Return to Index › jackandenglish, Jinan, beware!
#1 Parent Jonathan Selby - 2010-09-02
Re: jackandenglish, Jinan, beware!

Straight Up, my own dealings with the agency 'jackandenglish' have come to nothing, just like yours! Folks, Greg promises the earth, but delivers nothing at the end of the day. He's just like a woman that initially gives you the 'come-on', but plays too hard to get afterwards, a _ _ _ kteaser, as is said where I come from. His assertion that he can't get enough foreigners to fill all the vacancies he is trying to fill at his 5000 partner schools is a load of .......!! He's a small-time operator who's an unconvincing liar. Wide berth, that's the strategy required!

Straight Up - 2010-09-02
jackandenglish, Jinan, beware!

This Chinese guy's name is Greg, not Jack.
He quotes 7000 RMB/month on the blower, and then e-mails you a sample contract offering 6 grand/month. He claims to have partner middle schools all over Shandong, but can't even give u a single job intro! A total waste of time. He'll say anything to string u along. Avoid this shady recruiter, believe me!

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