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#1 Parent englishgibson - 2010-08-08
Re: Chengdu Meten / Metro

Cathy, who are you? There are so many users on and some say little about little and some have varieties of motives to post. My motive is to inform all I can and I give what I know, have learnt or experienced.
Cheers and beers

#2 Parent Cathy - 2010-08-07
Re: Chengdu Meten / Metro

This must be Meten on another planet -perhaps there is one on mars.....

Chengdu ft - 2009-07-31
Chengdu Meten / Metro


I just saw a job advert for Meten English in Chengdu and thought I would write a review for you all.

I was part time and they lived up to the about 75% of the contract, however I still would not recommend the place.

My gripes are pretty limited. My contract called for 60 hours a month at 6000 with my working days on Sat through Tuesday. With over time paid at 100 RMB per hour.

Gripe 1) I specifically said I didn't want to work Monday and Tuesday evenings. Before I signed a contract they agreed (in writing folks) to no schedule me after 5pm on Monday or Tuesday then they went ahead and scheduled me anyway.

I should have been more of an ass about this and just insisted they not due and refuse to teach those hours.

Gripe 2) This is going to sound really anal, but it just goes to show how awful the place is, I am supposed to receive a fresh (that means just refilled) pen every day before my classes begin. The actually write that into the "contract" (We all know they don't mean shit). The full timers get two new pens every month according to their contract.

Come on, it is one of the most overpriced schools in town and the FTs spend 15 minutes scavenging for pens everyday. Don't know about you, but that is how i love to start off my morning. I am not the only one that bitches about this, it is a standing joke with ever FT that has ever worked there.

Gripe 3) Getting paid. I don't know what the accountants do, but every time I tried to get paid they would have to look through papers for 10 to 15 minutes to find my name on a sheet of paper. From the time I parked my bike I would spend 30 minutes hassling with them to get my money.

Other good schools i have worked out have your money and pay slip ready to sign. It's my money! Give it to me! It's my time! Don't waste it!

Gripe 4) They are a "leading" English school in China, yet their course material for the basic level was CRAP! I don't know where the get this stuff, but whom ever is making it up is getting a real laugh!

Gripe 5) When ever you tried to find one of the "managers" to complain or discuss these matters the could never be found.

It's not as bad as some schools, lying on this, cheating on that, screwing you out of your money, but you can find a better school. Management was horrible last year and after it recently changed it really sucks now.

I have been around town for a while, and the teachers at WEB and NDI are more content. If you are going to do a chain school look at those two.

FYI The most recent ad offers 7-8000 last year when i was there full time was 8000 to 9000. They have some stupid three month probation period.

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