Return to Index › Re WARNING - TEFL International in Thailand
#1 Parent Bruce - 2010-06-29
Re WARNING - TEFL International in Thailand

First of all, it might be a good idea to do a bit more research before posting. Just because a company has a website does not make it an online company. TEFL International is a US (Oregon-based) non-profit organization with 30+ "bricks and mortar" locations worldwide.

Next, if you do not trust any course that requires a deposit you just eliminated every TESOL course in the world that I know of.

Finally, I think the most important question you need to ask is, what is the dispute resolution method? Is there a third party you can go to that is impartial and can hear the complaint and make a decision that will be binding and not cost you any money? In our case the answer is clearly yes. If you are not happy with the center, come to me. By Email address is If you are unhappy with my decision, take the matter to the BBB. They will hire a professional arbitrator to decide on the case and we must accept their decision.

In this case a potential student wanted her deposit back. She did not give you any details but I will just say that she had scheduled to take several courses and backed out at the last minute doe to her own scheduling issues and, despite the rules about our deposits, we allowed her to change her course date and location on several occasions. The BBB found that she deserved nothing and was told this. However, we wanted to be fair and so we allowed her to use that deposit for yet another future course which, I believe, she did.

Now my final questions before I leave this forum, because it is already degenerating into reposting of old lies and inaccurate old posts (hey its on the internet it MUST be true, right? LOL).

What is the real feedback like for XYZ course? not testimonials, those are just the hand picked ones that liked the course. REAL and UNEDITED feedback.

If I have a dispute, who can I turn to that will help me that is impartial?

Who oversees each course and can I see their moderation reports for past courses?

If I were choosing a course I would want to be able to get answers for these questions.

Anyone with any further questions can Email me.

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