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#1 Parent Steve Castle - 2011-01-16
Re York School of Foreign Languages/ Fuzhou

Sounds like Web international Fuzhou.
Kings appears to have the best reputation in Fuzhou at present.

#2 Parent GW Exposer - 2010-12-09
Re: York School of Foreign Languages/ Fuzhou

" Having seen your written ability showcased on this forum . . . ."

Hey, " The Corrector ", what you playin' at? There's much worse to pick holes in in terms of writin' full of grammatical and punctuation defects than the example you've deliberately chosen to blow our minds with. You've obviously a seperate agenda, one which it's not too hard to identify by the informed readers of this board. You can not succeed in pulling the wool over our eyes. you'd have to do a lot better'n that to stand any chance of acheiving your goal!

#3 Parent The Corrector - 2010-12-09
Re: York School of Foreign Languages/ Fuzhou

" Having seen your written ability showcased on this forum . . . ."

Mr Mcduff needs to put his handbag down and stop speaking ill about a marvellous establishment of language education. The school has recently undergone a significant restructuring of its management, this much is true, but it is far from inefficient. Infact its actually being run as smoothly as any comparative western organisations. The 'inexperienced' Director of Studies/ HR Director you refer to is actually a graduate in international commerce and has a sound grasp of business management, marketing and the general co-ordination of educational organisations. He has several years of ESL experience, with all age groups, and is a remarkably approachable authoirty figure.

Coupled with the experience and capablity of the other management staff, the man-management at York is superb. York is consistantly moving towards elite status in foreign language teaching. Unlike other establishments who operate in an informal, 'join us for your gap year' manner, York is a serious school for serious teachers. The pay and incentive schemes are more than competative. Not only is it the biggest and best institution of its kind in Fuzhou, it is efficient enough in its progression to go above and beyond its current vacinity.

The ownership is the cornerstone of York's success. Both the majority share holder and junior partners share an unmatched passion for ESL teaching and put the clients before making a quick return. You are certainly right about the staff. In my experience, the workforce at York are friendly, helpful and incredibly community spirited.

In sum, Claudius, you are obviously a bitter individual. Having seen your written ability showcased on this forum, it is more than reasonable to pressume that your teaching leaves a lot to be desired and therefore your own shortcomings ultimately played a substantial part in your departure from York.

#4 Parent Pink House Panda - 2010-12-07
Re: York School of Foreign Languages/ Fuzhou

Mr Mcduff needs to put his handbag down and stop speaking ill about a marvellous establishment of language education. The school has recently undergone a significant restructuring of its management, this much is true, but it is far from inefficient. Infact its actually being run as smoothly as any comparative western organisations. The 'inexperienced' Director of Studies/ HR Director you refer to is actually a graduate in international commerce and has a sound grasp of business management, marketing and the general co-ordination of educational organisations. He has several years of ESL experience, with all age groups, and is a remarkably approachable authoirty figure.

Coupled with the experience and capablity of the other management staff, the man-management at York is superb. York is consistantly moving towards elite status in foreign language teaching. Unlike other establishments who operate in an informal, 'join us for your gap year' manner, York is a serious school for serious teachers. The pay and incentive schemes are more than competative. Not only is it the biggest and best institution of its kind in Fuzhou, it is efficient enough in its progression to go above and beyond its current vacinity.

The ownership is the cornerstone of York's success. Both the majority share holder and junior partners share an unmatched passion for ESL teaching and put the clients before making a quick return. You are certainly right about the staff. In my experience, the workforce at York are friendly, helpful and incredibly community spirited.

In sum, Claudius, you are obviously a bitter individual. Having seen your written ability showcased on this forum, it is more than reasonable to pressume that your teaching leaves a lot to be desired and therefore your own shortcomings ultimately played a substantial part in your departure from York.

#5 Parent Steve Castle - 2010-11-28
Re: York School of Foreign Languages/ Fuzhou

I knew Mark, through working with him at another school in Fuzhou.
As far as I am concerned he is an honest man and a great teacher.
Whatever happened at York I am sure was more to do woth the original investors and not Mark's fault.

There are other schools in Fuzhou which are high price teaching for low quality teaching.
Schools need good management and teaching to build reputation. Unfortunately this seems lacking.

#6 Parent englishgibson - 2010-07-08
Re: York School of Foreign Languages/ Fuzhou

Mark was the one who started the school there. He ran from EF, ripping them off, so I don't know how real he is. In fact, Mark [edited] has posted some fine stories about the EF Fuzhou to which he returned from York School. Hard to believe Mark, although I've seen him in action..teaching, observing classes and providing feedback on teachers. I can tell you that he was pretty straght forward, although bias against some. If you went out for a beer with him, he was great. I've seen the school as Mark has invited me, when I was with EF Fuzhou. York looked fine..teachers office 2002. Honestly, I know Mark is [edited] and he wouldn't remember you after a couple years.

On the owners, I don't know who owns it now, but the ones that invested initially in, where some great locals. They were into some hospital equipment..import-export. They had the money, but they weren't into education much. One spoke English pretty well however.

Cheers and beers to York and the fine owners that I have got to know..they were fine fellas i'd have another beer with

#7 Parent Claudius_Mcduff - 2010-07-06
Re: York School of Foreign Languages/ Fuzhou

York School is a school wrought with insufficient management and incapable owners. A true bunch of twats. Now we have a new one, with no business expereince and he hasnt even got a university degree. Why not make him a manager. It is a fiarly decent environment, but the blind leading the blind. How do I know, Ive worked there for over(x months) and continue to do so, because there isnt much else in the city and I have other connections here. The best part is the other workers, but not the incapable bosses/managers. These w[edited] dont know what they have done. To all the previous people they screwed over, I only wish I made my voice heard and stood up when I had a chance, but now I know better so I pass along the knowledge.

I know Mark, never taught with him, but know of him. Met Grant once. From my knowledge these were/are all real people. My reccomendation is stay as far away from the school as possible and to look for work elsewhere.

Overall: Good ideas- poor execution- even worse management = frustration and regret.

#8 Parent Mark Finnegan - 2010-07-03
Re: York School of Foreign Languages/ Fuzhou

I worked for York for a year and a half.
It's not the worst place in the world to work by any stretch of the imagination. In fact it's pretty decent. My current contract in a non-teaching job is coming to an unpleasant end shortly, and I intend to talk to York about the possibility of a half year contract.

Interestingly Grant is actually a real person, an Aussie, who no longer works in York and actually left Fuzhou for greener pastures. I've already texted him to find out if he wrote that, as he usually manages to keep his English a bit more coherent. If he didn't write it then I may have to retract some of my enthusiasm for the school, and if he did then I'll have to mock him most thoroughly at some length.

#9 Parent J - 2010-06-26
Re: York School of Foreign Languages/ Fuzhou

For crying out loud Grant, your English is not native! Does any recent (and genuine) foreign English teacher at this school have any detailed comments on this school? Pretty please.

#10 Parent Grant Davis - 2008-08-16
Re: York School of Foreign Languages/ Fuzhou

The staff (both Chinese and foreign English Teachers) co-operate effectively. I have been working for York for three months now I have had no issue. The have organized my working visa, provided me with secure accommodation.

The working hours are reasonable.

There I cant think of any negatives working in China, Fuzhou or York.

Currently it has an English DOS. Witch makes communicating about pay and contract issues easy.

prospie - 2008-07-07
York School of Foreign Languages/ Fuzhou, China

Anyone have any experience teaching for York School in Fuzhou? How is the staff, any good/bad things to look out for?

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