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#1 Parent Coppercat - 2010-09-08
Re: Salaries and crap "schools"

Turnoi mocks a local salary of 8 grand Yuan/month in China. He is oblivious to the fact that 8 grand a month goes a long, long way in the shops and restaurants in many cities and towns here in China if you don't go on a crazy spending spree.
His attitude is typical of those westerners who've never travelled beyond Majorca. Yet he's taught in China for a number of years quite a long time ago. I can only presume that he feels he's been mistreated by the Chinese and wants to get his own back by deriding said country.
Actually, you can live well off 1/2 of 8 grand a month here. So, I advise any other readers to ignore his anti-China rants.

#2 Parent Ivan Milat - 2010-09-08
Re: Salaries and crap "schools"

8,000 RMB (800 Euros) is an amount that I can only laugh about...hahaha!

I have nothing to hide, my email is hidden in this message, you can email me if you have any "beef" or personal anger towards me. I do not earn that amount because I am not working at that school. As I said, and I won't apologize for it, to you or anyone else, it is a good school...but like you don't want to post photos of your apartment to me, I won't post information/the name of it, because I consider the western foreign affairs director a friend.

Your sarcastic mocking of 8,000 rmb a month (consider the fact young qualified Chinese only earn a fraction of that), goes WAY beyond the sarcastic and borders on an elitist/snobbish attitude. You suppose those young kenyans worship you because you are a white man, when really you have "white mans burden". And yes I know you are from Eastern Europe, as the OP said you give yourself away too easily, but that's your flaw to deal with, not mine, you have my email, take it up with me from there. I'm sure you want to be a gentleman really, don't you?

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