Return to Index › Re Some more on TEFL International (found by googling)
#1 Parent Bruce - 2010-06-29
Re Some more on TEFL International (found by googling)

These posts are exactly my point. When you are dealing with an organization of our size, disputes occur. But how are those disputes resolved? Or are they even real? Because anyone with a keyboard and connection could write anything they want on these blogs. All they need is an agenda. I could be here posing as Fred Smith telling you, at this very instant, how our course is perfect in every way. How would you know who I am or if my post was true? In fact you have no idea.

I will comment on two of the posts because I know or strongly suspect I know who posted them. The post on IATQUO was posted by Alan Moller. He was fired for conflict of interest. he had an agenda.

The many posts about Beijing almost certainly came from the former managers who were fired. Beucase that same post is EVERYWHERE and whenever I post that any unhappy parties should contact me directly to discuss a possible refund, no one every does. Thats odd, right? Someone in that situation is not being accurate and has an agenda.

But certainly some of these posters online hated our course. But the question anyone must ask is... so what? There is not a course in the world that someone does not hate. I can do a google search on every course in the world. The bigger they are the more people will hate them. Its simple math. We are the biggest single course provider in the world with 30+ worldwide locations.

Of our 13,000+ grads some hated our course, some thought it was ok and some loved it. Its all right on our end-of-course feedback online at (sorry the access issue is being resolved). You can find out the rankings for all centers worldwide or each center individually. And you will find that in the rankings, every location ranks between a 4 and a 5 in every category--sorry that will make sense if you check out the feedback.

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