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#1 Parent Toby - 2010-09-01
Re: Ewha Korean School Qingdao

I worked there for 6-months last year. At that time there were some management issues but the place ran well for the most part, the money was good, on time, and they honored my contract. This sounds to me like someone has sour grapes. I almost re-signed for a year with them but I ended up signing with Wall Street which was a huge mistake. My apartment was clean, new, well-stocked, and the food was not bad either. The area that the school is in is well-kept and for China it is a nice job if you can get past the quasi-xenophobic behavior there. I will check the place out again since I am looking to leave Wally World and the dancing white monkey shuffle. They run with 40-minute classes there and for 10,000 Yuan after tax it is not hard to take. The 3-months paid vacation is nice. I did not get that when I was there but many others that were already working there before I arrived did get paid for doing nothing.

#2 Parent al76 - 2010-08-31
Re: Ewha Korean School Qingdao

I'd avoid working with koreans in any capacity from what I have heard of nightmare stories.

As the arrogant aussie said: "Not even gunna bovva mate!"

American Teacher - 2010-08-30
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