Return to Index › Berlitz Beijing
#1 Parent Dragonized - 2010-12-04
Re Berlitz Beijing

WOW we might as well nickname this school "Gestapo" Beijing!

#2 Parent Foxy - 2010-11-29
Re Berlitz Beijing/ Official Tax Table

Official Tax Table:
Amount of Monthly Salary/% of Income Tax Paid
Below 4801/0%,
4801 - 5300/5%.
5301 - 6800/10%.
Above 6800/15%.

Example: I earn 5500 RMB/month gross salary. My tax deduction is just 55 RMB/month, which is 10%, as per the official tax table above. My net salary is therefore 5445 RMB/month. My university also credits my smart card for cafeteria meals with 100 RMB a month. This is not taxed. Chinese income tax for laowai is far from excessive.

If you're paying heavy income tax here on the Chinese mainland, you're being screwed over by your employer!

#3 Parent Poster - 2010-11-29
Re Berlitz Beijing

They lie to get you to get you into the school and start working on any visa and take tax's from everyone They can not take tax from you unless you have a work visa from them if they do take tax and you don't have a work visa from them they are stealing and they do

They asked one teacher if his color was a problem for his teaching he was light brown

Louise - 2010-08-12
Berlitz Beijing

When a school reputation is trashed. Worked there for short while and suggest professionals avoid it like the plague. No organization, no honesty and purported fraud. One teacher had credit card stolen and then a week later a student asked her information about pin code and mother's maiden name. Surprised if company is not investigated for fraud. Red Alert!

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