Return to Index › Want to say great thanks to Mr. Frank Zhang
#1 Parent K N - 2011-04-11
Re: Want to say great thanks to Mr. Frank Zhang

Keep in touch for the future cooperation.

Sang Xing

----- Original Message -----
From: _________________
Sent: Monday, March 14, 2011 11:23 PM
Subject: Fw: JOB

I'll certainly do so! Many thanks for your concern.

#2 Parent Hoppy - 2011-04-11
Re: Want to say great thanks to Mr. Frank Zhang

Hey Brad..I've been trying to get in touch to say G'day for a while and after googling your name, came across this little gem. Not that it matters to anyone really...I worked with Brad and later Denise in 2006/07 in Shandong province. I know we Aussies might sometimes have some oddities about our way of speech...however,it resembles nothing like the wonderful Chinglish post of 2008.
I came to China early 2006, and even then, there were posts and warnings on many sites about Frank and his many guises. So I was even aware of him before I chose a position in China.
Brad mate, if you read this, email me and let me know what you're up to. To steal a line from The Waifs..."I'm in China still". :D

#3 Parent Dragonized - 2010-11-25
Re: Want to say great thanks to Mr. Frank Zhang

How low can you go to actually imitate someone else, Frank???? Seriously he must be desparate for money and attention. Are you sitting on a curb right now after being kicked out of the building you have been working in for failing to pay rent??

#4 Parent Bradley eddington - 2010-11-24
Re Want to say great thanks to Mr. Frank Zhang

I am the Bradley eddington who Mr Zhang speaks of in these posts and I never posted or told him what he is writing. It all lies from him. I never offered him gifts or any of the sort. it's not my style. That's all i have to say about that.

#5 Parent Bradley eddington - 2010-11-24
Re: Want to say great thanks to Mr. Frank Zhang

Yes, you are right. I, Bradley Eddington did not, nor do write like that, ever. That is Chinglish.

#6 Parent Larry - 2008-02-25
Re: Want to say great thanks to Mr. Frank Zhang

It was a joke, Oz. A funny joke. Like the one about how it's too bad Aussies don't wear kilts because sheep can hear a zipper a mile away.

#7 Parent Aussie - 2008-02-25
Re: Want to say great thanks to Mr. Frank Zhang

Aussies aren't classified as native English speakers???

I really hope you're joking Larry!!!!


#8 Parent Larry Romanoff - 2008-02-21
Re: Want to say great thanks to Mr. Frank Zhang

In response to the post by 'I spy with ....'

I wasn't aware that Aussies were considered to be native English speakers....


#9 Parent KGB - 2008-02-20
Re: Want to say great thanks to Mr. Frank Zhang

Good morning, English teacher !
Dobre utro, moi drug !

Larry Romanoff as recruiter:


Have you travelled to Zhengzhou, Larry ? It`s a smoggy city.

2-3 bedrooms ( air conditioner )
Who wants to freeze there ?

The funniest paragraph:
" Annual bonus for travelling on top of salary: RMB 1500 as vacation subsidy in the winter vacation. If the contract is renewed for another year, additional RMB 1500 shall be provided for the summer vacation".

Good business for you, Larry, not for foreign teachers...

Where is that special ZOO ? I want to buy some bananas for you.

Eddy Robinson, why don`t go to Zhengzhou ? There are lots of KFCs in that city.

#10 Parent Frank Zhang - 2008-02-19
Larry,Mr.Larry Romanoff,the best Shameless appears today

Today, I found the remarks from Bradley Eddington.
Yes, I hlped him get good jobs at the same night when he asked me for help. He didn't like his old jobs so he contacted me for new jobs. I did help him to get 2 new positions. He called me and asked me for new jobs in 24 hours. If He could not find new jobs in 24 hours, He had to sign the contract with the 1st school that he doesn't like.

Maybe the postings are not from his hand, Maybe it is from another Chinese teacher at his new school. Yesterday, I talked about all crazy people including Larry Romanoff, the best dirty animal. All of the kind people are angry with you, Mr.Larry Romanoff after I told it to them. So They have given the permission to me to make kind people to contact him.
Larry Romanoff, Everybody knows that you are really a shameless man. You have not the ability to work as a recruiter at all. You cheated many other teachers in 2005 as everybody knows. Your criminal is obvious.Stupid pig.

