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#1 Parent crazee saffa - 2011-01-22
Re Walton School of Foreign Lnguages.

Well, its been a year since i left Walton and not much has changed according to the latest posts.

I just might be the only person that actually completed a year there, although whether I was fired or I left in the 11th month I still dont know :) That being said, I must have been the biggest pain in their asses from the very first time they cheated and lied to me. Theres no point listing all the lies (and there are tons) but they began with broken promises of Z visas and ended with 800 yuan electricity bills. I dare anyone to work well and to give a damn under those condtions. Why Marc sold out practically overnight and then ran away soon after i'll never understand.

Contrary to what was posted here i didnt stay for the money. Does anyone really come to china for the money?? I stayed because the apartments are excellent, in fact they were the best that i had stayed in during my 6 years of teaching in Asia. Huadu is also filled with clubs, ktv bars and outdoor bbq restaurants. I had a blast!

Am I one of the useless teachers Marc was talking about it.... you know it! My miconduct formed a list just as long as Walton's lol, but thats the enviroment that the school created and i just adapted to it.

Honestly I would only recomend this place if you could care less about your fiances or job satisfaction and you wanted to concentrate on what is really important :)

#2 Parent face the facts - 2010-07-31
Re: Walton School of Foreign Lnguages.

Thank you for the most honest post on this school, that there has been.
Sadly, there are a few very good people that will be hurt by these posts but one can hope that one day there be a honest replacement the the evil empire of Lydia (the Taiwanese owner).
I echo words already spoken..................AVOID AT ALL COSTS.

#3 Parent Marc - 2010-07-31
Re: Walton School of Foreign Lnguages.

I was told to place kind words about Walton on certain websites and rather than say no, i did it as it made for an easier life there....i got nothing out of it, had a difficult time until i was made DOS? well, if you know me and you know the people i worked with then you will fully understand the crap that Walton dished out on a daily basis to us all. I was only made DOS because Jason and i were the only ones with a Z visa and experts license, so Lydia had to try and keep me because Jason be honest, i took the job to try and make life better for the other teachers, but sadly, their own performance let them down. What i wrote was no way from the heart, Walton is a very bad place to be in, most of the posts on here are true, very true indeed, simply avoid this place at all costs. Yes i have moved on, to much bigger and better things, i will never look back at Walton with any fond memories, or Huadu for that matter, Lydia and her cronies saw to making everyones life miserable.Walton are to blame for many things, but, they also hired very poor quality teachers that contributed to the bad atmosphere there, thank fully most left or were fired. All the teachers that are currently there face extreme difficulties in the coming months, Walton is often checked by the Police and the teachers there are all on illegal Visas, the net is closing in, Lydias power is waning, and it will be the foreigners that pay for her underhand and downright deviant behavior.

#4 Parent face the facts - 2010-07-30
Re: Walton School of Foreign Lnguages.

It was good of you to write in support of Walton English School in Huadu was it from your heart or what you would get out of it? Maybe that is unfair to ask but from all accounts you had a difficult time there until you were made DOS. (I heard you now left after a very short spell in that position, interesting).
This is also very similar to another earlier letter of praise, why is it that these come from teachers who have been promoted to the position of DOS?
I can agree that many working in the school will feel bad about the comments written and although I can sympathise with them, these are stories that must be told if things are to change but his I doubt will happen till the school has a new owner.
Will we ever see a genuine letter of praise for Walton, I hope so as Im sure there are many good people who work there that dont have the opportunity to move, like you did!
Im sure there have been some lies told in these comments, but there is also a lot of truth written too and I question why has Walton drawn so much criticism?

Marc - 2010-01-11
Walton School of Foreign Lnguages.

As some are aware that there are some very negative reports on this and other websites that bring the name of our school into disrepute.I will not deny, that like many other ESL training schols things are not always 100% perfect, a mix of the employers and employees getting things wrong, usually cultural differences and communication mistakes that combine to leave a sour taste in many mouths.

As with any business bad word of mouth can harm and even ruin a business from its day to day working operations.People only complain when something negative happens, as this can be remembered.Of course anybody has the right to air their opinions and should do so,but have a heart for those that are already working there, it harms them to.So if Teachers can bad mouth a school, can a school do the same in return?quite simply yes it could.

Of course, people will think that this is being written to defend or hide the negative comments about our school, there is nothing that can be done about those, we are simply putting our arguement forward to prospective new employees that wish to join us that we know things do not work all of the time but we do our very best to make your life here as comfortable as possible.

We hope that in the future we can get some positive comments from past or present staff to ensure that the name of our school does not get thrown around the internet and used as a target for all those that wish to slander us for no reason, i am saying this as many of the more recent damaging posts on this website alone are outright lies.

An email address has been supplied to chat with anybody to put the records straight and explain for those that are interested the reasons behind the postings.

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