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#1 Parent EF Hater - 2010-09-08
Re: EF Changchun

Ask yourself if it is really worth risking working at a training center for a biscuit.

Your point is well taken. It's not only a risk of working at a training centre for a biscuit, it also is wasting your time and energy. Public schools are by far the better, more decent and reliable employers in China - as far as that is ever possible to find in China.

#2 Parent Goldengirl - 2010-09-07
Re: EF Changchun

A recent job ad on the "daveseslcafe" website is quoted below. I agree with the first two sentences of it completely. Chris and some other posters who are like-minded re training centers are wasting their time trying to convince me otherwise with their posts in favor of EF. Ask yourself if it is really worth risking working at a training center for a biscuit. I don't think so. So, I must willngly agree with you on this one, "EF Hater".

Government Schools are the Most Reliable Employers in China. Dont take a chance! Last Minute Jobs at Govt Colleges: BA + TEFL Cert Required - NO EXPERIENCE NEEDED!
TEFL Jobs China -- Friday, 3 September 2010, at 10:34 a.m.

#3 Parent EF Hater - 2010-09-07
Re: EF Changchun

Their choice I suppose .

Exactly right. You call it "freedom of thought and speech and expressing it".

The problem with posters like you is that we never know whether someone like you posting in favour of crappy EF with an otherwise pretty bad and low reputation in China (and somewhere else, too) is one of their paid lackeys.

We have seen so many examples here on this board.

Now, I ask you again: Where have the rats gone that you claim you do not have in your apartment?

#4 Parent Chris - 2010-09-06
Re: EF Changchun

Oh good grief ! You mean to tell me that you don't find EF Hater's comments childish ? You can't be that dull as to think that comments akin to "Nya , nya ... oh yeah ?! Well then you're ugly !" are even remotely mature . Do you even know what an ad hominem is ? It may be Latin but as a common expression employed by English speakers you should be familiar with it . If you can neither recognize one nor connect it in context then perhaps it's no wonder you hold a grudge against so many schools . Obviously they'd have little use for somebody who doesn't even know their own language well enough to follow an argument and interject appropriately .

And OF COURSE you had to pull out the "Somebody is paying you to say nice things" card . I'm surprised it took this long . It seems like any time anybody has anything nice to say about a school that you've heard is bad then somebody must be paying them to say it . For some reason not immediately apparent to me , the concept of simply saying something good about people or companies that have treated you well is so alien to you that it doesn't even cross your mind . For the record , it should be obvious that I'm a native-English speaker and the Chinese don't tend to hire foreigners to handle their marketing in China . I would leave it at that but I can see that few of you are astute enough to grasp what I'm saying so here : No , nobody is paying me to say this and no I'm not in a position where it would be my job to scour the internet looking for negative comments to refute . Seriously , do you all wear tinfoil hats or something ?

Anyway , enough of this . People can choose to accept the word of a teacher currently employed at the school in question or they can choose to accept the word of habitual slanderers and room-temperature IQ holders. Their choice I suppose .

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