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#1 Parent jondoe - 2010-09-22
Re: EF Nanning

You obviously met a different Scottish man to the one i met!

#2 Parent EF Nanning - 2010-05-30
Re: EF Nanning

EF Nanning has no credibility at all like all the rest of all those shabby EF franchise centres anywhere in the world.

#3 Parent englishgibson - 2010-05-30
Re: EF Nanning

EF Teacher, it's nice to see that someone is happy with this company and one of its centers. If the DoS gave you all the fine training it's worth mentioning, isn't it? My former coworker at a Uni in Nanning had once worked for the same EF center and he told me the same fella, you're talking about so nicely, did not allow him to see a doctor in one hospital. This DoS took his time to walk this teacher into another hospital further away. My coworker had a pain in his back when it happened. I can tell you this DoS or any other DoSs in that center or another one that might've opened under the same owner in Nanning that this EF subscriber in Nannning is a b*tch that's washed her money through this business. She (her husband) played the stock markets (too much). She's stressed and she makes her DoS (s) work their guts out. She requires fts to work office hours and if they happen to forget an office or classroom AC unit on after hours, she threatens them to take the costs out of their salaries. Her EF contracts are substandard as well as her business practices. By the way, renting teachers out to public schools isn't completely legal, is it?
Cheers and beers to the EF Nanning that first opened next door to my home when I lived there..i had to close my windows for the smell :)

#4 Parent EF Teacher - 2010-05-29
Re: EF Nanning

I am an English teacher who has worked for two different EF schools since 2008.

My first port of call in China was Nanning. I'd had a telephone interview with the DoS of the school -- referred to as "the scottish man" in the original message -- and no alarms bells rang, which in and of itself was a positive sign given that I had rejected other jobs at the phone interview stage.

During the obligatory internet search I came across this thread. I was concerned but it seemed to me that the author was not putting forth any coherent arguments and had his own personal axe to grind. I'm also a bit of a snob and would be naturally suspicious of anyone who does not take the time to check a post for simple grammatical and spelling mistakes particularly when their authority is meant to be derived from the fact that they are an English teacher.
In any case, I emailed the DoS with very specific questions and he was courteous and replied to all of them to my satisfaction. I did end up working there and though the school had its problems (like ANY school in China does), I have very fond memories and I'm very appreciative of the time and energy the DoS spent in training and supporting all the staff.

I'd advise any potential employees to use common sense when trawling the internet and to take comments with a pinch (or heaps!) of salt. My experience at EF Nanning was in no way close to what the OP describes.

Teacher - 2008-08-25
EF Nanning

They are at it again .
The ad runs like a dream ...
1) We have 8 foreign teachers on our staff...Wrong . they have 4 . the longest has been their for 5 months.

2)Training and Mgmt support.. The only support you get is knowing that you have a job. training exists of 3 days observing other teachers.You do get observed by the Scottish Man you talked to on the phone . otherwise according to sources they have had 2 trainings in 5 months.

3)Offsite teaching . EF Nanning started 3 years ago with 6 off site schools . Thankfully or through fault of their own they were down to 2 primary schools at the end of July 2008. They just lost another contract. now only one school remains.

4) Hours are not 22 teaching hours , but 22 hours plus office hours which can really add up fast especially if you work split shifts ( mornings and afternoons).
Average real working hours 50plus .. According to informed sources Summer school and the shortage of Staff meant that no foreign teacher was able to watch the Olympics or even have a life.

5) The photocopier is always broken . the printer for the one computer in the Teachers office is a cheapy that you would not even buy for your house. It cannot handle the requirements of Professional Teachers.
The one computer in the Teacher's office cannot access the internet except in the evenings for some reason.

6) The men's bathroom urinals are duct taped to the flow pipes. The western toilet is broken and has not been fixed for months. When it rains the roof of the building leaks and water pours in. EF Nanning is on the top floor of a annex to the local library so therefore the hallway floods.

7)The Owner of EF Nanning appears to be fixated on making herself a bundle of csah . Minimum financial outlay and maximum profit. She could be running a MacDonalds for all she seems to care. She became unglued according to sources when an Air conditioner was accidently left on . She threatened 2 months in 32 degree Celcius heat to turn off all Air conditioners permanently.
She is worried about how many paper clips teachers are using.
Teachers had to fight to get paper to make posters with the children about of all things "The Beijing Olympics."
School materials are dated.
Like many China EF Schools,it appears the Marketing departement runs the school.

8) Sick time .. Call in sick and the scottish man will call you and yell at you . They will send a EF Representative to your house everyday you are sick . Lose your voice. according to them EF Nanning and the Scottich man you can still work.
Inside sources report tha having fever temperatures was no excuse for going home sick.
If you like that kind of atmosphere than go ahead apply.
You were warned.

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