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#1 Parent Ben - 2010-12-01
Re Cambridge Academy Chongqing Biz-Ed Consultant's PASS!

Tima said, "(The article) only says two men from Singapore committed this crime."

I don't know anything about this company, but I read Chinese very well and can say that this article emphatically says that ONE of the Singaporean men COMMITTED THE CRIME, and the OTHER was the VICTIM. So as Tima says that they both were perpetrators, this is totally false.

Additionally, Tima said, "The story you list in Chinese doesn't state the names of the persons involved." Yet, the article gives the family names of the Singaporeans involved:

CRIMINAL: [Chinese characters]
VICTIM: [Chinese characters]

The article couldn't be clearer in this regard, so again Tima is wrong. And I trust the original poster, despite his or her poor English skills, had sense enough to compare these facts against what he knew of the names of those who ran the business.

And the article is also pretty clear that this happened in Chongqing and that the two men opened some kind of "training school" together.

So when Tima says, "That can be any of the thousands of Singaporeans that visit China" I would submit the odds are very low that the criminal described in the article is not the same boss in CHONGQING that ran a TRAINING SCHOOL that the original poster identified. In other words, the odds are heavily favored that this 张 character in the article is the same crook that ran the school.

Hmm... What possible explanation could there be for Tima making such glaring mistakes? I'll let you decide.

[Edited by Administrator (admin) Wednesday, 01 December 2010, 06:46 PM]

#2 Parent unbiassed - 2010-11-28
Re Cambridge Academy Chongqing Biz-Ed Consultant's PASS!

If you were unhappy with this language school why didn't you just quit and move on? To cry over spilled milk is like a baby crying for more candy. Get a life and move on.

Your advice is too general and very very brief, Tima. I wonder if you would follow it if you were in that poster's shoes. Somehow, I doubt it!
It's good that those of us can read about his bad experiences at that 'academy'. I think many readers will then take the hint and swerve it. I for one will do both. There must be a world of difference between working for that place and working for Cambridge University....LOL!

#3 Parent Tima - 2010-11-28
Re Cambridge Academy Chongqing Biz-Ed Consultant's PASS!

The story you list in Chinese doesn't state the names of the persons involved. It only says two men from Singapore committed this crime. That can be any of the thousands of Singaporeans that visit China. If you were unhappy with this language school why didn't you just quit and move on? To cry over spilled milk is like a baby crying for more candy. Get a life and move on. Many know that there are lots of language schools in China that don't pay on time or otherwise have issues. Go teach in another country and earn your money and spend it in China if this is a place you like. That's my answer.

Poster - 2010-04-26
Cambridge Academy Chongqing Biz-Ed Consultant's PASS!

The owner and his little toady spend huge amounts of company money on KTV girls and drinking then refuse to pay salaries because "sales were bad this month" and blame the whole deal on the employees!

The owner of this crap company spent a year in prison IN CHONGQING FOR KIDNAPPING HIS OWN BUSINESS PARTNER. The story is long but both these guys are from Singapore. The business partner found out the owner lied about a bunch of stuff. The partner tried to quit so the owner got him to a KTV one night where a bunch of thugs sliced open the partner's hand to make him sign a note saying he owed a bunch of money then a ransome was made to the partners girlfriend who called the police so the owner was caught and confessed in court and was in prison for about a year.

Here's the link to the story. Ok its Chinese but use google or whatever but you got to read this.

Do what I did and walk away. The chump boss deduced over 9000 rmb of my money for no reason so I left them holding the bag on my apartment and got a job in Saudi in September and hadn't looked back since.

And look I wasn't the first FT this happened to because every FT for over the last 2 years has quit because of this same stuff.


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