apologies and WELL DONE! You have something to be justifiably proud of!

#3 Parent Admiral Major Whitherbottom - 2010-06-27
Re WARNING - TEFL International in Thailand

Its been 12 years now and we have had a total of 12 complaints filed (out of 13,000 students).

Your claim is that you have had 13,000 students in the past 12 years and had only 12 complaints filed - according to that ratio, you want to imply how great your business is...Another way to market yourself, methinks! This board is the wrong place for such a thing!

I think if anoyne does a bit of research they will find that TEFL International is the most transparent TEFL course in the world.

Here, you are telling people to take a look at your product. Pretty unfair towards other providers in the field as they are unaware of this hidden way of marketing!

You will see that our courses are very well received by our trainees.

Blablabla....the usual marketing trash.

All that makes the complaints against your business all the more interesting. There may be some who feel challenged to dig a bit deeper...hahaha

For my part, I can tell you that I have been a very successful admiral in the past 12 years and that I have commanded over 33,000 vessels in that period. And I have never had any complaints, never. How great I am! It's time for blowing my own trumpet right now!


#4 Parent Bruce - 2010-06-27
Re WARNING - TEFL International in Thailand

LOL OK Admiral. You want to argue semantics on a discussion board. Its your right. But here is a request. And its pretty easy. In my previous two posts, quote the actual praise I give to our course. If you are right and can quote where I praise my course I am happy to agree.

#5 Parent Admiral Major Whitherbottom - 2010-06-25
Re WARNING - TEFL International in Thailand

Selling yourself as such a "wonderful" TEFL provider is a legitimate thing if you do it as an advertisement declared as such.

This is not the case here.

For Reading Comprehension skills, in posts like yours, people must be able to "read between the lines" because of all the hidden messages there.

Is your "wonderful" organisation teaching that as well?

#6 Parent Bruce - 2010-06-24
Re WARNING - TEFL International in Thailand

Actually if you try reading my post you see I was actually providing only facts for people looking for accurate information.

TEFL International is a member in good standing with the BBB so anyone who does have a dispute can take their problems to the BBB and can alsop check for past complaints.

Full and unedited feedback (not testimonials) is available online.

I do not praise our course nor do I even attempt to compare it to others.

reading comprehension is a wonderful thing! :D

#7 Parent Admiral Major Whitherbottom - 2010-06-24
Re WARNING - TEFL International in Thailand

You have obviously come here to blow the trumpet for your business.

Why should anyone around here care?

Do you really care about the malpractices in the crappy world of ESL?

#8 Parent Bruce - 2010-06-23
Re WARNING - TEFL International in Thailand

Ann took her dispute to the BBB and lost. But, because we try to treat people fairly, we allowed her to take another course without penalty. The BBB actually said her deposit was lost and we owed her nothing.

I think if anoyne does a bit of research they will find that TEFL International is the most transparent TEFL course in the world.

OK, first of all TEFL International is a long-time member of the Better Business Bureau. That means if ANYONE has a complaint about our course they can go to the BBB and complain and we must respond and solve any unfair practice or be kicked out of the BBB. Its been 12 years now and we have had a total of 12 complaints filed (out of 13,000 students). All were resolved to the satisfaction of the BBB.

Next, our course feedback is available ONLINE. If you want to see the feedback for China or Thailand or ANYWHERE, just go to as all of our feedback is available, unedited, for anyone to see. You will see that our courses are very well received by our trainees.

#9 Parent QueenMac75 - 2009-07-16
Re: WARNING - TEFL International in Thailand

I posted this link a few months ago when I was at the height of my frustration level, so I am having trouble locating all the links to post the BBB results. I apologize for the delay.

First of all, I understood fully from the beginning that my deposit was non-refundable based on the legal information displayed on their website. They were within their rights not refund/apply my deposit money regardless of the customer service issues I encountered. In the end, I know my reaction was fueled by stress factors outside of TEFL's control (my job, moving, etc.) and my reaction was a bit over the top. TEFL's management has answered all my concerns in a timely manner and as in all businesses, we cannot account for the quality of every single worker. It was unfair of me to blast the entire organization the way I did.

Secondly, after the hearing, the BBB did not agree in my favor. TEFL was not required by the BBB to give me a refund or apply my deposit to a future course.

