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#1 Parent Thurston - 2010-12-09

Topia in Ansan does not pay its teachers. Jake Ku, the owner of the school, hasn't paid on time for months. I would stay far away from all schools named Topia, regardless of where in Korea they are located.

#2 Parent Jason - 2009-08-03

I currently work at Topia in Jukjeon. There are many campuses, so judging them all by a review of a single campus isn't very accurate. Don't forget, there are corporate-owned Topias and privately-owned Topias. The corporate ones are focused in Seoul, so if you work at one outside of Seoul/Gyeonggi-do, most likely you work for someone who just bought the name. I work at a corporate-sponsored campus in Jukjeon.

First, Topia books your plane ticket for about 10 days before you start teaching. The first week you're here you'll have corporate training at the main branch in Gangnam. The training sucks, plain and simple. The people at my campus laugh at it and every semester plead with them not to waste our new teachers' time with it. Very boring, but you gotta go, whatever.

I teach at the Jukjeon campus in Yongin-si. It started January 2009, and I started March 2009. As of the summer of 2009 it is still the newest Topia campus. The area is nice and growing. Because we are a larger campus, we can be somewhat picky with who we allow to attend, so the quality of our students is higher, at least from what I hear from my friends.

We have 5 different levels of abilities, from phonics to mastery, and three different age-groups within that, between 3rd grade to 6th grade. Other campuses differ with the age groups, but the ability levels remain the same.

The leaders at my campus are all very concerned with the students and our quality of teaching, which is nice. However, I feel I rarely get praised, and when I make a mistake they tell me. They are usually good about telling me in a decent enough way, but a little praise would go a long way.

Because we usually teach for 6.5 hours straight, they sometimes provide us with a meal that we can quickly eat on our 15 and 5 minute breaks.

Contracts are usually for 30 teaching hours/week, but they try to give you between 26-28 so you can have some breaks throughout the week, to make it easier.

If I had to do it all over again, I'd definitely work at Topia again, even with their warts. I'm not likely to get a better working situation, and there are lots worse.

There's lots of stuff I could say, but it's only about my campus, and it'll all change in a few years when the leadership has changed, I'm sure. Just remember, taking everything you read (including mine) with a grain of salt.

George - 2005-01-11


George Ruski
Seoul, Korea


I have nothing but bad things to say about Topia English Zone. They lure you to their school with promises of national holidays and two weeks paid vacation. This is a complete falsehood. They offer no time off during your work period. In addition, the contract says that you have the option to choose your accomodations. This is total BS!!

Topia chooses the smallest and cheapest accomodations for you. They also take a 500 dollar deposit to back up the apartment that couldnt possibly cost them more than 250/mo.

Topia is a school that is not capable of forward thinking. Like most Koreans, they stick to protocol. I know that sounds like a generalization, but trust me after being here for about 5 months, Ive had several experiences to back it up. For one, even though, it will only take you 30 mins at most to prepare for class they will demand you come in 2 hours ahead to prep. Also, if you have the last period of the day off, and would like to leave early, they will ask you to stay and prep for the next day.

Its flat out rediculous!! I remember back in August that one teacher didnt have work until 5:30, but was still asked to come in at 1:30.

On a good note, they will pay you on time at 2.0 a month, but they will even try to skim you down to 1.9 if you dont pay attention to your first months pay check and confront them about it.

Lastly, you should not expect your boss to be reasonable by any western standard. They will not accomodate even the slightest of grievances. I remember that one teacher left because he was very sick and his "get better" gift was a lost job.

My advice for anyone looking for a job in Korea is to take a position with Topia or one of the other big private franchises like ECC (scumbags too, at least my friends that work for them say they are and have them pay for your one-way fare over to Korea. DO NOT do any work until you have in writing that your vacation days come during your contract period and are not just a means to a shorter contract for them. I remember when I confronted my supervisor about my vacation, she actually managed to keep a straight face while telling me eye to-eye that my vacation was in actuality two weeks off at the end of the contract. If they are unable to comply, use their free accomodations and airfare to secure yourself a better job in Korea. You should not accept their dishonor and humiliation. English is an enormous industry in Korea, and you will not have trouble finding another position within a week, especially with you already being in the country.

In closing, note that there are several honorable, even forward-thinking institutions in Korea. I just managed to be naive enough to have faith in Topia as an honorable employer. Dont make that mistake. However, if you should take my advice on using them for airfare; Do Not get your work visa with them prior to entering Korea. I hope this information was valuable for you.

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