Return to Index › International Language Village of TFLS, Taishan - Taishan Foreign Language School
#1 Parent Crap School Hunter - 2010-09-30
Re: International Language Village of TFLS, Taishan - Taishan Foreign Language School

Someone working for the school and responsible for hiring and employing foreign teachers doesn't know how to hire or employee them? What a shock.

That is why you call these folks "clowns" - they are highly incompetent.

But that is China - with the wrong people in a wrong job! How do they get there?

Well, that's the all too common system of corruption and doing someone else a favour who is in need of a job! Real qualification does not matter at all!

How could anyone explain otherwise that at certain unis and colleges there are certain Chinese "teachers" of English who can't speak any English at all? And yes, at a certain college in Quanzhou (Zhejiang province), there is a young Chinese lady in the German language department "teaching" German. And the native speakers over there say that this lady can't speak any German at all!

Can't we then send someone from America to teach the Chinese Chinese language?

Would be a great idea in that land of an entirely rotten education system!

#2 Parent Tom - 2010-09-23
Re: International Language Village of TFLS, Taishan - Taishan Foreign Language School

The one thing wrong with Turnoi is there's only one of him- I think he should be cloned so we have ten or twenty more of him exposing and complaining about the murky world of the Chinese recruiter and general low-life English language vultures. Of course these animal-like-cunning business people don't like him, or his like, thwarting their attempts at appearing as honest as the day is long- "They don't like it up em! They definitely do not like it up em" Carry on the good work, Turnoi, and don't let the evil-doers grind you down.

#3 Parent In The Know - 2010-09-22
Re: International Language Village of TFLS, Taishan - Taishan Foreign Language School

Ilacmorf is the alias for an American High School kid operating as a wanna-be-recruiter for all kinds of Chinese schools and "schools" in China. His real is Jayden Taller.

Jayden boy thinks to highly of himself, he says others are not worthy of his association and when he advertises his crap jobs and gets asked questions about visa stuff by potential applicants, he does not know anything and refers them to another website.

Jaydem boy is not only fu**ing lazy but also really incompetent. He for sure will ruin other peoples' businesses as he would ruin your chance for a decent job when you do "business" with him. He even does not how this word spells.

They should kick this psychopath out of China!

#4 Parent Sanguine - 2010-09-22
Re: International Language Village of TFLS, Taishan - Taishan Foreign Language School

OK Ilacmorf, so we are supposed to take your word on what is second hand information, when we have a first hand account from Adrian? Which is generally more reliable?

You tell us that the school is great, however let me ask how long did you work there? You also did not work for the actual school Adrian speaks of, as he was hired to work at a new school, and to actually create that new school.

Next, how do his problems with their fouling up his visa have anything to do with you working at a "public" school that you say this Indian fellow runs? I would firstly ask, are you sure about that? I have never ever heard of a foreigner running a public, state owned and run school, only private training centers. Maybe you are mistaken about some of the fine details here. However even if not, what does your working there have to do with the totally inept screw ups this guy made, and the seeming lies he told? Also, how exactly do you know that this guy is telling the truth when he says some recruiter posted ads for this school without his knowing. That seems rather unlikely, especially considering how much lower the salary was for the job. Wouldn't the person who posted this, supposedly without the schools permission, need to get that salary number from somewhere? You are also being duped, and played for a lackey and a pawn to help this guy promote a better image and safe face.

Lastly, you had a good time working there, whoopi. There are many foreigners who come to China and make such perfect lackeys that school owners love them, as they will take more abuse than others and just not care. Late pay, so what, apartment has rats, so what, at least it's a roof, contract not being honored, that's OK, it's their culture. China will always have apologists that will stick up for even the worst of them, hence your words really hold little weight, as they are "your" subjective opinion of a persons character measured against someone elses real experience with being treated like crap. Your so called "good" experience doesn't do anything to cancel that out.

Maybe you had a good time there, but that's doesn't make the place "good" that just makes your perception, opinion of it good. Nothing you said can be measured in any real objective way by others to come to a conclusion of whether or not it's a good or bad school. Basically you are just giving your opinion about something in a general way, while Adrian gave us actual experiences that happened to him that can be judged objectively, because they are specific "experiences" that we cna all relate to. You saying " it's great" doesn't really do it for me.

#5 Parent Sanguine - 2010-09-22
Re: International Language Village of TFLS, Taishan - Taishan Foreign Language School

Someone working for the school and responsible for hiring and employing foreign teachers doesn't know how to hire or employee them? What a shock.

This is pretty typical of China, and in general we Foreign teachers know more about the inner workings of visas and education here than the Chinese who work in the same field. That said, the school should be giving people the training and information they require to do the job they are being invested with. Not the case here eh?

