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#1 Parent Sanguine - 2010-09-26
Re: oman-globnet and the system of recruiters

I stayed for the end of my probationary period and then got out of there. As long as working in Oman requires working through a recruiter company who by the way are not Omanis, I'm out. Jazzy

Jazisplayful are you sure this is the case? I have never heard of a country where the sole way to find a teaching job is through recruiters. it may be that you just do not know where to look, or it could be that many of the jobs are indeed being peddled by a recruiter. That said, I highly doubt that recruiters are the sole gateway to this, or other middle eastern countries. Check out the international jobs board here and you are likely to find schools themselves advertising, though I can't honestly say for sure. However I highly doubt your assertion in this regard. Many people think the same thing about China until they find out it is actually easy to get in touch with schools directly, they just didn't know how.

As to the job, I had the same thing happen when I first came to China, and I wish I had known what I know now. If you are left waiting at the airport, the first thing you should do is get a hotel room with an internet connection, This means you'll have to have some money with you, never go abroad without some back up cash, usually at least enough to buy a return ticket. Once you get settled in your room, use the internet to find another job locally. It will take you all of three days if you know where to look, and it'll be a lot easier now that you are in country. That's the case in China anyhow. Not sure of the visa restriction for the middle east, or this country in particular, or if you have a certain grace period before the visa expires, if you don't go to work with who you originally intended. However, not showing up to pick you up, don't work for that person, of if it's a recruiter, don't work for the school they found for you, period. If the recruiter is that bad, by association I would assume the school is as well. Not always the case, but better to be safe than sorry. This seems very proactive and extreme as reactions go, but your situation was extreme and required a firm hand. Sadly you went along with this fellow anyhow. You wisely withheld your passport, which showed you had some backbone and foreknowledge, thankfully. employers and recruiters will often test you with scenarios like this to see how much you know and how much you will take, you were wise not to hand it over automatically. As for all the other peoples passports ans visas on the floor of the car, don't know what to make of that specifically, except that it smacks of someone who is very unprofessional and irresponsible. I'd have split right away upon seeing that.

Some teachers feel entitled to stick it out once they arrive in country, where ever they may be going. That's a mistake, if anything the entitlement falls to the school, and or recruiter, as they are loosing nothing, and you are risking much. You spend a lot of money, they don't. You come thousands of miles, they don't. They owe you, you don't owe them. if you can't bring yourself to see things this way, you'll never be able to be proactive and stand up for yourself. If that's the case, you should probably just stay home. Trust me on this folks.

Sounds like most of your complaints were with the recruiter, also sounds like you had a lot of the. It's just not worth it having the constant stress and headache of dealing with such parasites. I see little use for such people personally, and I think most foreigners in the know share my opinion in this matter. If you have a degree and are qualified, there is no justification for using such a person. In China, where there are plenty of school that will hire you even without a degree, recruiters also seem next to useless.

I am sorry to hear about your bad experience, at least now you are forewarned, and forearmed.

jazisplayful - 2010-09-25
oman-globnet and the system of recruiters

I was so excited to begin my first job in Oman. The recruiter would meet me at the airport for which I was very glad since I had never been in an ARabic country and my flight arrived at midnight.

Three hours after arriving in Muscat, 10 phone calls to the recruiter I was alone at the airport not sure what to do. I had borrowed other foreigners phones I had seen passing by to call the recruiter.

Each time I called a woman answered and said, "she cannot come, she is sleeping"

Finally I got a taxi and found a local hotel to stay in. The man at the counter was mad that I had awoke him was asking for a room so late at night and for a few minutes I thought I wouldn't even get one.

He did come up with one and the next morning a new clerk was on who was quite nice.

They let me use their phone (I was charged for that upon leaving) and I finally spoke with the recruiter, a man showed up about 2 hours later to take me to their office.
My heart sank even more when they told me they needed me to stay in the city for a few more days. We did my blood testing and xray which I had to pay for but most of the time I just waited. When they said to be ready at 8 am they arrived at 2 p..m consistently. I could not go anyplace because I was always waiting.

Ah then it came, they wanted my passport, I refused as I had already heard the stories of these recruiters keeping them. I told them they could have it for a week when they were ready to get my work visa but they could not have it indefinitely Anyway I was in the backseat of this man's car and there were passports and visas on the floor, seat and one even fell out the door, which I retrieved.

Nope they were not getting my passport to be thrown amongst these others on the floor. ONce I got settled at the school I thought things would be better, but every interaction that I had with this globnet recruiter was horrible. They lied, they overcharged me for costs, and then threatened that if I did not give them my passport to get the work visa I would have to pay a fine of $40 US a day.

It is illegal for anyone to hold a passport of another.

I stayed for the end of my probationary period and then got out of there. As long as working in Oman requires working through a recruiter company who by the way are not Omanis, I'm out. Jazzy

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