#11 Parent eng. teacher - 2008-02-19
Re: Want to say great thanks to Mr. Frank Zhang

What about you ?
Are you a better recruiter ? That zoo should be for all of you.
Don`t think you can fool everybody in China, Larry Romanoff from Canada.

#12 Parent English teacher - 2008-02-19
Re: Want to say great thanks to Mr. Frank Zhang

" Ugly and Dangerous Criminals " for all recruiters, Larry Romanoff !
Are you not one of them ? Is your place not in the same special zoo ?

#13 Parent Larry Romanoff - 2008-02-19
Re: Want to say great thanks to Mr. Frank Zhang

As is probably obvious to all, the original post in this thread was written by our good friend, Mr. Frank Zhang, in an impoverished attempt to salvage his income from ripping off teachers and schools. Must be hard work, right Frank?

Frank, I think someone should tell you that your English is not as good as you imagine. In fact, it's quite poor and anyone who wasn't born yesterday will have no trouble recognising your Chinglish.

It is so sad (if you have a dictionary, look up the word 'pathetic', Frank) that you feel you must create false names and imaginary people and post messages all over the internet, just so you can continue your great work of cheating teachers and lying to schools.

You are a very poor example of a human being, Frank. You really are. I think maybe the Chinese government should put you in a zoo, with a sign that says, "Ugly and Dangerous Criminal", and where everyone could come to look at you and throw bananas.

Have a nice day, Frank.

#14 Parent I spy with my ...... - 2008-02-19
Re: Want to say great thanks to Mr. Frank Zhang

This article is not written by a native English writer such as an Australian.

Putting aside simple mistakes even native writers make, I find it hard to believe that an Australian would write, 'small blackguards'; or even 'stupid crazy guys', which is a very Chinese English expression these days.

I still don't get, 'If somebody rascal wants to damage....'.

#15 Parent Joker - 2008-02-18
Re: Want to say great thanks to Mr. Frank Zhang

<:l <:l <:l PATHETIC AGAIN <:l <:l <:l

If you are Australian I'm a kangaroo !!! <:l <:l <:l

You really are a sad persom FRANK <:l <:l <:l

Bradley Eddington and Denise Lemieux - 2008-02-18
Want to say great thanks to Mr. Frank Zhang

We are Bradley Eddington and Denise Lemieux, living and working at Shanghai now.I want to tell the good story about Mr. Frank Zhang to every body kind people. I am an Australian. My partner is Denise Lemieux. She is from Canada. 2008 is my 5th teaching year in China.I love China.I taught in many different cities in North of China. Because Ms.Denise Lemieux hopes to teach in Shanghai this year, So We decided to settle down in Shanghai this year.
A school in Shanghai contacted me and gave us 2 positions when We were in Hubei province. They promised to give us a house in Shanghai downtown. But unluckily,It was changed. Then we contacted Mr. Frank Zhang yesterday evening on 17th. It was 7:45PM. He was very polite and kind to come to visit us once we contacted him. He drove to pick us up at our hotel and took us to a good school in the night. We met with the headmaster of the school and we were very happy with everything here. Mr. Frank Zhang is very useful and respectable. When We wanted to give some money or gifts to him, he refused to accept anything from us.
Today, We signed our contracts with the school. We will enjoy ourselves here. We are very happy to say, thank you, Mr. Frank Zhang. if somebody rascal wants to damage your reputation, Please have nothing of those stupid crazy guys. Maybe they are some other recruiters that are very jealous of your good business.
We want to thank Mr. Frank Zhang. Beside that,We also want to recommend his professional meticulous service to anybody else. He can take you to good schools to see the school in your own eyes. and you can decide if you choose it.He knows which school is the best suitable for you. He knows which school is just what you are looking for. He can help us too much but he never asks anything for us.
Our emails: and, 86-21-139-16917444 is my cell phone. You can contact me if needed. I visted Mr. Frank Zhang in person. He is really reliable. We good people should not be used by those small blackguards to defame Mr. Frank Zhang.

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