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#1 Parent Riverina - 2010-09-17
Re: Beware Sabis in Kurdistan!!!

Turnoi's words are quoted below:

I also believe that recognition (admiration, respect or whatever you want to call it) for people does not exist per se because of a title or a position one holds. Instead, it actually depends on your own performance and how this interacts with your environment.

IM in Transdniester's words are quoted below:

So, advanced degrees have nothing to do with it then. I'm sure you agree. It all comes down to how well one works, and whether one deserves 20,000 rmb a month. And unemployed Australians in their 50's who live at home shouldn't call shots about whether they deserve even 5,000 rmb a month in China.

The high and mighty among us would do well to heed both of the quotes above. I'm fed up reading posts made by some contributors with inflated egos on this board. They would be doing themselves a big favour by coming down to earth.

#2 Parent IM in Transdniester - 2010-09-16
Re: Beware Sabis in Kurdistan!!!

I also believe that recognition (admiration, respect or whatever you want to call it) for people does not exist per se because of a title or a position one holds. Instead, it actually depends on your own performance and how this interacts with your environment.

So advanced degrees have nothing to do with it then. I'm sure you agree. It all comes down to how well one works, and whether one deserves 20,000 rmb a month. And unemployed australians in their 50's who live at home, shouldn't call shots about whether they deserve even 5,000 rmb a month in China.

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