Return to Index › Re: Waiyan Recruiter:Wendy/Donicia Tieling, Liaoning
#1 Parent englishgibson - 2010-09-04
Re: Waiyan Recruiter:Wendy/Donicia Tieling, Liaoning

Cynthia, I didn't ask for your date of birth, size of shoes or pic, did I? If you want the frequent readers, that you say are behind you, believe you, you'll have to come up with a bit more than the bickering on. If you call the real experiences of users on A TRAP, then you are a fake.
Cheers and beers to Cynthia coming back with some enlightening rather than lightning :)

#2 Parent same - 2010-09-04
Re: Waiyan Recruiter:Wendy/Donicia Tieling, Liaoning

As a teacher worked here before I think everyone has his different cases, to tell is good but to insult is terrible. I hope you should respect everyone that is repect yourself ,you have no right to criticize others.You mentioned privacy but you never respect others privacy, you should have not mentioned the real names of your coworkers ,no matter you were treated badly or not ,it should not come to your collegues.

#3 Parent Cynthia - 2010-09-03
Re: Waiyan Recruiter:Wendy/Donicia Tieling, Liaoning

Englishgibson, I'm not gonna fall into the same trap that you have by divulging personal information about myself online. As you know only too well, that can lead to vitriol. However, I will say that I'm not the bitter one, you are! I'm sorry that you're unable to resume your career teaching GAC due to the serious problems you had with your charges. Try not to be too bitter about it in the future. Money isn't everything, you know! Incidentally, the 'we' and 'us' I had referred to are your fellow readers. I hope you're satisfied with my reply too, Turnoi!

#4 Parent englishgibson - 2010-09-03
Re: Waiyan Recruiter:Wendy/Donicia Tieling, Liaoning

Cynthia, rather bitter, aren't you? Who is "us" to you? On the contrary, I have not been reading much of your contribution on, and so I don't know who you or "us" are here. Hard to comment on your posts, if I don't know you. Right? But you know me well, don't you? Now, tell us all who you are girl, please.
Cheers and beers to hitting the keys :)

#5 Parent Cynthia - 2010-09-02
Re: Waiyan Recruiter:Wendy/Donicia Tieling, Liaoning

"Wendy, using my real name and experiences on forums have caused me a share of troubles, even threats on my life", according to englishgibson.
Rather too dramatic, isn't it? Do you REALLY expect us to swallow that?
I've been reading your postings on here for quite some time - it seems to me you're a bit of a malcontent who's had a drink or two before hitting the keys!

#6 Parent englishgibson - 2010-09-01
Re: Waiyan Recruiter:Wendy/Donicia Tieling, Liaoning

Wendy, using my real name and experiences on forums have caused me a share of troubles, even threats on my life. I don't lie and I am sure some ficticious user names on aren't so false too. Having said that, I support neither of you two in the case. If I don't know, I can't say much, can I? But maybe the real name you are looking for is on that list you have offered to us.
Cheers and beers

#7 Parent wendy - 2010-09-01
Re: Waiyan Recruiter:Wendy/Donicia Tieling, Liaoning

I am the manager of WaiYan School, we never hired a person called Jeff, so he is cheating to annouce this. If he has the courage to annouce or warn other foreigners ,at least he should use his real name. Only those liars will tell the fake name. I am listing the name of the teachers who ever worked here, if you want to stand up to say something please let everybody know who you are.
The names are as follows: JP(American);JASON(American);Dedith(Philipino);Divina(Philipino);Donicia(Philipino);Colby(Canadian);Jessie(African);Rain(Canadian).
So I hope others who wants to find a job please belive your eyes not your ears, we welcome you here!


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