Return to Index › Kaplan Brightstar Vietnam
#1 Parent John O'Shei - 2013-12-19
Re: Kaplan Brightstar Vietnam

No rubbish I speaak, all is truth, we are good business with good name!

If I was Vietnamese, seeing English written like that would force me to decide; to not to send my children to any 'shool' that uses your company's services.

#2 Parent Ngo Diap Quoq - 2013-12-19
Re: Kaplan Brightstar Vietnam

No rubbish I speaak, all is truth, we are good business with good name!

#3 Parent Nuyen - 2013-12-19
Re: Kaplan Brightstar Vietnam

Kaplan Blackstar has maybe employed 10,000 ex-pat teachers in the past 10 years ? I wonder how many of them were abused,dicked around and finally sacked right before the TET paid Holiday, by Diep N[edited] or her liar husband Brucie P[edited]?

You pay your teachers $2,000 usd a month? Another lie because you pay in Vietnamese Dong at a bad USD exchange rate. The apartment (another lie) is some old dorm room attached to the University you slave at which also has a 9pm lockdown!

You give your teachers a motorbike ?? They might get a Chinese bicycle or most probably nothing

Teachers all pay 25% tax rates when they finally get paid. You liars deduct $500 off the first months pay for a work permit that teachers never get because they quit and/or get sacked in less than 3 months.

God help anyone who believes any of your lies or suffers your abuse!

#4 Parent John O'Shei - 2013-12-18
Re: Kaplan Brightstar Vietnam

Kaplan Brightstar is great organization, have employed over 4,000 foreign teachers in last 10 years. Kaplan always pay on time many money to the teachers, each months 2000 USD equivalent, teacher only work 7 hours in a week. School have given nice apartment free to teacher, and also did give all the teacher a motorbike to travel in town.
All lies here from lazy teacher, they was fired because always drank in class.
Kaplan very good shool, always native speaker is welcome!

Your apparently hard working teachers from your 'shool' need to teach you a thing or two about spelling and grammar then.

I will leave you to the others...

#5 Parent Ngo Diap Quoq - 2013-12-18
Re: Kaplan Brightstar Vietnam

Kaplan Brightstar is great organization, have employed over 4,000 foreign teachers in last 10 years. Kaplan always pay on time many money to the teachers, each months 2000 USD equivalent, teacher only work 7 hours in a week. School have given nice apartment free to teacher, and also did give all the teacher a motorbike to travel in town.
All lies here from lazy teacher, they was fired because always drank in class.
Kaplan very good shool, always native speaker is welcome!

#6 Parent John O'Shei - 2013-12-18
Re: Kaplan Brightstar Vietnam

Well, that's a good enough warning as any... Anybody thinking of escaping China (as a lot are these days) needs to be aware that bad practices can take place elsewhere too!

#7 Parent Jesse - 2013-12-17
Re: Kaplan Brightstar Vietnam

I just did a 2 month stint with this school. Diep N[edited] did not get me a work permit as promised but they did deduct it from my pay. I was also not paid in full, and lied to! Avoid!

#8 Parent Alun - 2013-10-17
Re: Kaplan Brightstar Vietnam

This is one of the worst FOR PROFIT ONLY companies operating in Vietnam at the moment.They are Liars and Cheating scumbags.
#9 Parent Aman - 2011-06-13
Re Kaplan Brightstar Vietnam

Someone clearing their flutes out. All is not what it seems in the post. I worked for these people for several years, enjoyed top wages, did travel a bit but all in all good employers

#10 Parent Uncle Ho - 2011-03-23
Re Kaplan Brightstar Vietnam

I just finished a 2 month stint with these Kraplan people.

I was not paid. Wish i read this post sooner.

#11 Parent NGOC TUAN 'Hellblazw" - 2010-10-01
Re: Kaplan Brightstar Vietnam

I teach for them in Cantho. I am the manager !

Steve Williams - 2010-08-12
Kaplan Brightstar Vietnam

KAPLAN BRIGHTSTAR VIETNAM is always advertising for teachers. You will be lied to and abused by Bruce and Diep Newton. You will be sent from one center to the next on a public bus at a moments notice. The VERBAL abuse and lies never end. Taxes are 20%. Do not work for these people under any circumstances !

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