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#1 Parent Sanguine - 2010-09-21
Re: Beware Sabis in Kurdistan!!!

greed [griːd]
1. excessive consumption of or desire for food; gluttony
2. excessive desire, as for wealth or power
[back formation from greedy]
greedless adj

An excessive desire to acquire or possess more than what one needs or deserves, especially with respect to material wealth:

Greed most certainly applied much more to material things. We do not say things like "That man is greedy for love" or "That man is greedy for moonlight". The word is meant to apply to material things, it's not meant to be applied esoterically. You can indeed in your own mind try and apply it in whatever way you wish, however this is a language, with rules, and we all have to agree on those set rules to be able to communicate. Yes no doubt others would say "A word can mean whatever I want it to mean". Those people would be wrong also.

You are one of those people who will pridefully adhere to a view point regardless of right or wrong, pointing out semantical view points to back up your argument, or making your argument one in relativism, and since one can never be wrong from a relativistic view point, it is almost always a bastion someone like yourself retreats to.

We can argue semantics all day, and you've been vague enough that it's hard for most to actively disagree with you, and you've made your dumb, (sorry no other word), arguments relativistic enough so as to allow you to appear to be correct from a certain point of view. Sadly you don't seem to adhere to the rules of language, hence real communication with someone like yourself is impossible, because they make their own rules and can never be wrong.

Whatever Ivan, it's a silly discussion and I certainly am not going to respond to it further. Do feel free to apply whatever loose meaning you choose to any word you wish, and to expand upon the current meanings of all words. Who knows, maybe you will revolutionize the English language, and become the visionary you seem to think you really are. Doubtful, but you never know. Discussion over on my end, you may now talk to yourself. Bye.

#2 Parent IM - 2010-09-20
Re: Beware Sabis in Kurdistan!!!

. Your analogy is flawed, so as to support a very personal belief you have in the concept of greed, a belief I do not hold with.

Some people would say your view is flawed too. There is greed for everything in life, not just money.

#3 Parent Sanguine - 2010-09-20
Re: Beware Sabis in Kurdistan!!!

Sorry have to disagree, you have the definition of greed all wrong. Greed is a very specific word referring to currency, currency of any kind, or in a more general sense, wanting more than you need. Like a man killing 100 fish though he only needs 20 to survive, but he ant's more money so he kills even more. it's an extreme overreaction that people often enact to fill a need for power and control over their lives. This word does not apply to some of the things you have named, not at all, as love is not something you can take too much of, or over hunt, over mine. Your analogy is flawed, so as to support a very personal belief you have in the concept of greed, a belief I do not hold with. Greed is responsible for most of the worlds suffering, and it's not any of the types of "greed" that are not greed at all that you talked it, but greed of wealth and possessions.

#4 Parent IM - 2010-09-16
Re: Beware Sabis in Kurdistan!!!

Both these approaches have seemingly not contributed to a more peaceful and better world.

In the words of Gordon Gekko: "Greed is good"

A motto I stand by. Without greed, greed for love, greed for creativity, greed and striving for ANYTHING, society can't and won't evolve.

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