To wrap things up, once TEFL and I were informed of the BBB decision, the management of TEFL International has been gracious enough to still offer the transfer of my deposit into a future course. I am currently registering for one of their on-site courses located in Europe this fall.

#10 Parent QueenMac75 - 2009-04-09
Re: WARNING - TEFL International in Thailand

The decision from the BBB dispute with TEFL International came in on May 19, 2009.

The official decision of the BBB:
"The consumer's request for a refund is denied. The business does not have any obligation to provide credit to the consumer for the deposit."

However, TEFL International (BV) contacted me after the decision and still offered me the opportunity to apply the $500 deposit towards a future class. Since they were under no obligation to do so after the BBBs decision, I do appreciate them honoring the original offer.

QueenMac - 2009-01-26
WARNING - TEFL International in Thailand

Be careful dealing with TEFL International... get a CELTA or Trinity and don't waste your time and money!!!

The websites I am speaking of are:

Please see my BBB dispute post on Dave's ESL:

Also see with Alex Cross for Blacklisted schools:

My posts keep getting deleted because of TEFL International's advertising dollars.... I will repost as many times as needed to maintain visibility or you can PM me anytime for a conversation about the situation.

(The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.)
I am not satisfied with the responses or the treatment received from TEFL International as a business or school. I would like the refund that was agreed to by Bruce and offered by Derek before they tried to resolve the situation one last time in early December 2008.

My changes in programs were due to the confusion stemming from the lack of response from the staff, multiple websites with conflicting project details, and general confusion on their end as to who was "helping" me... and it should be noted that all 4 websites are still not showing consistent data as of today.

I do not feel my constant hounding of TEFL International staff reflects well on them as a business or school or that I should be forced to give up my $500 deposit due to their ineffectiveness as a recruiter/placement agency. The quality of information I received from the TEFL staff was basic information available on the websites and my questions went unanswered as to the procedures to follow for the Thai/Korea project advertised in conjunction with Park English. To date, no one has been able to tell me who the contact is at TEFL from Park English and TEFL has not provided me with a contact name at Park English. The 2 job offers they forwarded were not even within the time frame for me to be in the country (offered February openings when I specifically stated I would be in the March/April 2009 call and in Korea by May 2009 in my multiple Skype interviews).

I consider this highly unethical behavior and I will not do business with TEFL International or trust any more money to their offerings as a school or placement agency.


I am afraid Ann's story is now contradicting itself.

To quote her original complaint:

"I originally contacted TEFL International in December of 2007 about the 4 month Thai project listed on their website ( for Chaing Mai. I applied, did my interview with Alex, paid the $500 deposit for the April 2008 class and processed my VISAs for Thailand in February 2008.

In March 2008, a family member fell ill and I had to postpone the trip."

Yet in her response she claims "My changes in programs were due to the confusion stemming from the lack of response from the staff, multiple websites with conflicting project details, and general confusion on their end as to who was "helping" me"

Finally, to quote our terms and conditions:

"If for any reason you wish to subsequently cancel your place on the course after your part or full fees (i.e. deposit plus balance) have been paid, TEFL International cannot provide any refund except for exceptional circumstances. The course organizer's decision is final. In any case, the deposit is non-refundable. The reason for this is that the staffing for the course and accommodation have fixed costs which have to be paid for in advance and based on a specific number of course members in the group. The college cannot guarantee to replace course members who subsequently drop out."

it is clear that after Ann postponed her original course we were under no legal obligation to assist her further. But we try to accommodate people as best we can. It can get very confusing and annoying, and in Ann's case we spent countless hours trying to help her as she moved from course to course. At times, due to all these changes, we certainly did not follow through as frequently as we should have.

Our offer of a free online course or to hold her deposit for a future course is already a very fair offer.

MY LAST RESPONSE TO THE BBB (who does not seem very helpful):
(The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.)
The original postponement was handled in a fair manner and I was very happy with TEFL until I moved from the original Thai project. When I was told the original project in Chaing Mai was not available in Spring 2008--that is where the trouble with communication and the confusion regarding the staff and project details came in.

I have tried to get basic details and communication from TEFL, from their multiple admins, numerous websites, etc. and the only time I could guarantee a response was to copy in the VP.

TEFL has not spent "countless hours" assisting me... the original interview with Alex took the most time and the rest has consisted of my hounding the staff to get a few word in a email and broken promises.

Please provide the refund of my funds as agreed to in December 2008.

Thank you,

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