#1 Parent Tom - 2010-08-14

Well, Torri, if you could discover their new website identity, we can all hit it and perhaps save a few well-meaning westerners from returning home after their Yuming experience with a bad taste in their mouths. I have found the ordinary Chinese people to be the 'salt of the earth,' once you get away from the animal-like-cunning business people who manage to keep them in their places. Scum like Yuming do not represent Chinese people- or sadly they do but shouldn't; they are not worthy enough to even wipe the arses of the good Chinese folk. Western teachers should get past the scum and meet the real people; however, that's often been not possible for many after Yuming has stitched them up financially- In truth you need a few quid to travel in China, and meet the real Chinese-if you go to Yuming you may well reach a panic-stricken period when you're phoning home to get the price of your return to Pennsylvania, not being able to stand it for a second longer.

#2 Parent jack - 2010-08-14

In fact, I lived in Tianjin and I can tell you first hand that Yunming Education is a joke and it should be avoided at any and all costs. I cannot remember the Web site address now, but Yunming is trying to do business under a new Web site name, or I saw them under some other name online. Something with the word ORIENT...Not New Oriental, but something along those lines. I wish I could remember the URL now. When I lived in Tianjin the teachers that worked at Yunming hated their lives in China, their jobs, and of course, most of them were chasing their paychecks around since money was in short supply while the owners bought expensive cars, homes and clothes on their teacher's wages that they did not pay. I can look up the Tianjin courts people that I know and get their telephone numbers or email addresses. They could attest to the numerous actions filed against Yunming. If you worked hard for your college degree there is no reason you should even consider a hell hole like that place. Just stay away from there.
Anyone that has ever taught in Tianjin knows better.

The can run but hey will never be able to hide Torri. Anyone like these people who have screwed so many teachers over, and for so long, will ever change. So let them change their name, their website, their email. They will continue doing the same things to people as they have always done and their poor reputation will follow them like flies follow s@@t.

It never takes long for people to discover a school masquerading under a new alias and the information to get posted online. If you do remember the new name they are using, please post it up.

I have recently seen some new ad's by Yuming under the same old name though, so they haven't completely hidden themselves yet.

#3 Parent Torri - 2010-08-14

In fact, I lived in Tianjin and I can tell you first hand that Yunming Education is a joke and it should be avoided at any and all costs. I cannot remember the Web site address now, but Yunming is trying to do business under a new Web site name, or I saw them under some other name online. Something with the word ORIENT...Not New Oriental, but something along those lines. I wish I could remember the URL now. When I lived in Tianjin the teachers that worked at Yunming hated their lives in China, their jobs, and of course, most of them were chasing their paychecks around since money was in short supply while the owners bought expensive cars, homes and clothes on their teacher's wages that they did not pay. I can look up the Tianjin courts people that I know and get their telephone numbers or email addresses. They could attest to the numerous actions filed against Yunming. If you worked hard for your college degree there is no reason you should even consider a hell hole like that place. Just stay away from there.

Anyone that has ever taught in Tianjin knows better.

#4 Parent tom - 2010-08-13

It's unusual for a "school" to reply to criticism, but Yuming has always been stupid enough to do so. When these Chinese employers do so, they usually enlist the services of newly acquired recruits;before they inevitably upset them, as time passes(even if the poor wretches say they've been working there happily for numerous years.) I refer to the recent spate of indignant epistles defending the noble institution) - however, you don't meet many Chinese called 'Carter', masquerading as a western teacher-she/he says "they are never lie to me and they has honoured.... Well, she's either Chinese or an extremely drugged-up and drunken Englishman (honoured spelt with a u) taking the piss out of yuming. Yuming is a gang of thieves and liars, that way go ye not.

#5 Parent Danny - 2010-08-12

I have worked for Yuming for the last two years and have really enjoyed it. The teaching side of working in China is a real challenge. I have been lucky to have had good relationships with the Chinese teachers and my assistants. They are usually able to bring any unruly kids under control and are invaluable when it comes to translating rules for games and activities.

#6 Parent G-Lad - 2010-08-12

I am working at Yuming and have had no problems with the company or staff. I do know people who have stayed for more than 1 year and have been given pay rises. Every company has problems but I enjoy my work at Yuming and wish to continue working there. Amanda I am surprised you had such an experience. I think perhaps you need more experience when playing games with large classes, they are a challenge but not impossible. I would like to point out that I now know many yuming teachers. All the teachers I know are happy.

#7 Parent C-Hunter - 2010-08-11

I have worked for Yuming for the last two years. They are never lie to me and they has honoured the contract. I was impressed with how they easy to contact and helpful. This is very important for any ESL school. They were available with quick responses to any daily life questions.

#8 Parent Billy - 2010-08-02

The Notice Of Yuming Education Center
Recently, the individual people who owned personal purpose to spread malicious posts to damage the reputation of Yuming education center on the internet, these posts are not tally with the fact and caused serious economic losses. We have already hold a throughing investigate this event. And the causes of the serious consequences, We will be in accordance with the judicial proceedings to prosecute, investigation of his criminal responsibility and civil compensation.
Yuming eudcation center legal team and the whole member of Yuming

So just how long does someone need to hold a 'throughing investigate' before taking any action o_O How long has it been now, 13 or 14 months?

You people talk so much shit its unbelievable, if you put as much effort into running a legitimate business as you do trying to punish people for giving their opinion on your company, you might start getting somewhere.

At the end of the day the thing that makes me piss myself is the fact that you lie and cheat year in year out. All the comments made by people can be verified by simple research, comparing your advertisements and comparing the info on your own website.

Why not just be honest and tell people that because you are a recruiter you have no control over the holiday lengths and therefore teachers should expect to not be working for 2 and 3 months during each main holiday period. Let people take on part time work during said holidays and stop being so god damn defensive, in other words grow up and act responsibly. I wonder who is the most immature, Yuming or the kids in the schools sometimes, geez.

What are so desperate to protect by not letting people do some extra part time work anyway, your teaching plans suck and most teachers use their own methods you idiots.

Play the game and you might find people stop posting stuff about you, might find you get and keep more teachers and have a happier and stronger working relationship with people in the future. Carry on the way you are going and before long you will have no teachers and no business, just how short sighted can someone actually be at the end of the day.

#9 Parent oneFT - 2010-01-29

You gotta be kidding!!!
Who are you trying to scare? You are full of crap and everyone knows that. If anyone is going to be sued, it's going to be YOU!!!

#10 Parent Ex-TC - 2010-01-27

Oh no, not the exact same post again! When I sent an email to Yuming suggesting that they explain themselves, they sent back a request that I fully disclose my personal details, including address & phone number, so that their solicitor could contact me.

Stupid & ignorant, if that is possible.

Happy spring festival to all except Yuming.

The Ex-TC teacher.

#11 Parent yumingjiaoyu - 2010-01-27

The Notice Of Yuming Education Center
Recently, the individual people who owned personal purpose to spread malicious posts to damage the reputation of Yuming education center on the internet, these posts are not tally with the fact and caused serious economic losses. We have already hold a throughing investigate this event. And the causes of the serious consequences, We will be in accordance with the judicial proceedings to prosecute, investigation of his criminal responsibility and civil compensation.
Yuming eudcation center legal team and the whole member of Yuming


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