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#1 Parent no name - 2011-04-16

If any of you are offered a job at Topia in Ansan, I'd decline it immediately. Any recruiter who tries to put you there is certainly not trying to help you. The same goes for CIS (short for Canada International School) in Ansan as well. They're two schools in one. Weird management and lack of pay are the two of the worst problems but definitely not the only problems there.

#2 Parent Sanguine - 2010-11-22

CIS (Canada International School) and Topia in Ansan are the worst schools in Korea. Don't work there. You aren't going to get paid. You would get paid more at McDonald's.

There is an overwhelming belief that working in Korea will pay well, the numbers I keep hearing from people is 2,000 to 2,500 or more an American dollars a month. More and more this is turning out to not be the case.

As I have said in prior posts that people thinking about Korea might want to check out, working in Korea is one of the worst options available to you. Think Japan if you are really serious about exploring another culture as a teacher, and getting paid a decent salary to do so. otherwise you just might be better of staying at home and working at Mcdonalds. If you're in America such might be the only job you can get at this time.

#3 Parent Ku Jae Won - 2010-11-21

CIS (Canada International School) and Topia in Ansan are the worst schools in Korea. Don't work there. You aren't going to get paid. You would get paid more at McDonald's.

#4 Parent anonymous - 2010-09-18

I just started working there. I was brought by Stephen from Eduorange to the school. As far as I can tell everything in the post about the schools was true. I am replacing a teacher who quit because they didn't get paid. Almost the whole foreign staff recently quit. The money problems are continuing. I ended up in a job that isn't going to pay me. Just my luck! I wanted to let others know of this problem. Do not work for Topia or Canada International School (CIS) in the city of Ansan in South Korea unless you like not being paid for working, lol! Stephen Cho is a no-good liar who brought me to a school that isn't going to pay me. Those schools should be shut down.

#5 Parent beryl mccuaig - 2010-09-14

I agree and I got out just in time. I was worried that I was not going to get paid, but did so in the end. Please do not work for this school. this have obviously gone from bad to horrible.

#6 Parent Syl - 2010-09-12

Do not work for TOPIA or CIS (Canada International School) in Ansan, Korea. The teachers at those schools are not getting paid. They are owned by the same man named Jake Ku. He does not pay his teachers and fires them 11 months into their contracts so that he doesn't have to pay their severance and their airfare home. He steals from his teachers and fires them when they complain. He uses tuition money to pay off his debt instead of paying his teachers. He couldn't run his business to save his life and he lies to the teachers to get them to come to the school and stay at the school. Any person who says things are o.k. there is lying to you. Stephen Cho from EduOrange is a recruiter and an investor in those schools. He will lie to you to get you to come there. Do not trust him. The school is running somewhat like a ponzi scheme. Teachers don't get paid so they quit. Then new teachers are brought in and they quit. More new teachers are brought in to replace them. This happens again and again. Stay away from TOPIA, CIS, and Stephen Cho from EDUORANGE recruiting. Do not accept any job from Stephen Cho or EduOrange at all. There are many other more honest recruiters out there. Don't take a risk and accept a job from him. He is a liar and a fraud. Take my word for it.

#7 Parent Janet Lim - 2010-07-09
Re: Canada International School (CIS) and Topia in Ansan, South Korea

I don't know exactly about the payment in Ansan campus.
It is true that Ansan campus is one of CIS banches. However, Ansan is not under direct
management of Mr.Kim, the president of CIS. It means Mr.Kim signed a franchise agreement
with the principal of Ansan campus. Franchise campus is kind of different from the direct
managed campuses.
What a teacher should know is that I can help and adjust the condition of the contract
if you come to CIS through me, the recruiter of headquarters in CIS. However, there is
no way for me to help you if you just agree the contract through someone in campus,
specially Ansan or Daegu. The franchise campuses want to hire the native teachers by
themselves. But, it is obviously a breach of contract. In that case, teachers might
be hurt. Please keep it in your mind that all the teachers who want to work in CIS
should contact the recruiter in the headquarters. Thank you a lot.

#8 Parent Admiral Major Whitherbottom - 2010-06-26
Re Canada International School (CIS) and Topia in Ansan, South Korea

I would not accept this position if I were you.

I would advise the same.

#9 Parent Admiral Major Whitherbottom - 2010-06-26
Re Canada International School (CIS) and Topia in Ansan, South Korea

I have declined a job offer from them years ago. I have a good nose and what I smelled when I received their job offer was a rat.

Instead of going there myself, I preferred to send them a cat to catch the rat...LOL

Practically, I suggest to invest a little more time to find a decent job. In Korea, you should avoid all kinds of hagwons like hell; there are many decent private and public schools that would be happy to hire you if you are duly qualified.

#10 Parent JD - 2010-06-26
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#11 Parent Nicole Nowakowski - 2010-06-25
Re Canada International School (CIS) and Topia in Ansan, South Korea

Yes, that is true that there are many more reputable schools, but what proof do I have that this testimonial is true? I have denied several contracts due to findings such as this. I was guaranteed payment. If you don't mind my asking, were you employed by this school? Thanks for your reply, though; it is much appreciated!!

#12 Parent Admiral Major Whitherbottom - 2010-06-25
Re Canada International School (CIS) and Topia in Ansan, South Korea

If I were you, I would decline the job offer as you would save yourself a lot of potential trouble.

There are many other jobs at more reputable schools that you can find; so, declining the job offer especially with that "school" should not be a problem - you want to be paid in full and on time for your hard and honest work, am I right?

#13 Parent Nicole Nowakowski - 2010-06-25
Re Canada International School (CIS) and Topia in Ansan, South Korea

I am in the process of receiving a contract from CIS in Ansan. I have yet to accept or deny the position but will probably have to do so within the week. Any words of advice to help, please!??

JD - 2010-06-23
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