I would have little faith in a place where the person who seems to be in charge of hiring foreign teachers doesn't know how to hire them.

#6 Parent Ilacmorf - 2010-09-22
Re: International Language Village of TFLS, Taishan - Taishan Foreign Language School

Oh my "god" !

You people are completely sad. I worked at this school during their summer program and met the leaders, head teacher, the directors, and more and there were no problems.

It is a public school with a new extracurricular-on-the-side business.

The only problem was that there were fewer students in the program (language village) because of a second-side-program at the same school (taishan foreign language school). They worked with me and found me extra work to make up for the weaker schedule.

As for the person you all attack in this thread. I met him and he's a perfectly fine-guy - though maybe a little tense at times. However, he showed me his e-mails and account and I agree with him. RECRUITERS STOLE THE SCHOOLS ADVERTISEMENT in an attempt to dupe otherwise innocent people.

This is nothing less than a sad and pathetic thread that you all feel the need to go on the attack without any logical substantiation of the people, government created PUBLIC school, facts, etc.


And I agree with other thread contributors regarding this fool Turnoi.

#7 Parent Jayden Taller - 2010-06-09
Re: International Language Village of TFLS, Taishan - Taishan Foreign Language School

You should learn to read correctly. The website clearly states "those already in China are preferred, as it simplifies the process"

And so much more you claim isn't there on the advertisement.

#8 Parent Rudness - 2010-06-09
Re: International Language Village of TFLS, Taishan - Taishan Foreign Language School - Jayden

Wow, Jayden. Thank you for so eloquently showing people the meaning of rude and tactless. Maybe you should look up the difference between sarcasm and wit because I think you may be confusing the two which is why people react so negatively when interacting with you. Or maybe you're just #@*()@!()#@ rude.

Ohhhhh noooooooo

Yes, the demands of not being flooded by recruiters demanding money in exchange for their services from 6:00 AM to well after midnight is so appealing. Yes, the work environment is so horrible because an employer refuses to get spammed, flooded with falsitities, series of calls upon calls becuase you didn't answer the last message, so they call every 12 seconds for 8 minutes straight. It is a pathetic statement to say that because of the statement to exclude and refuse 3rd parties from contact that it represents some sort of bad work environment. Maybe you're one of those Mormon's that come knocking on people's doors at dinner time, or other fanatical groups like AT&T that want to change your long distance service while you're eating or getting the kids ready for school, etc.... maybe you're one of them and therefore think that THAT behavior is acceptable but an employer demanding that such solicitation not occur is NOT okay.... P A T H E T I C !!

From what I can tell, the website provides every possible piece of information someone would need. Why should an employer flooded with hundreds or more of applications spend the time giving special attention to those who can't even comprehend the website? I think it is THAT that demonstrates the speaking "volumes about the" applicant's work ethic, morals, maturity, and capacity to do research.

Again, P A T H E T I C

#9 Parent Marlowe - 2010-06-07
Re: International Language Village of TFLS, Taishan - Taishan Foreign Language School

I think Mr. Personality, the school's mouthpiece (who seems to be on You-Know-Who's ESL Frappe 24/7 giving bad advice) got the boot from Cafe Land. He was on at 2:30 am then again on at 4:00 pm; 10:00 pm then again on 1:00 pm and then again at 4:30 pm, 11:00 am, then again at 3:30 pm--- according to U.S. EST for a few weeks. Makes you wonder where he lives when he's not circling Jupiter.

#10 Parent The Rattlesnake - 2010-06-07
Re: International Language Village of TFLS, Taishan - Taishan Foreign Language School

I think Mr. Personality, the school's mouthpiece...

It is quite a new thing to me that this "school"'s mouthpiece should have a personality. I think that Mr. Soandso left it back home in his shower ...or was it another place nearby?

#11 Parent Jayden Taller - 2010-06-07
Re: International Language Village of TFLS, Taishan - Taishan Foreign Language School

side from myself and 3 other people who have said this recruiter is very rude, notice their very tactful statement on their website contact page:
We DO NOT want to hear from recruiters, agencies, head hunters or anyone who is not an
actual applicant. No 3rd parties are permitted to contact us by any means, including, but
not limited to e-mail, telephone, or snail-mail. So, to those noted, DO NOT contact us!

I think this speaks volumes about the type of work environment...And it seems they don't want to hear from applicants either unless they have no questions.

Ohhhhh noooooooo

Yes, the demands of not being flooded by recruiters demanding money in exchange for their services from 6:00 AM to well after midnight is so appealing. Yes, the work environment is so horrible because an employer refuses to get spammed, flooded with falsitities, series of calls upon calls becuase you didn't answer the last message, so they call every 12 seconds for 8 minutes straight. It is a pathetic statement to say that because of the statement to exclude and refuse 3rd parties from contact that it represents some sort of bad work environment. Maybe you're one of those Mormon's that come knocking on people's doors at dinner time, or other fanatical groups like AT&T that want to change your long distance service while you're eating or getting the kids ready for school, etc.... maybe you're one of them and therefore think that THAT behavior is acceptable but an employer demanding that such solicitation not occur is NOT okay.... P A T H E T I C !!

