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#1 Parent Migrant Worker - 2010-07-21
Re: suzhou international foreign language school

I agree, let's not throw everyone into a box and label it. As tempting as the notion is, it is wrong. These sort of labels breed ignorance and add to the degradation of the human race. It is certainly the leaders' fault as they are the ones accepting bribes and letting the school leaders get away with such horrid leadership.

The only way it's going to change is if we stop being ignorant and thoroughly research the chosen place of employment before making the commitment. After lack of foreign teachers, they will inevitable lose students being an international school. They have no choice but to clean up their act or go out of business. That's a win-win situation for us.

So please REALLY look into a place before making the choice. It's really worth the effort and you are overall helping all foreigners of the future that come to China or the poorly run schools.


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