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#1 Parent Admiral Major Whitherbottom - 2010-06-27
Re: New Century School, Dalian - ESL school review

I have no idea why they act so maliciously,I can only assume they have the attitude,if you don't work for us you will work for nobody.Such a shame they are still able to run this Place.

Yes, that is the way crappy training centres are treating decent teachers!

They should be blacklisted!

#2 Parent william - 2010-06-27
Re: New Century School, Dalian - ESL school review

I also worked here.It all started well enough,everyone seems so nice and happy.Then I finished my contract and decided to leave I wanted to continue my experiences in Beijing.

They refused to give me my release letter,without this its almost impossible to get another school to process your application.I called the school and they all refused to speak to me from the secretory to the assistant Head a Chinese lady Amy.

I called so many times and they even had the cheek to say they had never heard of me and did not know who I was.!I had to go the the Bureau of foreign experts to finally get a letter from them.I was so upset they treated me with this attitude.I have since left China with a bad memory of their behavior.Why do this to genuine good teachers?

I have no idea why they act so maliciously,I can only assume they have the attitude,if you don't work for us you will work for nobody.Such a shame they are still able to run this Place.

#3 Parent Greg - 2010-06-15
Re: New Century School, Dalian - ESL school review

I also worked here,I was asked to post on this and other sites by the boss man.I still have the email saved.They are asking teachers and some of their staff to fabricate posts to try and entice teachers here,get you to sign the contract quickly and then its done.They can blacklist teachers through their contacts and you are trapped.Only when you sign and they have your foreign experts certificate can they do this.Please do your homework.There are many good schools don't be fooled by the fake smiles and overly happy staff here.they all want to keep you here for their own gains.I am happy to share my information with any teachers needing to know more,although I hope by now people are fully aware of new century,they also have another school opened and they wont let you know its new century ,so be vigilant and you will be OK.

#4 Parent Mark - 2010-05-06
Re: New Century School, Dalian - ESL school review

I personally know of two ex-teachers.One English and One from the U.S.

I heard through the grapevine of what happened to them at new century and in particular the treatment from the head. D[edited].

Teachers please be advised this man is simply disguising and a compulsive liar.


I have heard from fellow school owners and teachers who feel ashamed of his behavior and treatment of staff and teachers alike.

Only a small percentage of Chinese people behave in this way but they give all Chinese a bad name.

I recently attended a meeting in Shanghai,soon the government will start to lean up these illegal schools,they cannot supply a legal F.E.C only once you have one can they re register it.

They are notorious in The TESOL market,unfortunately teachers with no degree or bad reputations can only find work here.Its up to you but ask around,and think very carefully,is it worth it..?

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