From what I can tell, the website provides every possible piece of information someone would need. Why should an employer flooded with hundreds or more of applications spend the time giving special attention to those who can't even comprehend the website? I think it is THAT that demonstrates the speaking "volumes about the" applicant's work ethic, morals, maturity, and capacity to do research.

Again, P A T H E T I C

#12 Parent Marlowe - 2010-06-07
Re: International Language Village of TFLS, Taishan - Taishan Foreign Language School

I think Mr. Personality, the school's mouthpiece (who seems to be on You-Know-Who's ESL Frappe 24/7 giving bad advice) got the boot from Cafe Land. He was on at 2:30 am then again on at 4:00 pm; 10:00 pm then again on 1:00 pm and then again at 4:30 pm, 11:00 am, then again at 3:30 pm--- according to U.S. EST for a few weeks. Makes you wonder where he lives when he's not circling Jupiter.

#13 Parent TFLS is Rude - 2010-06-07
Re: International Language Village of TFLS, Taishan - Taishan Foreign Language School

Aside from myself and 3 other people who have said this recruiter is very rude, notice their very tactful statement on their website contact page:
We DO NOT want to hear from recruiters, agencies, head hunters or anyone who is not an
actual applicant. No 3rd parties are permitted to contact us by any means, including, but
not limited to e-mail, telephone, or snail-mail. So, to those noted, DO NOT contact us!

I think this speaks volumes about the type of work environment...And it seems they don't want to hear from applicants either unless they have no questions.

#14 Parent RWB1985 - 2010-05-20
Re: International Language Village of TFLS, Taishan - Taishan Foreign Language School

I got the same idiotic kind of answer awhile back. They won't answer a simple question unless you give them your life story. What do you expect from a recruiter anyway? They want as much info as possible for their databases. Seems like their jobs remain advertised for a long time. Seems a bit dodgy to me.

#15 Parent Little Leaf - 2010-05-21
Re: International Language Village of TFLS, Taishan - Taishan Foreign Language School

He's over at another forum having fits about people asking him questions. I didn't like his response to me either. In fact, I asked the same question and he sent me the same link! My roommate did a month with this school. She didn't like the program.

M. Fallows - 2010-05-20
International Language Village of TFLS, Taishan - Taishan Foreign Language School

I would be very careful in any dealings with Taishan Foreign Language School. The recruiter posted a message on Dave's ESL Cafe asking how he would go about obtaining Visas for prospective foreign teachers. The recruiter/school has a somewhat jumbled website that recruits for short-term assignments. It also gives a list of documents required in order to apply. Nowhere on the site does it specify whether it wants Foreign Teachers who are already in-country or who are outside of China.

I asked a simple question via email:

Are you looking for teachers who are in-country or are you interested in those who are not presently in China?

I can send you full credentials with letters of recommendation, Chinese consulate-authenticated degree, etc..

The answer:

My reply:

Thanks for helping me form an opinion about you folks.

His reply:

No problem. It's clear you are incapable of a professional work ethic. Anyone unable to actually read, comprehend, and appropriately respond to a job advertisement, is someone unworthy of our association.

My reply:

You folks need to take your jobs more seriously and yourselves less seriously.

I asked a simple question which would save both you and me a lot of time in both the application and evaluation processes. Instead of simple answer, I get a link to Middle Kingdom.

That's not professional, my friend. That's snotty and lazy.

I know what professionalism is. You don't. If you were professional, you would would have answered the question rather than putting forth the immature, better-than-thou attitude of an amateur. I have over twenty years' experience in academia as well as in the field of communications.

I'll give you a choice: I'll carry this conversation over to a TEFL forum where YOU started the conversation regarding short-term creditation

or I can call your supervisor and tell him what I think of you

or I can visit TEFL boards and express my opinion of your li'l village.

I asked a simple question, and I received a typical slacker I-don't want-to be-bothered-because- I'm twenty-something-and- really- don't- care attitude. Not good.

Amateurs complain. Professionals put an end to the problem.

His reply:

My supervisors' name and e-mail are: Mr. Liu -

The short term "creditation" thread is:

Please feel free to post on other "TEFL boards

This is a westerner who has been put in charge of recruiting. He doesn't know what he's doing. On Dave's ESL, he asks the forum how he would go about obtaining proper paperwork for his employees. In response to a simple question, I get a headache. I think one should approach this outfit with great caution.

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