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#1 Parent Martin - 2010-09-09
Re: Salaries and crap "schools"

'IM EUSSR' has posted: if you email me, I can tell you a similar unbelievable story about my present employer.

'Rubbish Expert' has responded: who, do you think, would be really interested to know this "unbelievable story"? It's yours, and it is there where it belongs. Can't imagine anyone would be really interested to know any further details...

My response is that I was interested in the similar unbelievable story of 'IM EUSSR', so much so that I e-mailed him. He replied promptly, filling me in re the relevant details. Well worth reading, in my opinion. That said, I can't imagine why some posters have practically no imagination!

#2 Parent IM - 2010-09-08
Re: Salaries and crap "schools"

Then why bother posting? Honestly, some people get so tetchy in this humidity. All i said is I wont give out the details to protect a friend, anyone who is interested and hard working will look up the job themselves. will you give out your name and mobile and passport number on these boards? I am sure you want to be industrious and productive don't you? Or are you just a troublemaker like all of these other floating trash?

#3 Parent Rubbish Expert - 2010-09-08
Re: Salaries and crap "schools"

if you email me, I can tell you a similar unbelievable story about my present employer.

Who, do you think, would be really interested to know this "unbelievable story"? It's yours, and it is there where it belongs.
Can't imagine anyone would be really interested to know any further details...

#4 Parent IM EUSSR - 2010-09-08
Re: Salaries and crap "schools"

Martin, I agree with a lot of what you say. My email is hidden in this message, if you email me, I can tell you a similar unbelievable story about my present employer that has now been resolved to my satisfaction, but ridiculous at the beginning none the less:)

My sympathies man.

#5 Parent Martin - 2010-09-07
Re: Salaries and crap "schools"

My present contract says that FT's are forbidden from being romantic with their students or with their fellow Chinese teachers!

Wow, Turino, it reeks - that's a ridiculous and challengeable clause of a contract. It smacks of racial discrimination and compromises your human rights. Have some Chinese school directors the naive aim of attempting to keep the Chinese race pure? It seems that they regard foreigners as inferior bloodstock! I believe this Hitlerian outlook is the result of an over-emphasis on Chinese nationalism by the powers-that-be on the mainland. Having said that, it doesn't say much for any foreigners, former FT's or the present ones, hired by that school; they have let this clause continue to appear in contracts by not complaining about it! That's so disappointing from a western perspective! Personally, I'd run a mile in the first place, and avoid signing up there. What other unjust demands would be forced on you by that director? I dread to think what they could be!

#6 Parent Turino - 2010-09-06
Re: Salaries and crap "schools"

You're a brave man posting so much personal information about yourself. Lesser mortals than you have revealed less and subsequently experienced more vitriol than you on the forums of this board in recent years. But that could change if some posters choose to become even more critical of their fellow posters. It seems to me that's what's been happening lately on this board!
Many foreign teachers here in China definitely have a 'dog eat dog' mentality and are very sly as well as being vitriolic towards other FT's in my view. Here's an example:
My present contract says that FT's are forbidden from being romantic with their students or with their fellow Chinese teachers! But when I mentioned that the bit about fellow Chinese teachers was bilge, a fellow FT started quarrelling about it with me! Actually, I had already signed my contract here despite said bilge because I'm not a single man! But if I were, I would have brought said bilge up with my prospective employer before signing.
I've already had the misfortune to meet far too many self-serving, quarrelsome creeps who are FT's here in China. So, I decided rather a long time ago to turn a blind eye whenever they were duped or used and abused by the Chinese. They're getting exactly the treatment they deserve, in my view.

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